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Unanswered Questions

721 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Istio - corsPolicy allowOrigin from virtualService not blocking curl requests from different origins

Bug description 1.2.2/1.2.10/1.4.0/1.5.1/1.5.2/1.5.3/1.5.4/1.6.0 - allowOrigins not blocking curl requests from different origins. Security vulnerability scan has detected this. When I curl if a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Thanos or Cortex - What handles very large scale (say, hundreds of millions of time series) better?

We're looking at a new metrics solution and are attempting to build it in house. So, my question is: What can scale more effectively / with less pain; Thanos or Cortex? I understand the general ...
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0 answers

Spinnaker not showing images in pipeline trigger

I have a Spinnaker pipeline which I am trying to add an automated trigger from an ECR repo. Spinnaker lets me add the docker registry as per the following spinnaker doc link, however I am unable to ...
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1 answer

AWS ECR Public gives error in CLI

I am trying to push my Nest.js app to an AWS ECR in a public repo. I created an IAM user and attached AdminstratorAccess policy to it and then generated a private key. When I type the following ...
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0 answers

How to deploy dockerized MERN stack app on AWS EC2 instance?

I dockerized my MERN stack app (Next js, node js, MongoDB) and tried to deploy it on the AWS EC2 instance. When I try to access my backend on port 5000 via AWS Public IP, it works fine but when I try ...
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1 answer

Configurable "Ingress filter" to prevent Grafana Loki for storing log item

I'm currently setting up a stack with Grafana and Grafana Loki to store, query, and analyze logs from different web applications. Most applications run on .NET using Serilog and the Serilog.Sinks....
2 votes
1 answer

Unable to connect to the server: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

I am facing issue when trying to import k8s cluster in Rancher. here are the logs of when trying to run the commands: Commnad: curl --insecure -sfL
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1 answer

Jenkins - how to run pipeline only if no other job is running on agent/master

I am trying to implement a maintenance job for cleaning up caches (e.g. Maven, NPM). In order not to disturb running jobs by deleting the caches the maintenance job should only run, if no other job is ...
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0 answers

Terraform init too slow on installing hashicorp/aws

It takes a few minutes to install the following provider but installs modules and other providers quickly. There is an open issue on GitHub for this but no steps for troubleshooting. Installing ...
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0 answers

Ingress losing some settings on restart (k3s)

I'm experimenting with some Kubernetes stuff TrueNAS Scale, which comes with k3s (1.25.3) installed. I installed one of the TrueCharts apps ( but the settings for it appear ...
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0 answers

Jenkins build fails when no commits in the code (ChannelSftp.throwStatusError)

I have built a jenkins pipeline for executing a test on a windows server. Once the automated test report is generated on the windows server, it ships that report to a different server. There are ...
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0 answers

how to specify query when searching for run in jenkins blueocean rest api

I have some jenkins project, that has multiple pipelines defined. I can easily search for runs for a certain pipeline: $ curl -k --silent "https://<SOME_SERVER>/blue/rest/search/?q=type:run;...
2 votes
1 answer

Kubernetes repeating job with start and end date?

I am looking to see if there is a way of running a task on a repeat interval with an explicit start and end date. In the ecosystem I have found that Cron Job task type lines up very well with a repeat ...
2 votes
0 answers

AWS Cloudformation - managing multiple stages versioning and deployment

I'm working on a simple cloudformation stack for a web app (some lambda functions, api gateway, cloudfront distribution, etc). The cloudformation stack template is currently versioned on a gitlab ...
2 votes
0 answers

`npm audit` is not returning any vulnerabilities, however dependabot is

In order to force devs to update vulnerabilities more often we wanted to add npm audit to a pre-push hook. We thought this would cut down on the number of dependabot alerts too. However, while ...

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