Vossloh Rail Services

Vossloh Rail Services


One portfolio for all your needs.


As a business segment of the Vossloh Group, Vossloh Rail Services provides a host of services centered on rails. Its range of services covers a rail's entire lifecycle – everything from long-rail production and transport, rail maintenance and preventive care right up to the reconditioning and recycling of old rails. By combining its own technologies with efficient procedures and experienced personnel, the company is ensuring that modern railway operations are both safe and sustainable. Imprint: https://www.vossloh.com/en/imprint/

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Rail and turnout maintenance, High Speed Grinding, Mobile rail milling, Mobile welding, Rail replacement, Loading and unloading systems, Wagon management, Monitoring services and inspection, Life cycle management, Asset Management, Acoustic Grinding, Just-in-time logistic und Rail Center Services


Beschäftigte von Vossloh Rail Services


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    Wohin steuert die Bahnindustrie? Welche Rolle spielt künftig die künstliche Intelligenz in unserer Branche? Und wie wird man eigentlich vom Praktikant zum Geschäftsführer? Über diese und weitere Fragen haben Marcel Taubert und Christoph Glaser von TLEX Institute für den Podcast „Learning from Leaders“ gesprochen. Hier geht es zur gesamten Folge: https://lnkd.in/dHwh5EDM

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚧 and the first rail delivery is ready for... the #Riedbahn in Germany! An absolute Deutsche Bahn mammoth rail infrastructure project in 2024, in which 117 km of track, 150 points, 20 stations and 380,000 tons of ballast will be renewed on the 70 km route between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim in just 5 months. Record-breaking! We are also part of this project and are making our contribution - among other things- by supplying long rails, unloading and welding the new rails. The first batch has already left our welding plant in Nuremberg, with more to follow. Let's go, #TeamRiedbahn and #TeamVossloh!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    With a project of the size of the HSL Zuid between Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp, the time frames are often tight. This was also the case with this job: we had to replace the rails on 2.4 kilometers of track in a single weekend. Ten rails per side, each of them 240 meters long. But that's no problem for the team on the rail replacement train. With the old rails loaded and the new rails welded, the line is ready for operation again right on And thanks to our experienced teams, this job was completed on time. #hslzuid #TeamVossloh

  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our VTM-compact is a real cutiepie. Small, compact and almost squeaky - but don't be fooled by its appearance, it's a real power pack! With its dimensions, it fits into a 16-foot container and can therefore be used all over the world. Self-propelled, it works its way forward at a powerful 180 meters per hour and reprofiles rails that have serious damage, so that rail replacement can be avoided. If you are looking for a maintenance solution for your local transportation network or for hot spots with severe damage, VTM-compact could be the right choice! More information here: https://lnkd.in/gdP7GzuZ

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    💥 Great News! We are pleased to announce that Vossloh Rail Services Scandinavia AB (VRSS) today, July 1, acquired the long-standing business partner Scandinavian Track Group (STG). ✔️ STG and VRSS have a long history of close cooperation in the Scandinavian market. The acquisition includes the entire STG Group including the subsidiaries Scandinavian Track Group AS, Scandinavian Track Group ApS, Infratech Consulting AB and Linjepartner AB. "STG is a strategically important acquisition for Vossloh due to STG's broad portfolio of services focused on the fast growing and important Swedish rail infrastructure market. STG will continue to deliver the same services as today, but will also, together with VRSS, offer an expanded service offering to old and new customers. The acquisition is a platform for development and expansion in Scandinavia and further internationally," says Maggie Ambrosini-Hagelkvist, CEO Vossloh Rail Services Scandinavia. #Vossloh #VosslohScandinavia #enablinggreenmobility

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    Du wünschst Dir…  🚀Persönliche Weiterentwicklung? 🚂Ein neues berufliches Umfeld? 👋Ein vielfältiges und internationales Team? 🍀Einen Job, mit dem Du einen Beitrag zu nachhaltiger Mobilität leistest? Dann komm zu Vossloh Rail Services! Bei uns sitzt Du am Steuer deines beruflichen Werdegangs. Wir suchen neue Gesichter für unser Team - von Controller (m/w/d) bis Maschinenbediener (m/w/d) haben wir bestimmt auch den richtigen Job für Dich. Alle offenen Stellen findest Du hier: https://lnkd.in/esnUBgUg

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

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    In den letzten Wochen habt ihr bereits viele unserer Nachwuchsführungskräfte von Vossloh Rail Services kennengelernt, die unser GROW-Programm erfolgreich absolviert haben. Dieses Mal stellen wir euch Sascha Knorr (Projektleiter Infrastruktur) und Lars Meyer (Head of Sales Support) vor. Wir freuen uns, euch im #TeamVossloh zu haben, Sascha und Lars. Thanks for your daily commitment! #TeamVossloh #GROW #Leadership #EnablingGreenMobility

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

    12.335 Follower:innen

    The devastating earthquake in Turkey last year claimed many victims and damaged large parts of the infrastructure, including many tracks. We are very pleased that we were able to make an important contribution to restoring the railroad infrastructure during this tragic event in order to support the reconstruction of the region. The company Adaray İnşaat has put our welding machine into operation for this purpose. This project involves the rehabilitation of the Bahçe - Nurdağı - Gölbaşı railroad line, which was severely damaged by the earthquake in February 2023. The old rails, sleepers and fastenings were reused for this purpose and with more than 1500 welds completed, a large part has already been restored and mobility in the region improved. We hope that the reconstruction will continue to progress well. Our thoughts are with the victims!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

    12.335 Follower:innen

    Today, our Hamburg locations had a great time at a company team event on Hamburg's Alster lake 🌊 150 colleagues competed against each other in dragon boats and held a playful competition on the water, which once again showed that everything works better as a team! 🚣♀️💪 There was also plenty of time for a chat at the barbecue that followed - you can see how much fun everyone had in the pictures!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Vossloh Rail Services anzeigen, Grafik

    12.335 Follower:innen

    Just in time for Midsommar, there is another reason to celebrate 🎉 Our team loaded the last rail at the Arctic Circle in Sweden yesterday! They had 6 weeks to complete the urgently needed track replacement on Europe's northernmost railroad line, the Malmbanan, after derailments occurred there. Up to 2,160 meters of rail replaced in one shift and welded using the flash butt welding process - more than 30,000 meters of rail in total. Record speed! 🚀 The old rails were then removed, so that the line can be used again at speeds of up to 80 km/h and work in the mine can continue without disruption. A big thank you to the team, partner companies, colleagues and everyone involved for the rapid implementation of this amazing project. Great job! 💪💚 #TeamVossloh

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