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Schöne neue Welt von HTML5

Patrick H. Lauke / WebTech 2010 / Mainz / 12 Oktober 2010
Web Evangelist bei Opera HTML5 heute schon nutzbar?
"there is already a lot of excitement for HTML5,
but it’s a little too early to deploy it because
we’re running into interoperability issues."

            Philippe Le Hegaret, W3C interaction domain leader


Empfohlen für Sie

Webentwicklung für das IPhone
Webentwicklung für das IPhoneWebentwicklung für das IPhone
Webentwicklung für das IPhone

Tipps zu Frameworks, Javascript code und HTML Tricks für eine angepasste Darstellung von Webseiten auf dem IPhone

Die Pest - philosophische Betrachtungen zur Webentwicklung
Die Pest - philosophische Betrachtungen zur WebentwicklungDie Pest - philosophische Betrachtungen zur Webentwicklung
Die Pest - philosophische Betrachtungen zur Webentwicklung

Vortrag auf der Webinale 2010 in Berlin.

webstandardsprogressive enhancementwebkrauts
HTML5…ohne Hype?
Geschichte von HTML5

1999 HTML 4.01
2000 XHTML 1.0
2004 W3C Fokus auf XHTML 2.0
    …die Zukunft ist XML!

Empfohlen für Sie

Schöneres Web mit HTML5 + CSS3
Schöneres Web mit HTML5 + CSS3Schöneres Web mit HTML5 + CSS3
Schöneres Web mit HTML5 + CSS3
html5 css3 webdesign
Am Ende ist doch alles HTML (Uni Mainz)
Am Ende ist doch alles HTML (Uni Mainz)Am Ende ist doch alles HTML (Uni Mainz)
Am Ende ist doch alles HTML (Uni Mainz)

Vortrag an der Uni Mainz über die Grundlagen der Frontendentwicklung. Wie sollte man fürs Frontend denken? Woran muss man denken? Womit muss man sich beschäftigen?

HTML5 und node.js Grundlagen
HTML5 und node.js GrundlagenHTML5 und node.js Grundlagen
HTML5 und node.js Grundlagen
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
2007 W3C HTML5 WG
“...extending the language to better support
Web applications [...] This puts HTML in
direct competition with other
technologies[...] , in particular Flash and
Ian Hickson, Editor of HTML5
HTML5 ersetzt nicht HTML 4.01

Empfohlen für Sie

I thought you were my friend!
I thought you were my friend!I thought you were my friend!
I thought you were my friend!

Böses Markup, Browserlücken und andere Wunderlichkeiten

Blank Template für Joomla!
Blank Template für Joomla!Blank Template für Joomla!
Blank Template für Joomla!

Vorstellung des Blank Template für Joomla! ( mit all seinen Features und Addons.

Christian heilmann html 5 - das web und der browser als platform
Christian heilmann   html 5 - das web und der browser als platformChristian heilmann   html 5 - das web und der browser als platform
Christian heilmann html 5 - das web und der browser als platform

Keynote at the Java Conference 2011 die so zeigt was man mit HTML5 und anderen neuen Technologien so alles anstellen kann.

HTML5 hat mehr Bling!
HTML5 Spezifikation für
(wie interpretieren Browser Markup/Code – kein “reverse engineering”)

für Autoren: HTML5 differences from HTML4
1. Syntax/Semantik
2. Formulare
3. Multimedia
1. Syntax/Semantik
2. Formulare
3. Multimedia

Empfohlen für Sie

Yes zu NoSQL mit MongoDB für .NET-Entwickler
Yes zu NoSQL mit MongoDB für .NET-EntwicklerYes zu NoSQL mit MongoDB für .NET-Entwickler
Yes zu NoSQL mit MongoDB für .NET-Entwickler

Wachsende Daten beanspruchen schnellere und klügere Systeme, um die Datenverarbeitung bewältigen zu können. Die zeitgemäße Antwort darauf lautet: Big Data mit NoSQL! MongoDB ist eine der beliebtesten NoSQL-Datenbanken und bietet dem .NET-Entwickler einige Vorteile gegenüber bekannter SQL-Datenbanken. Der MongoDB-Experte Gregor Biswanger zeigt in seiner Session dazu einen perfekten Überblick und einige Tipps zum Einstieg aus der Praxis.

