This page will help you get started with Dropbox Forms API.

The Dropbox Forms API is a REST API for working with Workflows. With the API, you can perform actions such as:

  • Create an Instance of a Workflow
  • Inspect an existing Workflow Instance for status and meta data information
  • Receive a callback when a Workflow Instance is complete

We use standard HTTP verbs and return JSON for all API responses. All endpoints can consume request body parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json.

To get started with the API you'll need an API key and an existing workflow to work with.

Creating an API key

You can create new API keys as a Team Admin or Team Developer. Log into the Dropbox Forms Portal and select "API Keys" in the left-hand menu. Then click the "New key" button on the upper right.

When creating a key, choose a unique name to identify it within your team and specify whether it will be used to make test or live requests. Once created, the key will be shown to you and consists of 2 parts:

  1. A public key ID
  2. A private key value

Record the private key immediately and store it in a safe place. The private key value cannot be retrieved later, but you can generate new keys at any time.


We use a combination of your API key and a JSON Web Token (JWT) to manage authentication. Your API key is used to retrieve a JWT that can then be used to authenticate API calls. See the token generation endpoint to get started: Auth Token.