springone platform pivotal software pivotal cloud foundry pivotal springone platform 2017 software developer developer s1p software springone platform 2019 springone 2020 cloud foundry springone tour springone platform 2016 devops cloud native springone platform 2018 paas cloud native roadshow platform-as-a-service core framework kubernetes open source cloud cloud foundry summit cfsummit cloud platform modernization/refactoring big data microservices digital transformation reactive spring serverless/microservices pivotal cf security transformation case studies customer case study agile ci/cd modern web hadoop hybrid cloud data/ databases software development pivotal paris 2019 cloud-native spring cloud data science developers spring boot pcf application development cloud adoption cloud architecture cloud computing greenplum summit 2019 spring framework pivotal labs private cloud .net development analytics #pivotaldtf java pivotal digital transformation forum: munich continuous delivery big data suite leadership vmware tanzu cloud applications google cloud platform istanbul digital transformation forum 2016 architecture dubai digital transformation forum 2016 operations platform ci/cd/ agile rabbitmq testing cloud-native track platform as a service ibm gemfire event driven reactive programming data greenplum database spring track pks cloud native platform vmworld spring cloud gateway geode application modernization applications technology iot application delivery pivotal gemfire enterprise software internet of things machine learning web application framework web application web development spinnaker apache geode continuous integration modernization kafka migration cloud platform seminar powering digital transformation mobile application development nosql automation mobile pivotal cloud platform roadshow enterprise containers kotlin concourse migrate applications scalability spring cloud stream transformation reactive streams api steeltoe new relic solace data architecture webinar matt stine apache hadoop database centurylink bluemix business data lake pivotal hd predictive reactive testing istio data processing https caching containerization multi-cloud productivity infrastructure message broker app modernization greenplum agile software development vmworld barcelona agile development data science central webcast innovation pricing software subscription google redis bosh open source software gemfire xd vmware accenture protocols cloud strategy executive experience pivotal platform keynotes configuration management application management advanced analytics application transformation enterprise applications container workloads deliverability messaging information security scaling springone platforms legacy windows ecs app performance data infrastructure data driven sql azure container forrester mobile apps data management vsphere apps cornelia davis apache james watters unstructured data hawq data lake strata conference better together ci/cd/agile cicd software delivery spring cloud kubernetes batch processing mysql enterprise architecture netflix reactor cloud migration cloud native security extreme programming mainframe dicks sporting goods domain-driven design k8s serverless computing serverless value-stream data analytics performance management pas for steeltoe.io google cloud streaming regulatory foundry application lifecycle management microsoft azure integration javascript microsoft metrics operational efficiency secure cloud operationalizing data science test-driven development spring webflux 12factor multi-cloud platform public cloud dynatrace data warehouse in-memory hadoop native cloud analytics software engineer jenkins devops platforms cf summit cloud infrastructure forrester research predictive analytics gartner infographic tips and tricks xtreme labs data-driven big data apps healthcare inovalon havas media group it operations oracle salesforce openstack docker cloudbees corelogic pivotal web services mobile data structured data ema apachecon pivotal big data suite spring xd statistics data labs strataconf capgemini spring ai ai springone kubernetes operations tanzu labs tanzu editions tanzu standard tanzu basic faster accelerate how we deliver transformational case studies geode (w data) springone2020 clarity collaboration resiliency cloud-native architecture slas pivotal cloud cache enterprise cloud packaging pipeline td ameritrade agility keynote youtube volunteer zero-touch general motors data transformation pivotal ingress router culture change management organizational performance pivotal application service source lean agile operations high performance apache kafka pas cloud native apps scott frederick security as a service multi cloud enterprise it t-mobile oauth cloud native software contrast security application security devsecops synopsys aqua security magenic enterprise datacenter training education and training certification data processing pipelines tdd websphere liberty springone t event dr messaging solutions messaging platforms customer experience best practice product development event driven systems event architecture pivotal soft appdev s1t performance testing best practices storage services application refactoring operations analytics devices sensors monitoring in memory data grid outsourcing apigee pas for windows spring cloud services slo clusters open nsx-t opensource springone plaform 2018 event driven architectures cqrs performance monitoring application performance orchestration in memory computing native apps data privacy gdpr data security data best practices spark data efficiency watson service nsw test automation dba database management data modernization google analytics workload automation virtustream tech web analytics data analysis virtualization mongodb digital strategy high availability end-to-end pipeline design spring ecosystem project reactor java 8+ spring framework 5.0 platform automation cloud operations cloud scale cloud ops governance ert infosec workshop enterprise data warehouse lean enterprise science operationalize on premises life cycle redis cloud redis as a service web signal sciences software life cycle cloud-native workshop pivotal cloud platform amqp jms business strategy cloud data datastax enterprise cybersecurity troubleshoot pcf metrics google bigquery cloud vision api clinical research analytics in the cloud michael cote greenfield big data roadshow digital era fraport pivotal softwarwe web app runtime malware detection saas artifactory pivotal ops manager loggregator vcap industrial internet ge engineer #gemm15 general electric iaas cassandra datastax odpi strata cloud native transformation platforms andrew clay shafer cloud foundy hortonworks dato summit data science summit silicon valley pair programming #hadoopsummit sarah aerni data scientist josh mckenty pivotal softwware altoros powering digital trasnformation comcast garmin sxsw wearables virtual machine docker. coreos oil gas industry busi cloud expo cloud foundry foundation futureof 2015 trends algorithms modern cloud platform redmonk 451 research infographics tips hadoop world greg chase humana software is eating the world web summit edward hieatt modern enterprise cloud paltform customer tranquilidade seco hulu wsgn instock wsgn emc isilon scale-out nas daum communications nrk gire sbi securities integrat groovy grails groovy on grails hybid cloud shrebo lucid logistics pivotal sofware paul maritz amazon open systems third platform new era vcloud enterprise apps application vchs fred melo data services builpacks chinese new year china railway corporation hadoop for beginners adam shook rackspace cloud foudndry engineering redhat osv conference technical presentation sendgrid email warner music group wayne & stark yiftach shoolman pivotalcloud foundry redislabs ntt fjord it shanghai university canopy hybris analyst report placloud foundry stackato appdirect elastic runtime intel hackathon pivotal softtware james bayer cisco axel springer hp hana sap hana sap sas software monsanto ecosystem availability whitepaper apache haddop zettabye visualization events this month in data science data journalism nucleus research 9sight esg apache software foundation sqlfire federation rsa emc traffic smart cities kaushik das demo pivotal one
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