PhpStorm 6 Configuration for TYPO3
PhpStorm 6 Configuration for TYPO3PhpStorm 6 Configuration for TYPO3
PhpStorm 6 Configuration for TYPO3
Typo3 und Varnish
Typo3 und VarnishTypo3 und Varnish
Typo3 und Varnish

Slides zur Session auf dem TYPO3Camp in München. In den Slides wird gezeigt, was beim Caching mit Varnish von TYPO3 Webseiten zu beachten ist und welche Probleme auftreten können.

HTML5 standardisiert
derzeitiges Browserverhalten
       (e.g. “relaxed” coding rules)
das schmutzige Geheimniss der
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”utf-8” />

<meta charset=utf-8>

<MeTa CHarSet=utf-8>

Empfohlen für Sie

Schematron in der Qualitätssicherung
Schematron in der QualitätssicherungSchematron in der Qualitätssicherung
Schematron in der Qualitätssicherung

Einführung in die Schemasprache Schematron aus der Perspektive der Qualitätssicherung in Volltext-Digitalisierungsprojekten mit TEI

teidigital humanitiesdigitalisierung
Die fabelhafte Welt Java(Script)-getriebener Enterprise-WebApps (mit Ext JS)
Die fabelhafte Welt Java(Script)-getriebener Enterprise-WebApps (mit Ext JS)Die fabelhafte Welt Java(Script)-getriebener Enterprise-WebApps (mit Ext JS)
Die fabelhafte Welt Java(Script)-getriebener Enterprise-WebApps (mit Ext JS)

Folien des Vortrags von Aron Homberg am 7. Oktober 2013 vor der Java-Usergroup Berlin-Brandenburg zur Entwicklung von Richclients mit Ext JS.

jug; berlin; javascriptext js
Wordpress Template Workshop
Wordpress Template WorkshopWordpress Template Workshop
Wordpress Template Workshop

In diesem Wordpress Template Workshop zeige ich anhand viele Screenshots wie man ein ein vorgebenen Wordpress Template individualisieren kann. Dabei gehe ich auf Wordpress Funktionen sowie die Editierung der Wordpress Template PHP Dateien ein.

<style type=”text/css”>

<script type=”text/javascript”>
<style type=”text/css”>

<script type=”text/javascript”>
<!doctype html>
<title>Minimales HTML5</title>
neue Elemente für bessere Semantik

Empfohlen für Sie

WordPress absichern - WP Camp 2012 in Berlin
WordPress absichern - WP Camp 2012 in BerlinWordPress absichern - WP Camp 2012 in Berlin
WordPress absichern - WP Camp 2012 in Berlin

Vortrag von Torsten Landsiedel beim WPCamp 2012 in Berlin "Sicherheit ist kein Zustand, der erreicht werden kann, sondern eine Einstellung." Es gibt unzählige Artikel zum Thema Sicherheit und WordPress im Netz mit vielen nützlichen, manchmal auch unnützen, Vorschlägen, wie man sein Blog absichern kann. In der Session zu der diese Slides gehören wollte ich die wichtigsten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen vorstellen und die Teilnehmer für das Thema Sicherheit sensibilisieren. - Einführung in das Thema Sicherheit und WordPress für Anfänger - Auffrischung des Themas Sicherheit für Fortgeschrittene - Vorstellung von Plugins zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit Nähere Infos unbedingt in dem Blogeintrag zu den Slides auf meinem Blog nachlesen:

