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Es ist großartig, unser Engagement für die Entwicklung blaugrüner Infrastrukturlösungen für unsere Städte zu sehen, die dann in unserem Netzwerk geteilt werden! #ensphere #bluegreeninfrastructure #ecologicaldesign #collaboration

Profil von Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand anzeigen, Grafik

Professor, Author, Speaker

The rise of Sponge Cities: Under the 'Green' roof, is a 'Blue' roof! (   When we look at Nature-based Solution (#NbS) implementation in the built- environment, it comes down to building materials, building systems and building sites (a good review here from Dimitra Theochari and colleagues When buildings are constructed, they seal the ground and it’s basically forever (as long a the building exists at least). Similar to concrete and asphalt sealing, hydrologically it is a challenge to handle for cities: “surface runoff may lead to soil erosion, impaired water quality and the risk of flooding” (para. 16) The global hospitality sector has been discussing and implementing green roofs for a while now. However, how about the roof becomes a sponge capturing and retaining rainwater, slowly releasing it to the drainage system when required or holding the water when needed during drought? This is your blue-green roof which works as stormwater management – something increasingly needed in cities as reported by this review in The Guardian today: “‘On every roof something is possible’: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain” In addition, “Blue and green roofs can be combined to grow productive, or edible crops and this use can have synergistic benefits” as explained in this open access article published in the Green Energy and Environmental Technology report: You have planned, installed or worked with blue-green roofs in the hospitality sector? Reach out to share your experience. #hoteldevelopment #buildingsystems #watermanagement #stormwater #naturebasedsolutions #hospitalitysector #realestatedevelopment

‘On every roof something is possible’: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain

‘On every roof something is possible’: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain

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