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Questions tagged [gcp]

For questions about Google Cloud Platform products and services.

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Server error 502 - problems with .net core web app deploy made on GCloud's GKE using OAuth 2.0 Authentication

I have an MVC .net core 6 web application that uses Google's OAuth2.0 authentication and I cannot publish it with Kubernetes. Project context: Locally it compiles and runs normally, including creating ...
LostMyMind's user avatar
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How to allow an application outside GCP to consume a GCP Vertex AI endpoint?

A Vertex AI endpoint has been created in the Google Cloud Platform project gcp-project-A. As a devops I want to authorize an external application outside-gcp-app-B to consume it. This application is ...
Maxime Oriol's user avatar
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What's the penalty for dropping a Google Cloud commitment?

Google Cloud is offering me discounts if I commit to a service for three years. I'm having a hard time trying to find out what's the penalty should I leave early. The discount is tempting, but I'm ...
Mondongo's user avatar
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How to do client on-prem deployment of machine learning models without exposing the code files and model?

I am working on a project that involves the deployment of my code and ML model files to be deployed on a client virtual machine. Since this is a proprietary code and model, is there a way to deploy ...
AMAN RAI's user avatar
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ansible_become has no effect despite the ability to execute sudo on GCP hosts

Say I want to execute the following command on target hosts (deployed on GCP): ansible all -a "head -1 /etc/shadow". The command demands the root access. With the default Ansible ...
SkogensKonung's user avatar
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GCP log based availability metric

we have a GKE hosted API served by Go/Gin service. It logs every request with some structured metadata (including status_code). We'd like to create an availability SLI (which is defined as a ...
grzegorz_p's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there aws-vault kind of tool for GCP?

I would like to keep my use access tokens to GCP encrypted in my operating system’s keychain and use them easily with gcloud CLI. So, does aws-vault for gcp exist to secure my own tokesn when ...
JtR's user avatar
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Argo workflows health checks failing in GKE

I am trying to expose my argo workflows deployment to a domain but I keep getting Server Error when I access the domain: I setup a GKE ingress and been trying to fix the health ...
Abe's user avatar
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Why is my GCP managed Cert not working with kubernetes

I have the following that seems to work... apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: test-ingress namespace: test annotations:
Jackie's user avatar
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how to schedule container in GCP

I have 5 tasks in my project that need to be run periodically. Some of these tasks are run on a daily basis, some on a weekly basis. I try to containerize each task in a Docker image. Here is one ...
user33064's user avatar
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How do I setup a script to run on a schedule in a clean & professional way?

I have a small python piece of code that I want to run on a schedule. The dirty way to do it would be to just spin up an EC2 instance and use CRON to run the script. But I was wondering if there's a ...
Aayush Agrawal's user avatar
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Accelerate autoscaled VM boot time

We're using Google Cloud Platform with an autoscaled pool of VM behind a google's load-balancer. When a new VM is created in the pool it starts from a template then executes a startup-script. The ...
Dorf's user avatar
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How to filter all roles with specific user in GCP

gcloud projects get-iam-policy [PROJECT-ID] lists all users with their roles for specific project. There are different filters and formatters available but I can't seem to find the right way to just ...
KargWare's user avatar
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Predictive autoscaling on K8s

I am learning about using Machine Learning for provisioning proactive resources on the Kubernetes and I have found some of the interesting articles about it on the internet(for instance for Thoth or ...
Hubert Bratek's user avatar
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3 answers

Can we do zero-downtime kubernetes deployment with a single pod?

I've inherited an app with K8s services with the following config spec: ... replicas: 1 strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate For most ...
Adam Hughes's user avatar

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