wordpresswp campsicherheit
Fanstatic 2012
Fanstatic 2012Fanstatic 2012
Fanstatic 2012
Die Zukunft der Webstandards - Webinale 31.05.2010
Die Zukunft der Webstandards - Webinale 31.05.2010Die Zukunft der Webstandards - Webinale 31.05.2010
Die Zukunft der Webstandards - Webinale 31.05.2010
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010
Top 20 class names
   1. footer                                          11. button
   2. menu                                             12. main
   3. style1                                          13. style3
4. msonormal                                           14. small
    5. text                                             15. nav
  6. content                                           16. clear
    7. title                                          17. search
   8. style2                                          18. style4
  9. header                                            19. logo
10. copyright                                          20. body
Top 20 id names
    1. footer                                          11. search
   2. content                                           12. nav
    3. header                                        13. wrapper
      4. logo                                           14. top
  5. container                                        15. table2
     6. main                                          16. layer2
    7. table1                                        17. sidebar
     8. menu                                         18. image1
    9. layer1                                        19. banner
10. autonumber1                                     20. navigation
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010

Empfohlen für Sie

Webstandards auf dem Weg zu Standards im Mobilen Bereich
Webstandards auf dem Weg zu Standards im Mobilen BereichWebstandards auf dem Weg zu Standards im Mobilen Bereich
Webstandards auf dem Weg zu Standards im Mobilen Bereich
mobile webstandards html5 css3
Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011
Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011
Webseiten für mobile Geräte - M-Days - Frankfurt 27.01.2011

Die Anforderungen für Websites sind heute oft widersprüchlich: verlangt ist ein zeitgemäßes Design und ansprechende Animationen, aber bitte mit offenen Webstandards, damit das ganze auch auf Smartphones und Tablets gut aussieht. Gleichzeitig ist auf Kundenseite aber ein Browser im Einsatz, der seit Jahren nicht mehr aktualisiert wurde. Jonathan Weiß stellt Lösungen vor, um diese Herausforderung zu stemmen und zeigt, welches kaum bekannte Potenzial im Legacy-Browser steckt.

Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010
explizit und maschinenlesbar
   ...z.B. Screenreaders?
neue und alte Browser “unterstützen” die Elemente
(obwohl einige etwas Hilfe brauchen)

header, footer, … { display: block; }
Internet Explorer <9 braucht Stützräder

Empfohlen für Sie

German: Softwareprodukte aus einem Source Code mit Javascript
German: Softwareprodukte aus einem Source Code mit JavascriptGerman: Softwareprodukte aus einem Source Code mit Javascript
German: Softwareprodukte aus einem Source Code mit Javascript

Erstellung von Software-Produkten mit Javascript aus einem Quelltext: Diese Präsentation der EnterJS Entwicklerkonferenz in Köln 2014 zeigt den Weg der Erstellung von Software-Lösungen mit Javascript mit den Frameworks Cordova/Phonegap und Node-Webkit. Vom Setup bis zur App-Store Anmeldung des fertigen Produktes wird auf 44 Folien dargestellt, welche Lernkurve hinter einer solchen Entwicklung steht.

node-webkitjavascriptapp store
Web Performance Optimization - JAX 2011 Talk
Web Performance Optimization - JAX 2011 TalkWeb Performance Optimization - JAX 2011 Talk
Web Performance Optimization - JAX 2011 Talk

Slides for my talk about web performance optimization at JAX 2011

Mobile Webentwicklung mit HTML5
Mobile Webentwicklung mit HTML5Mobile Webentwicklung mit HTML5
Mobile Webentwicklung mit HTML5

Vortrag über die mobile Webentwicklung mit HTML5

html5 mobile webentwicklung
1. Syntax/Semantik
2. Formulare
3. Multimedia
bessere Formelemente
  weil das Web interaktiver ist
rich form elements – ganz ohne JavaScript
<input   type=”date”>
<input   type=”time”>
<input   type=”month”>
<input   type=”week”>
<input   type=”datetime” … >
<input   type=”range”>
<input   type=”number”>

<input type=”file” multiple>

<input … autofocus>
<input … autocomplete>
Typen und Attribute mit
eingebauter Validierung
<input   … required>
<input   type=”tel”>
<input   type=”email”>
<input   type=”url”>
<input   … pattern="[a-z]{3}[0-9]{3}">

Empfohlen für Sie

Cross-Apps-Entwicklung für iPhone, Android und Co.
Cross-Apps-Entwicklung für iPhone, Android und Co.Cross-Apps-Entwicklung für iPhone, Android und Co.
Cross-Apps-Entwicklung für iPhone, Android und Co.

