

Weiterbildung und Coaching

Premium 1:1 Business Coaching für Ihre Talente und Führungskräfte


Sparrks ist Ihr Partner für die Weiterentwicklung von Führungskräften durch spezialisiertes Premium 1:1 Business Coaching. Maßgeschneidert für Ihre Führungskräfte und Talente entwickeln wir mit unserer digitalen Coaching Plattform systematisch Mitarbeitende, indem wir ein zielgerichtetes und effektives Format mit nahtloser Integration bereitstellt. ✨ Warum Sparrks? • Klare Ausrichtung auf die relevantesten Entwicklungsbedürfnisse • Hochwirksames Coaching-Format • Top-Coaches mit anspruchsvollem Matching • Einfache Einrichtung und nahtlose Integration • Hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis 🌟 Hauptvorteile: • 76 % individuelle Leistungssteigerung • 7x Return on Investment • 50 % höhere Retention von Potenzialträgern 🔥 Was uns auszeichnet? Unser Coaching konzentriert sich auf entscheidende Kompetenzen wie Führungsfähigkeiten, Konfliktlösung und Teamentwicklung. Unser 1:1 Coaching Format erstreckt sich über etwa 3 Monate und bietet eine strukturierte Reise zur Lösungsfindung, Reflexion über Erfahrungen, Internalisierung von Wissen und Sicherstellung nachhaltiger Ergebnisse. 💬 Was unsere Coachees sagen: "Ich war von dem gesamten Konzept begeistert... eine sehr offene und lockere Atmosphäre." — Roland, Teamlead 🌐 250+ sorgfältig ausgewählte Executive Coaches: Unsere Coaches bringen mehr als 10 Jahre relevante Führungs- und Branchenerfahrung mit, unterstützt durch mehr als 2.000 Coaching-Stunden und Zertifizierungen von führenden Coaching-Verbänden. 🎯 Anwendungsbereiche: • Stärkung von Entwicklungs- / Talentprogrammen • Coaching für spezifische Führungsebenen oder Zielgruppen • Systematische Unterstützung von Veränderungsprogrammen Impressum: Datenschutzrichtlinien:

Weiterbildung und Coaching
11–50 Beschäftigte
Coaching, Führungskräfteentwicklung, Leadership Development, Business Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Digital Coaching, Executive Coaching und Digital Coaching


Beschäftigte von Sparrks


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    We are thrilled to share the fantastic feedback from our client, limehome, about their experience with Sparrks Coaching! 🚀🌟 Limehome chose our digital 1:1 coaching for: 💡 Personalized Growth: Tailored coaching for individual leadership challenges and goals. 💡 Actionable Insights: Practical strategies leaders can apply immediately. 💡 Expert Guidance: Experienced coaches with industry knowledge. Julian Kaiser from Limehome shared: "Sparrks Coaches have greatly supported my leadership journey. Their sessions helped me tackle team growth challenges and implement effective strategies. Highly recommended for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills." ✨ Thank you, Limehome, for trusting Sparrks to empower your leaders! #Limehome #Leadership #Coaching #Sparrks #LeadershipDevelopment

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    At limehome, we believe that exceptional leadership is the key to our success and growth. 🚀 That's why we’ve partnered with Sparrks 🌟 to offer top-tier leadership coaching for our team. Why Sparrks Leadership Coaching? 💡 Personalized Growth: Tailored coaching sessions to address individual leadership challenges and goals. 💡 Actionable Insights: Practical strategies and tools that leaders can immediately apply in their roles. 💡 Expert Guidance: Access to seasoned coaches with a wealth of experience and industry knowledge. But don’t just take our word for it! Hear from one of our own leaders, Julian Kaiser, about their transformative experience with Sparrks: 🗣 "Working with Sparrks Coaches has been of great importance to my journey as a leader. The coaching sessions were supportive in my challenges as my team grew and enabled me to implement effective strategies directly. I recommend anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills to seek support here." ✨ At limehome, we're committed to investing in our people and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. By partnering with Sparrks, we ensure our leaders have the tools and support they need to lead with confidence and inspire their teams. Stay tuned for more updates on how we’re building a stronger, more innovative limehome together. #Limehome #Leadership #Coaching #Sparrks #LeadershipDevelopment #GrowthMindset

