Beitrag von HDI Versicherung AG

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3.873 Follower:innen

BETTER TOGETHER Am heutigen Weltfrauentag macht unser Mutterkonzern Talanx deutlich: der Erfolg von Frauen bei Talanx und HDI ist inspirierend. 💪 Im Bild zeigen HDI COO Maria Kadan, Petra Miteff (Abteilungsleitung PR, Marketing und Vertrieb) und Christina Studeny (stellv. Abteilungsleitung Personal) ihre Unterstützung und repräsentieren die vielen weiteren Erfolgstories bei HDI. Auf zahlreiche weitere Karrierefrauen im talanx-Netzwerk bis zum nächsten Weltfrauentag! 🎈   #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024 #FemaleEmpowerment #InspireInclusion #Womennetworking #HDIversity 

Unternehmensseite von Talanx anzeigen, Grafik

12.827 Follower:innen

Fostering inclusion, breaking barriers, and promoting diversity – the success of women at Talanx is inspiring. Today we are celebrating the International Women´s Day. We are blessed that so many outstanding women are a part of our organisation, strengthening us with their passion and initiatives: ➡ like the first women on the Talanx Board of management Caroline Schlienkamp, who encourages employees to become involved in the Talanx Group. ➡ like more than 600 female members of our network “Women@Talanx” that was founded in November 2015 and supports female colleagues in their career by making gender equality a matter. Moreover, it creates a supportive and motivating community for women. ➡ like the Female Empowerment Programme, which supports women in their individual development. It highlights four main topics, such as visibility, skill expansion, networking/horizon broadening and personal support. The program runs every year with 20 women per session since 2022. Additionally, the group aims to fill every second vacant management position with a woman. Your success not only inspires our entire community but also contributes to its further development. Are there inspiring women in your network you want to highlight today? We´re looking forward to your stories! #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2024 #FemaleEmpowerment #InspireInclusion #Womennetworking #HDIversity 

  • Women working at Talanx are forming a heart with their hands as a symbol for International Women's Day

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