Kurzbeschreibung Beschreibung: Mit der Veröffentlichung von iPhone, iPod Touch sowie iPad und dem iPhone OS hat Apple den Markt für mobile Endgeräte massenfähig gemacht. Google liefert mit dem Android-Betriebssystem ebenfalls eine stetig wachsende Plattform. Einer der Erfolgsfaktoren ist der auf beiden Systemen verfügbaren Browser "Mobile Safari" bzw. die technologische Basis WebKit. Diese freie HTML-Rendering-Bibliothek wird nicht nur von Apple und Google eingesetzt, sondern auch von anderen Unternehmen, wie Nokia, Adobe und Blackberry verwendet. Dozent: Peter Hecker, GFU Cyrus AG Inhalt - Einführung und Motivation - Die WebKit-Plattform - Überblick "mobile" Frameworks - Zusammenfassung und Fazit

Sencha Touch & PhoneGap
Sencha Touch & PhoneGapSencha Touch & PhoneGap
Sencha Touch & PhoneGap

Introduction to both Sencha Touch and PhoneGap Note: Slides are in mostly in German

원주출장샵『카톡op399』업체안전보장(저렴한가격)원주모텔출장 원주노콘출장 원주조건만남 원주콜걸.pdf
원주출장샵『카톡op399』업체안전보장(저렴한가격)원주모텔출장 원주노콘출장 원주조건만남 원주콜걸.pdf원주출장샵『카톡op399』업체안전보장(저렴한가격)원주모텔출장 원주노콘출장 원주조건만남 원주콜걸.pdf
원주출장샵『카톡op399』업체안전보장(저렴한가격)원주모텔출장 원주노콘출장 원주조건만남 원주콜걸.pdf

동인천모텔출장☏카톡shop32☏동인천조건만남 동인천폐이만남 동인천한국인매니저 동인천노콘출장 동인천출장홈타이 동인천성인안마 동인천모텔출장☏카톡shop32☏동인천조건만남 동인천폐이만남 동인천한국인매니저 동인천노콘출장 동인천출장홈타이 동인천성인안마 동인천모텔출장☏카톡shop32☏동인천조건만남 동인천폐이만남 동인천한국인매니저 동인천노콘출장 동인천출장홈타이 동인천성인안마

동인천모텔출장☏카톡shop32☏동인천조건만남 동인천폐이
1. Syntax/Semantik
2. Formulare
3. Multimedia
making your site Fonzie compliant...
Adobe Flash derzeit meistbenutztes Art,
        Videos zu übermitteln

Empfohlen für Sie

Web Performance Optimization - Web Tech Conference 2011 Talk
Web Performance Optimization - Web Tech Conference 2011 TalkWeb Performance Optimization - Web Tech Conference 2011 Talk
Web Performance Optimization - Web Tech Conference 2011 Talk
Sencha Touch und PhoneGap
Sencha Touch und PhoneGapSencha Touch und PhoneGap
Sencha Touch und PhoneGap

Vortrag von Stefan Kolb anlässlich der MTC 11 in Mainz zu Cross-Plattform Mobile-Entwicklung mit Sencha Touch und PhoneGap

sencha touchcross platformmobile
Echte Lösungen, keine Tricks
Echte Lösungen, keine TricksEchte Lösungen, keine Tricks
Echte Lösungen, keine Tricks

Deutschsprachige Version eines Vortrags bei der SAE Alumni Convention 2011 über moderne Webentwicklung im Fokus von HTML5 und CSS3

<object width="425" height="344">
  <param name="movie"
  <param name="allowFullScreen"
  <param name="allowscriptaccess"
s=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344"></embed>
<video src="video.webm"
  width="320" height="240">
    <a href="video.webm">Download movie</a>
Video als natives object
  verhält sich wie jedes andere HTML Element
  keyboard accessibility von Haus aus
mächtige (einfache) API