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    We look back to some exciting and productive days as an exhibitor at the LEARNTEC trade fair. With inspiring conversations, interesting contacts and valuable insights, we were able to further advance our mission of making coaching available for all hierarchical levels in companies. 👥 Big thank you to all guests and partners who visited us at our booth! 💬 Your engagement and curiosity is what makes events like this so special. Whether it was a quick chat or an in-depth discussion, we cherish every moment together. Many thanks also to our "Sparrkies" on-site, the sales team Alexandra Fichtmüller and Phillip Kirkpatrick and our all-rounder Niklas Kraft - we are sure our guests could feel the team spirit too. 🚀 We are already looking toward to Zukunft Personal in September. #Sparrks #LEARNTEC2024 #NetworkingSuccess #TeamSpirit

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    Wir sind begeistert, bei der diesjährigen #COPETRI Convention dabei zu sein, die ganz im Zeichen des Wandels steht: “Constant Changes: Let’s Turn It into Chance.” Dieses Motto lebten wir schon beim Kick-off mit einem exklusiven HR-Dinner. Bei herrlichem Essen und tollen Getränken kam jeder in den Genuss intensiv zu netzwerken und sich auszutauschen. Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die diesen Abend mit uns zu einem echten Highlight gemacht haben! Genau das ist es, was uns bei Sparrks auszeichnet und was uns wichtig ist. Dieses Motto zog sich auch durch die Präsentation von Jakob Hansen der uns mit frischen Ideen zur strategischen Umsetzung von Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen versorgte, basierend auf „Key Learning Moments”. Eine goldene Gelegenheit, um in einer Welt voller Veränderungen weiter zu wachsen. Jetzt freuen wir uns riesig auf die zweite Hälfte der Convention und laden euch ein, uns an unserem Stand C.03 zu besuchen. #Messe #Copetri #Coaching #Austausch

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    Sparks will be at the COPETRI Convention next week, on Tuesday and Wednesday! Come and visit us at Booth C.03 where we'll dive into all things coaching and employee development. 👥 Let's Connect: If you're attending, stop by our booth to chat about how we can help you unlock your team's potential and enhance your coaching strategies. We're looking forward to meeting you there and exploring new possibilities together! #Copetri #EmployeeDevelopment #Coaching #Networking

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    Große Ideen 💡 brauchen mutige Taten, und die COPETRI CONVENTION 2024 ist der Ort, an dem beides zusammenkommt. Hier findest du alles, was du brauchst, um groß zu denken und mutig zu handeln. Von Employer Branding und Recruiting bis hin zu Learning & Development und Sustainability – wir decken alle Themen ab, die für die Zukunftsfähigkeit deiner Organisation entscheidend sind. People – Transformation – Innovation. Die drei magischen Worte in Richtung der Zukunftsfähigkeit für dich, dein Team und deine Organisation. Sei dabei und erlebe die COCON24! Am 14. Und 15. Mai 2024 in Offenbach am Main bei Frankfurt.

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    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 At Sparrks, we've been on an incredible journey with Mammut Sports Group AG over the past years, supporting their talents and leaders in their professional development. Today, we kicked-off the talents of Mammut's global Talent Development Program (TDP) for the third consecutive year, alongside the talents and leaders in Mammut's Expert Sponsorship program. Mammut has integrated Sparrks coaching into these well-designed programs, amplifying their impact and fostering lasting development among their talented individuals and leaders. Through our collaborative efforts, we're driving tangible results, empowering individuals to unleash their full potential and achieve remarkable individual and organizational growth. Some numbers: ✨ 93% of Mammut talents and leaders express a desire to continue utilizing Sparrks ✨ 83% self-reported performance improvement - a testament to our focused coaching approach ✨ 9.2/10 satisfaction with coach (NPS) - highlighting the quality and effectiveness of our coaches We couldn't have achieved these outcomes without the visionary leadership and unwavering commitment of Mammut's Charlot Pagel, People and Culture Manager, and Ursula Ollmaier, CHRO. Your dedication to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of growth is truly inspiring, and we're honored to partner with you on this journey. 👉 Curious to learn more about our collaboration with Mammut? Dive into the details of our success story here:

