We are going for an "unfinished" basement look. The picture doesn't do it justice but our cement is in really good condition even though the home is 50 yrs old. The goal is to clear everything out, buff the floor lightly, and put a clear coat on top. Instead of carpet we are going to put down large area rugs for the rooms.

basement renovation

Question: What kind of clear coat should I put down and can I do it in piece meal or does it have to be one continuous job?

  • Epoxy finishes are pretty common on concrete. If you like the concrete look, you can get clear. Or you can get a near infinite number of color finishes, including many effects.
    – Huesmann
    Commented Jun 21 at 17:00
  • @Huesmann so the clear coat would still be an epoxy? I was hoping for a finish that still gives more of a concrete feel but it sounds like that's not a possibility.
    – Jacksonkr
    Commented Jun 21 at 20:13
  • Don't you already have concrete? Why finish it with anything, if what you're after is concrete?
    – Huesmann
    Commented Jun 22 at 12:39
  • @Huesmann We're after the concrete look. Because it's a living space and with concrete being as porous as it is I want to keep kitchen/bathroom spills from working their way into the concrete.
    – Jacksonkr
    Commented Jun 23 at 14:11
  • So just use an epoxy clearcoat.
    – Huesmann
    Commented Jun 24 at 12:06


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