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Unanswered Questions

22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Upload a realm to bitnami/keycloak on helm install

I'm trying to upload a realm to my keycloak deployment via helm using the bitnami/keycloak chart. Here's my values.yaml override file that I'm just using to test: keycloakConfigCli: enabled: true ...
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0 answers

Recommended way to uninstall Istio?

I installed Istio with istioctl and our cluster has multiple Istio control planes. So as part of upgrading to a new Istio version, I want to delete the older version. What is the recommended approach? ...
2 votes
1 answer

Gitlab pipeline + Jump host + execute HELM

What is worked: Steps: directly go to server via SSH (behind the JH) via SSH to another server pull from Artifactory for testing only executing HELM chart to pull from artifactory and deploy on k8s ...
2 votes
0 answers

Unable to fetch metrics from custom metrics API: Internal error occurred

I am running a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube on a Windows machine using --driver=hyperv. I am trying to set up an HPA (HorizontalPodAutoscaler) based on Pods custom metrics. Using Helm, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Ideal way to save edits to a Kubernetes Deployment/StatefulSet

I edited a deployment and a stateful set of a Helm chart so that it mounts a specific persistent volume to the pod container deployed to a local cluster. The Helm chart is installed via Helm install ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can Mimir read secrets from Volume mounts?

We have kyverno on our work k8 cluster with a policy that says Secrets must not come from envFrom statements. So I am trying to setup mimir-distributed chart (version 5.1.0) to use secrets from ...
1 vote
1 answer

Helm: Long Running Jobs vs Long Running Hooks

I was wondering which would be more appropriate / idiomatic when writing a Helm-Chart: Perform long running operations (such as db-migration) as part of the helm install process via helm hooks and ...
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0 answers

How to better organise Terraform code using Helm provider

I inherited a Terraform codebase from a former development team. The former development team and I have in common .NET and C# experience, so not really experts. The current codebase uses Helm provider ...
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0 answers

Install Linkerd in the same kubernetes namespace as the application(s) - good practise?

Assuming I have got a business application such as content-managment-system. Should one install Linkerd in a seperate namespace than the application? Is a seperate namespace needed or just good ...
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0 answers

Argo CD Deployment with Helmfile Plugin - VolumeMounts Not Found

I'm trying to set up an Argo CD deployment with a Helmfile plugin in my Rancher kubernetes cluster, following this reference document. However, I am encountering issues with volume mounts not being ...
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0 answers

Error: release: not found when trying to rollback existing helm release

I am currently running into an issue where when I try to rollback a helm release (that exists) I am getting an error saying the release cannot be found. When I run helm rollback johndoe-anon-app 1, I ...
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0 answers

Helm Charts for deploying a web app with a frontend and 5 microservices

My organization has decided to migrate to kubernetes and we have chosen to leverage eks.My task is to migrate our simple system consisting of a frontend and 5 microservices to the cluster.I want to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Statefulset is creating more pods than expected

I have a simple StatefulSet here that has replicas = 2 but it's creating 4 pods: service-0 service-1 service-bf28b090c-0 service-44adf4asd-0 statefulset.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet ...
0 votes
0 answers

Error: failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "data" of container

I'm facing a critical issue while setting up a mail server in my Kubernetes cluster using the Mailu Helm Chart. Despite meticulously following the provided instructions, my pods are failing to start. ...
0 votes
0 answers

key "" must equal "tigera-operator": current value is "default"

when I am trying to install calico using helm 3 like this: helm install calico projectcalico/tigera-operator --version v3.26.1 --namespace tigera-operator shows error: Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: ...

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