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Questions tagged [letsencrypt]

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Error configuring TLS error: secret xxx does not exist

I am using "Traefik", "cert-mangaer", and "Let's Encrypt". Here is my ClusterIssuer file apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: production-...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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Rancher certificate issues with letsencrypt

We have a sandbox Rancher cluster that autonomously renews its certificate via Let's Encrypt. Since it's a sandbox cluster, we only bring it up when needed. The certificate expired while the cluster ...
younghoern's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I set let's encrypt certificates with Ansible?

I'm trying to get a let's encrypt certificate for my domain with Ansible. I have been reading this tutorial which is a bit outdated and the Ansible documentation. My playbook is a mix of what I have ...
Tanuki's user avatar
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Unable to configure cert-manager. Wrong status code '403', expected '200'

I', trying to configure a cert-manager in a Baremetal server. I followed this link & this one the k describe challenge get Status: Presented: true ...
Math's user avatar
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Snake bites its tail problem automating configuration of Certbot with Ansible

I have a public web-site with Nginx in front of it. We use free Letsencrypt certificates to set up https. These are acquired and renewed by Certbot program. I want to implement entire servers ...
Gherman's user avatar
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Nginx unable to get SSL cert to work

I'm trying to get a kubernetes cluster using the nginx ingress controller and cert manager to get an SSL cert from lets encrypt. Currently is appears the cert has been issued however I am unable to ...
joshk132's user avatar
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