    Case Study Mammut - Sparrks Coaching

    Case Study Mammut - Sparrks Coaching

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    You've crafted the strategy, perfected the presentations – yet hesitate at the question of whether the implementation will live up to your ambitious goals? Do you want to not only kickstart your next change initiative but also lead it to real success? It's not just about meeting the expectations of the management but more importantly, embedding a deep awareness of change and sustainable behavioral changes throughout the company. In our dynamic world, the ability to adapt and effectively manage crises is crucial – for both the individual and the organization. 🔑 Coaching is increasingly proving to be a key strategy to empower individuals and entire organizations to not only face uncertainties but to turn them into opportunities for growth and development. Sparrks supports you with a tailored digital coaching approach that specifically drives personal and organizational development: 1️⃣ Strengthen resilience: You develop resilient mindsets to overcome individual and team challenges. 2️⃣ Foster adaptability: You learn to proactively shape changes and act as a change maker. 3️⃣ Create clarity: You gain clarity in your goals for targeted action in uncertain times. 4️⃣ Stimulate innovation: You develop new approaches to your organization's most complex problems. 🚀 Are you ready to transform your change initiative from a plan to an implemented success? Contact us. Discuss with us: What challenges do you see in your current change initiative? #ChangeManagement #Coaching #LeadershipDevelopment #Resilience #Innovation

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    Are Your Talents Truly Happy or Just Passing Through? 🚀🤔 In an era where employees seek more than just a paycheck, the question arises: How can we ensure that our team not only stays but thrives? The answer might be closer than we think: Coaching. Coaching is no longer just a buzzword, but an essential tool for employee retention. Here's why: 1️⃣ Personal Growth: Employees feel valued and recognize opportunities for self-improvement. 2️⃣ Strengthening Engagement: Involvement in their own development fosters engagement and satisfaction. 3️⃣ Open Communication: Promotes an environment of trust and openness within the team. 4️⃣ Career Development: Supports employees on their journey and shows them that the company invests in their future. 5️⃣ Improved Performance: Coaching aims to bring out the best in each individual, leading to increased overall performance. Want to enhance the engagement and retention of your team? It's time to invest in coaching programs that not only promote the growth of your employees but also help your company reach new heights. Discover now how Sparrks can support you. #EmployeeRetention #Coaching #TeamDevelopment #Sparrks

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    🌟 We're delighted to introduce Emilie, our new Sales Manager at Sparrks. With a background in coaching, leadership, and people development, Emilie brings invaluable expertise to our team. Her proven track record in guiding high-performing teams through complex transitions positions her perfectly to drive sales success and foster growth in our fast-paced environment. Outside of work, Emilie is an adventurer at heart, often found climbing mountains or kayaking. 🏔️🛶 We are thrilled to have Emilie as part of our team, adding value to our ongoing success here at Sparrks.

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    Meet Sparrks at Copetri! 🚀 Join us at the COPETRI convention and see how Sparrks is redefining coaching and revolutionizing employee development. 🌟 We offer insights into our innovative coaching solutions and the chance to speak directly with our team. 👥 Emilie, Alexandra, and Jakob will be on-site and are looking forward to reconnecting with many familiar faces as well as welcoming new interested parties. 🤝 Curious about Sparrks? Come by and let's dive into a conversation to discover how we can shape personnel development together in a contemporary way: individual, scalable, and effective. 📅 Date: 14th and 15th of May 📍 Location: Copetri, Fredenhagen, Offenbach am Main, booth C.03 #Sparrks #CoachingInnovation #CopetriFair #Coaching #FutureOfCoaching

    • Sparrks on Copetri 2024
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    🌟 We are thrilled about the upcoming roundtable discussion hosted by ICF Germany Charter Chapter e.V. with our Co-Founder Jakob Hansen, among the featured speakers. Dive deep into the crucial topic of ROI in coaching. What does ROI mean in this context? How do we measure it, and why is its understanding pivotal for the future of coaching? This discussion promises to shed light on the significance of measuring ROI in coaching, bringing together leading figures from various coaching platforms to share their insights. More details in the shared post 👇

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    Tauche ein in die Welt des ROI im Coaching! 📊 Was bedeutet ROI im Coaching? Wie messen wir ihn? Und warum ist er so wichtig? Erfahre mehr in unserer spannenden Diskussion mit führenden Vertreterinnen von Coachingplattformen! 🗓️ 27.02.2024 🕒 19:00 Uhr - 20:30Uhr 📍 via Zoom Weiter Informationen und Tickets: #icfproud #Coaching #ROI Alle ICF Mitglieder und Gäste sind eingeladen hier oder unter vorab Fragen ans Panel zu stellen. Fabian Lessenich, Alissa Dittmar, Simone Mählmann, Jakob Hansen, Geoffroy de Lestrange, Svetlana Shcherbinina, Heike Aiello

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