Empfohlen für Sie

PHP-Module in statischen Seiten - Architektur-Ansätze
PHP-Module in statischen Seiten - Architektur-AnsätzePHP-Module in statischen Seiten - Architektur-Ansätze
PHP-Module in statischen Seiten - Architektur-Ansätze

Vortrag bei der PHPUG - Frankfurt am 20.11.12: Diskussion von Ansätzen, wie dynamische PHP-Widgets (interaktive Module) in statische Seiten durch Redakteure mittels CMS eingebunden werden können: - PHP, Zend Framework - CMS, OpenText, FirstSpirit, Typo3 - Reverse Proxy, Content Repository Links: - -

Web Performance Optimierung (WPO)
Web Performance Optimierung (WPO)Web Performance Optimierung (WPO)
Web Performance Optimierung (WPO)

Mein Vortrag auf der WebTech-Konferenz am 12.10.2010 in Mainz und der SEO-Konferenz am 13.10.2010 in Zürich.

wpoyslowpage speed

Ein kleiner Überblick über Syntax, Formulare und JavaScript APIs in HTML5.

<video> per JavaScript ansteuern
var v = document.getElementById('player');;
v.volume = … ;
v.currentTime = … ;
events vom <video> abfangen
var v = document.getElementById('player');

v.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() { … }, true)
v.addEventListener('play', function() { … }, true)
v.addEventListener('pause', function() { … }, true)
v.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() { … }, true)
v.addEventListener('ended', function() { … }, true)
Video Formate
  die grosse Debatte

Empfohlen für Sie

Effiziente Fehlersuche In Web 2.0 Anwendungen - Graz Edition
Effiziente Fehlersuche In Web 2.0 Anwendungen - Graz EditionEffiziente Fehlersuche In Web 2.0 Anwendungen - Graz Edition
Effiziente Fehlersuche In Web 2.0 Anwendungen - Graz Edition

Moderne Anwendungen bestehen nicht mehr aus ein wenig HTML sowie Code am Server. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript und AJAX machen die Anwendungen einerseits benutzerfreundlicher, andererseits auch schwerer zu entwickeln und zu pflegen. Mit dem Open Source Browser Firefox und einer Handvoll von Open Source Plug-Ins kann sich der Entwickler sein Leben aber deutlich einfacher machen. Diese Session behandelt Firefox-Erweiterungen, die sich in der Praxis bei der Entwicklung großer Web 2.0 Anwendungen bewährt haben. Gezeigt werden "am lebenden Objekt" unter anderem die Webdeveloper Toolbar sowie Firebug. Der Bogen der vorgestellten Tools erstreckt sich aber noch weiter und beinhaltet u.a. Sicherheitschecks, WAI-Tools und noch viel mehr.

HTML5 - presentation at W3C-Tag 2009
HTML5 - presentation at W3C-Tag 2009HTML5 - presentation at W3C-Tag 2009
HTML5 - presentation at W3C-Tag 2009

Presentation of HTML5 (history, context, current state) at W3C-Tag 2009

Top 10 Internet Trends 2006
Top 10 Internet Trends 2006Top 10 Internet Trends 2006
Top 10 Internet Trends 2006

Ein Blick in die Kristallkugel mit dem Ziel spannende und relevante Online-Trends für das Jahr 2006 hervorzusagen. Auf der Liste sind: - Desktop Widgets - 2D Barcoding - JSR-170/286 - REST - Lightweight APIs und JSON - Presence und Instant Messaging - Home Networking - Microformats/Structured Blogging - Online Identity - Antiphishing

MP4 / H.264

weitverbreitet, Lizenzen/Royalties
Ogg Theora

“free and open”, keine Lizengebühren
wenige Tools, nicht für's Web optimiert

   von Google, aber “open and royalty-free”
Support von Software- und Hardware-Herstellern
Video mit multiple sources
<video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…">
   <source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm" />
   <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

Empfohlen für Sie

Effiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 Anwendungen
Effiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 AnwendungenEffiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 Anwendungen
Effiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 Anwendungen

