We run services in AWS FARGATE... our Docker builds are tagged before we push them to AWS with a Makefile.

I committed changes to a Docker service, ran make, and I see the new Docker image tag when I run aws ecr --profile staging --region us-east-1 describe-images --repository-name "bind":

    "registryId": "8675309",
    "repositoryName": "bind",
    "imageDigest": "sha256:0d3f8d5341286a8e8eb4ddfff2865638b35f8ff83823f8c2cee4bad359d0ffff",
    "imageTags": [
    "imageSizeInBytes": 105228639,
    "imagePushedAt": "2021-08-25T12:05:02-05:00",
    "imageManifestMediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
    "artifactMediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json"

I am rather new to FARGATE, and I can't figure out the aws CLI to replace the current (outdated) Docker image. Which commands should I run? I'm open to using aws CLI or boto.

1 Answer 1


The image versions are defined in task definition, so you'll have to create a new task definition (or update the existing one) changing the Docker image tag.

See AWS docs for a task definition template.

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