Water Is Right Foundation

Water Is Right Foundation

Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen

Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 589 Follower:innen

Standing together for water and sanitation as a human right.


The Water Is Right Foundation was founded in 2011 by Rolf Stahlhofen – singer of the German musical group “Söhne Mannheims” and UN-Habitat water ambassador with the designation “UN Habitat Messenger of Truth” as part of the United Nations Program for Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT). Since then WIR has secured access to affordable and clean drinking water in Africa, Asia and Latin America for millions of people. Raised in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Algeria, Stahlhofen made a name for himself in the German music scene. His career started as a tour manager for artists including Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones, Guns n Roses and Prince. In the 90’s, he picked up the microphone. First in the "RTL Samstag Nacht Band", later with "Söhnen Mannheims" alongside Xavier Naidoo. Even before the WIR Foundation, Stahlhofen campaigned for the human right to water. In 2002 he organized a benefit concert for the flood victims in East Germany, which gave rise to the association “Menschen am Fluss” and organized benefit concerts for the world's poorest people. The strength and specialty of the WIR lies in the emotionalization of the subject of the human right water and sanitation. It does this through the power of music and of the artists who are committed to the foundation goals. To date, WIR has implemented 12 projects in 10 countries around the world. Water Is Right ● provides innovative water treatment plants in regions without access to clean drinking water ● ensures that existing water sources are filtered and treated to drinking water quality, without time´consuming transport, and unnecessary plastic waste. ● trains specialists to make water management self-sufficient in communities and to enable upgraded sanitation standards. ● organizes Events and “City CleanUps” with schools and communities to raise awareness of environmental problems ● advises institutions, companies, cities and municipalities on the subject of water and develops solutions with strong technology partners

Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen


Beschäftigte von Water Is Right Foundation


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