Moderne Anwendungen bestehen nicht mehr aus ein wenig HTML sowie Code am Server. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript und AJAX machen die Anwendungen einerseits benutzerfreundlicher, andererseits auch schwerer zu entwickeln und zu pflegen. Mit dem Open Source Browser Firefox und einer Handvoll von Open Source Plug-Ins kann sich der Entwickler sein Leben aber deutlich einfacher machen. Diese Session behandelt Firefox-Erweiterungen, die sich in der Praxis bei der Entwicklung großer Web 2.0 Anwendungen bewährt haben. Gezeigt werden "am lebenden Objekt" unter anderem die Webdeveloper Toolbar sowie Firebug. Der Bogen der vorgestellten Tools erstreckt sich aber noch weiter und beinhaltet u.a. Sicherheitschecks, WAI-Tools und noch viel mehr.

These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the guidelines' normative text. And, of course, it is not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight-up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk - a reprise of a previous talk, now updated to cover new SCs from WCAG 2.2 - Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. LaukePointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke

Update about Pointer Events Level 3 work for the upcoming W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee (TPAC) 2023 in Seville Cross-posted from

w3cweb standardspointer events
Flash fallback für ältere browsers
<video controls autoplay poster="…" width="…" height="…">
   <source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm" />
   <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

   <object width="…" height="…" type="application/x-
shockwave-flash" data="player.swf">
      <param name="movie" value="player.swf" />
      <param name="flashvars" value=" … file=movie.mp4" />

Audio...genau das gleiche
<audio src=”music.mp3” controls autoplay … ></audio>

<audio controls autoplay>
   <source src="music.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
   <source src="music.oga" type="audio/ogg" />

Formate: MP3 vs Ogg Vorbis (vs WAV)

Empfohlen für Sie

These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

wcagwcag 2.0wcag 2.1
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...

HTML offers many features and attributes that can make your sites more accessible...but only if they're used wisely. Can there really be "too much accessibility"? Audio recording:

canvas = “scriptable images”
<canvas width="…" height="…"></canvas>
canvas has standard API methods for drawing
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, c1, c2);
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010

Empfohlen für Sie

Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...

Patrick H. Lauke: Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University of Salford / 13 February 2006

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...

Patrick H. Lauke: Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Accessibility Working Group (MDAWG) / 1 March 2006

web accessibilityaccessibilitywcag
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...

Patrick H. Lauke: Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenches / Public Sector Forums / 10 May 2007

web designweb design and developmentweb content management
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010
canvas Accessibility?
video, audio und canvas auch auf Devices
       ohne “Steck-eins” (plugins)
          (nicht jeder hat Java / Flash / Silverlight)
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010

Empfohlen für Sie

Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...

Patrick H. Lauke - Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of a redesign / Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW / Birmingham / 28 July 2004

web standardsweb designweb design and development
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...

Patrick H. Lauke: Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW / York / 16 July 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...

WCAG 2.0 is the new set of web accessibility guidelines that was released in 2008 as a recommendation by the W3C. It addresses some issues with the previous WCAG 1.0 guidelines by being technology-agnostic, having clearly testable success criteria focused on user outcomes rather than techniques, and removing outdated requirements. WCAG 2.0 provides more freedom for authors while still ensuring accessibility. It includes 4 principles, 12 guidelines and 61 success criteria to evaluate websites. The transition from WCAG 1.0 involves evaluating sites based on the new success criteria and testing areas that may be different.

accessibilityusabilityweb design
Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010
HTML5 (und Freunde) hat
viele APIs für Developer
     (für mächtige client-side Apps)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);
navigator.geolocation.watchCurrentPosition(success, error);

function success(position) {
   /* where's Wally? */
   var lat = position.coords.latitude;
   var long = position.coords.longitude;

Empfohlen für Sie

Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...

This document provides an introduction to web accessibility. It begins by addressing some common misconceptions about accessibility, noting that it aims to accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities, not just visual impairments. The document emphasizes that accessibility is important for both ethical and legal reasons, and that inclusive design benefits all users. It then outlines key web accessibility guidelines from the W3C, providing examples of how to make content more accessible through proper semantic markup and alternative text. The conclusion stresses that accessibility is an essential consideration for web development.

Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...

