🛠 We improved the Domain Control Plane to bring you a better experience and more clarity around your entire domain & DNS portfolio 👉 Read more

Take control of your domains

Gain unprecedented visibility and control with our powerful REST APIs and revolutionary Domain Control Plane.

A vintage duotone image of a woman working on a large mainframe
An icon of a tree of boxes connected

Domain Control Plane

Manage domains, DNS, SSL certificates, and more — anywhere they live.

An icon of a tree of boxes connected Learn more
Icon of brackets representing code

DNSimple API

Simple, secure connections in minutes.

Icon of brackets Learn more
Icon of two fish hooks intersecting

DNSimple webhooks

Real-time notifications for events on your domains and accounts.

Icon of two fish hooks intersecting Learn more

Integrate in minutes with our API

Quickly set up your DNS hosting and domains.

Domain Control Plane

All your domains. All in one place. Wherever they live.

Manage your domains, DNS, SSL certificates, and more — whether they’re at DNSimple, on premise, or in third-party clouds.

Developers and system admins gain all new visibility and control into the most complex domain portfolios, even if the resources are hosted outside DNSimple’s infrastructure.

  • View all your domains via a single, simple, user-friendly dashboard.
  • Manage them all in one place. And we mean manage — not just read.
  • Works wherever they live by securely connecting all your systems.
Icon of DNSimple logo in the center of radiating lines

DNSimple API

Simple, secure connections in minutes.

DNSimple’s powerful REST API can save you hours every month while mitigating the risk of human error and unavailability. Update DNS records, request SSL certificates, and transfer or register new domains from your custom scripts.

A vintage computer with splashes of color

DNSimple webhooks

Real-time notifications for events on your domains and accounts.

Never miss another event. Webhooks allow any application that can listen to HTTPS POSTs to receive real-time notifications of domain renewals and transfers, zone changes, and more. We can even publish messages via Slack.

Colorful bars resembling pipes in curved shapes