Beitrag von ECM Equity Capital Management

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Wir sind begeistert vom Zusammenschluss von SIS und ENDEGS zur ETS Group - Environmental Technology Services - und freuen uns auf die gemeinsame Zukunft unter Führung von Uwe Nickel, Dr. , Normen Gerlach und David Wendel

Unternehmensseite von ECM Equity Capital Management anzeigen, Grafik

1.564 Follower:innen

German Equity Partners V, a fund managed by the independent German investment company ECM Equity Capital Management, supports the merger of SIS GmbH and ENDEGS GmbH - Mobile Degassing Technologies to form ETS Group – Environmental Technology Services.   SIS as well as ENDEGS are merging under the umbrella of ETS Group in order to combine their strengths and to jointly drive the internationalization of the group even more intensively.   Together, the two companies intend to invest in further development and the targeted expansion of management and sales structures in order to realize the full potential of the solutions offered in existing core markets and to open up new opportunities in international markets. For the full story click here: #ESG #SIS #ENDEGS #environmental #technology #mobiledegassing

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