Patrick H. Lauke: Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD / Reading / 3 February 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...

The document discusses common misconceptions and pitfalls around using web standards. It argues that web standards are about more than just validation - they are about semantics, separation of concerns, and pragmatism. Some key points include: using the most appropriate HTML elements to convey meaning rather than appearance; applying styles through CSS instead of presentational markup; avoiding non-semantic class names; and recognizing that not all uses of tables or images are invalid. The document advocates for balancing standards with practical concerns like multiple authors and one-off content needs.

web designweb developmentweb design and development
offline detection...
window.addEventListener('online', function(){ … }, true);
window.addEventListener('offline', function(){ … }, true);

                und application cache
<html manifest=”blah.manifest”>

# send this with correct text/cache-manifest MIME

               und noch viele mehr...
is it all safe to use, right now?
vorsicht: browser sniffing

Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010

Empfohlen für Sie

Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...

Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any web developer can use / South By Southwest SXSW / Austin, Texas, 11 March 2007

accessibilityusabilityweb design
The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007

One from the archives...presentation about the development of the University of Salford website in 2007

web designweb developmentweb design and development
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...

Patrick H. Lauke: Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm second class / Skillswap Bristol / 11 Nobember 2008

accessibilityusabilityweb development
progressive enhancement, graceful degradation – or use shims
alten Browser patchen

Empfohlen für Sie

WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...

Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...

Vanilla HTML is limiting and boring. Our clients demand highly engaging and interactive web experiences. And wouldn’t you know, with just a bit of HTML and JavaScript we can craft amazing custom controls, widgets and effects that go far beyond the confines of traditional static markup. But how can we ensure that these custom experiences are both understandable and usable for people with disabilities, and in particular those using assistive technologies such as screen readers? In this talk, we will look at the basics of making some common custom-built components accessible - covering how browsers and assistive technologies interact, the limitations of HTML, and how ARIA can help make interactive experiences more accessible. In addition, we will explore some of the recent additions in ARIA 1.1, as well as some particular challenges when it comes to traditional ARIA patterns and assistive technologies on mobile/tablet/touch devices. Evergreen slidedeck at /

WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018

This document provides an introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). It discusses the need for ARIA to make complex web applications accessible, common ARIA roles and attributes, and best practices for using ARIA. Key points include: ARIA defines roles, states and properties to convey semantics to assistive technologies; common roles include buttons, toggles, and landmarks; and the five rules of ARIA use emphasize using native HTML when possible and ensuring interactive elements are keyboard accessible.

HTML5 als Flashkiller?
nicht die Frage ob
HTML5 als Ersatz für Flash gut ist...
giving developers a choice!

Empfohlen für Sie HTML5 heute schon nutzbar?
Die Zukunft hat schon Heute begonnen!

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원주출장샵『카톡op399』업체안전보장(저렴한가격)원주모텔출장 원주노콘출장 원주조건만남 원주콜걸.pdf
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Sencha Touch und PhoneGap
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Echte Lösungen, keine Tricks
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Effiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 Anwendungen
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Effiziente Fehlersuche in Web 2.0 Anwendungen

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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Patrick Lauke
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
Patrick Lauke
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Patrick Lauke
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Patrick Lauke
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Patrick Lauke
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Patrick Lauke
The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007
Patrick Lauke
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Patrick Lauke
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
Patrick Lauke
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
Patrick Lauke
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
Patrick Lauke

Mehr von Patrick Lauke (20)

These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. LaukePointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
Pointer Events Working Group update / TPAC 2023 / Patrick H. Lauke
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Acce...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenc...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
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All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Web Accessibility - an introduction / Salford Business School briefing / Univ...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Web standards pragmatism - from validation to the real world / Web Developers...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
Ian Lloyd/Patrick H. Lauke: Accessified - practical accessibility fixes any w...
The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007The state of the web - / 2007
The state of the web - / 2007
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
Keyboard accessibility - just because I don't use a mouse doesn't mean I'm se...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / JavaScrip...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / CSS Minsk...
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018

Schöne neue Welt von HTML5 - WebTech 2010 Mainz 12.10.2010