Deprecation and Sunset

As communicated by the authentication and authorization announcements, support for the Google Sign-In JavaScript library is deprecated as of March 31, 2023.

Starting Q1 2024 as part of Chrome-facilitated testing, 1% of Chrome Stable users disable third-party cookies. To prevent breaking Google Sign-In for users, this library is part of Chrome's Privacy Sandbox deprecation trial. For the duration of the trial use of this library is not affected by the rollout of third-party cookie blocking.

Google Identity Services for Web is the new, more secure way to sign in users with Google Accounts and should be used instead.

Key points

  • Support for the Google Sign-in JavaScript library is deprecated as of March 31, 2023.
  • New OAuth Client IDs cannot use the deprecated library.
  • Existing Client IDs created before July 29th, 2022 may set plugin_name to continue using the library.
  • Sunset (shutdown) date of the deprecated library is yet to be determined.
  • We'll send out advanced notices to affected developers when sunset date is confirmed. Make sure your Google Cloud Platform Project contact information associated with your OAuth client ID(s) is correct.
  • We'll also announce the sunset date here. Bookmark this page and come back often for updates.
  • The deprecation only affects the Google Sign-In JavaScript library for Web. If you are using the One Tap sign-in on Android SDK, the Google Sign-in for iOS and macOS SDK, or OAuth 2.0 for authentication or authorization, this deprecation does not affect your app(s).

Migration Guides

For detailed instructions on how to migrate your web app from the deprecated Google Sign-In JavaScript library to the Google Identity Services library, see the migration guides:


This table contains the specific deprecation and sunset dates.

Library Deprecation date Sunset date
Google Sign-in JavaScript for Web March 31, 2023 To be determined

Differences between deprecation and sunset

Definition The deprecated library is a version that is not the latest one. The sunset library can no longer be used. Requests sent to this library will fail on or after the sunset date.
Implication For existing OAuth client ID(s) using the deprecated library, you can still use the deprecated library until they're sunset, but any new OAuth client ID cannot use the deprecated library.
Migrate to the Google Identity Services library as soon as possible to benefit from new features.
You need to migrate off the sunset library immediately in order to use Google services.