


München, Bayern 5.964 Follower:innen

The all-in-one booking system made for tours, activities, and destinations.


Regiondo: Die All-in-One-Buchungssoftware für Touren, Aktivitäten und Destinationen Regiondo wurde 2011 von den Geschäftsführern Oliver Nützel und Yann Maurer gegründet und hat sich als eine der führenden Buchungslösungen für Freizeitanbietende etabliert. Unser Ziel ist es, Aktivitätsanbieter dabei zu unterstützen, ihren Umsatz um bis zu 35% zu steigern und bieten dafür ein umfassendes Angebot an Tools und Services. Unser Buchungssystem ist die Schlüsselkomponente für diesen Erfolg. In nur drei einfachen Schritten lässt sich der professionelle Ticketshop in das eigene Website-Design integrieren. Das Ergebnis? Ein nahtloses Buchungserlebnis für Ihre Kunden, das deren Zufriedenheit erhöht und Ihren Umsatz steigert. Regiondo bietet einen übersichtlichen Online-Kalender, der alle Buchungen übersichtlich darstellt und die tägliche Arbeit von Freizeitanbietenden erheblich erleichtert. Regiondo ist nicht nur ein Buchungssystem. Unsere Plattform bietet dir mühelose Buchungen, die Möglichkeit, deine Website in eine Umsatzquelle zu verwandeln, sich von unübersichtlichen Tabellen zu verabschieden, Überbuchungen zu vermeiden und deinen Umsatz durch clevere Verkaufsstrategien zu maximieren. Darüber hinaus bieten wir den Regiondo Website Builder an! Mit nur wenigen Klicks kannst du eine beeindruckende Buchungswebsite erstellen, um deine Zielgruppe online zu erreichen, deinen Umsatz zu steigern und dein Geschäft auszubauen. Du brauchst keine Programmierkenntnisse! Die Einrichtung ist so einfach, dass sie in wenigen Minuten erledigt ist. Regiondo POS ist die innovative Lösung, die deinem Unternehmen zu einem schnelleren Service und höheren Umsätzen verhilft. Ein intuitives System bietet ein nahtloses Einkaufserlebnis ohne lästige Warteschlangen, und ein POS-System für Tablets und Mobiltelefone verbessert das Kundenerlebnis. Steigere deine Effizienz, erhöhe deinen Umsatz und beeindrucke deine Kunden mit Regiondo!

201–500 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Booking software, Amusement parks, Tour and activity provider, Ticketing, Online Marketing, Entry management und booking system



Beschäftigte von Regiondo


  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    Sustainable tourism is a hot topic right now, and with the demand for travel at an all-time high, many experts are concerned that overtourism could lead to a disruption of sustainable practices. As a tour operator, promoting sustainability within your business will not only help you attract bookings from eco-conscious travelers, but the planet and local communities will thank you. 🌎 Find out why sustainable tourism is important and how you can promote it in your tour and activity business. ➡️ #sustainability #sustainabletourism #worldenvironmentday #onlinebooking #bookingsoftware #channelmanager #touroperators #toursandactivities #experiences #regiondo

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

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    🗺️📈 Trying to decide between Viator and GetYourGuide to maximize your tour and activity bookings? Our latest blog post breaks down the pros and cons of each platform to help you make an informed decision that will boost your business. 🚀✨ Discover the key differences and benefits of these two leading OTAs. Whether you're looking for more visibility, lower commissions or better customer support, we've got the insight you need. 📊🔍 Don't miss this essential guide to choosing the best OTA for your business! Read it now: ➡️ #TourismBusiness #BookingSolutions #Viator #GetYourGuide #Regiondo #TourOperator #TravelTech

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    Running a tourism business is challenging enough without having to worry about a complicated booking system. That's where Regiondo comes in! 🌟 We know that your focus should be on creating memorable experiences for your clients, not on administrative hassles. That's why our mission is to keep the backend simple and efficient for you. What do users love about our software? The ability to customize the platform to their unique needs and the exceptional support we provide. Our team is always available, helpful, professional and friendly, ensuring that you have everything you need to succeed. From seamless website integration to automated customer communication, Regiondo offers a comprehensive solution that allows you to manage bookings effortlessly. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to more time for your clients! 🤝 Discover how Regiondo can simplify your booking process and improve your business! 🚀 Book a free demo here: ➡️ #regiondo #tourism #tourismbusiness #bookingsolution #bookingsoftware

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    Did you know? Up to 83% of adults (Stratojets) now prefer to book their tickets online, with the online travel market expected to reach $1.2 trillion by 2027. In addition, online sales are expected to account for 72% of the tourism industry's total revenue (Statista). 📈 With this in mind, tour operators need to streamline their booking processes to meet the growing demand for seamless online bookings. 📱 Discover the top 10 tour operator software on the market. We've analyzed the best uses for each, their pros and cons, and how each can be tailored to fit your reservation system needs. 🚀 Ready to learn more? ➡️ #touroperatorsoftware #bookingsystem #touroperator #onlinebooking #bookingsoftware #reservations #tourism #toursandactivities #experiences

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

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    Have you recently invested time and money in upgrading your website's direct booking capabilities? With a well-optimized website, you can benefit from an improved user experience and faster loading times to improve your search engine visibility. But the booking journey doesn't end there. It's important to ensure that your website is designed for a frictionless customer journey. 🖥️✨ With Regiondo's latest feature, you can integrate React Widgets to enhance the user experience. By using this tool, you'll benefit from: 🔸Modern design and high performance 🔸Mobile-first approach and fast loading times 🔸Increased organic traffic thanks to higher Google rankings 🔸Enhanced data tracking with SubID 🔸Improved accessibility for higher conversions 🔸Priority support Want to learn more about Regiondo's React Widgets? ➡️ Ready to make the switch? Book a demo with our team today! ➡️ #reactwidgets #regiondo #features #touroperator #tourism #activities #onlinebooking #bookingsoftware #SEO #javascript #reactjs

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 "I am proud to be a part of such a talented, fun, & motivated team and help bringing game-changing innovative technologies to tour operators all across Europe!" 🌟 - Alina Kriukova, Product Marketing Manager We're grateful for Alina's contributions and proud to have her as an integral part of the Regiondo team. At Regiondo, we are dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive work environment where every team member can thrive. 💼🤝 Thank you, Alina, for being a key player in our success! #TeamRegiondo #EmployeeExperience #GreatPlaceToWork #WorkCulture #EmployeeTestimonials

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    In a digital world where information travels fast, your promotional efforts can get lost among competitors targeting the same audience if you don't strategize for maximum results. 📈 Our latest blog post explores the best promotional channels to help your business stand out and get maximum exposure for your marketing efforts. From leveraging social media platforms to forming strategic partnerships and utilizing online travel agencies, we provide detailed insights and practical tips for each channel. 📱 Whether you're a small operator or a large corporation, this guide will help you tailor your promotional strategies to reach your target audience and effectively drive bookings. 🌟 Want to learn more? ➡️ #regiondo #bookingsolution #bookingsoftware

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    Just like any growing business, Companhia Turística do Douro knew they needed to make the most of their resources to thrive. Their passion? Offering guests unforgettable boat tours on the scenic Douro River! 🌊✨ However, the journey to success is often filled with challenges. Balancing marketing, administration, finances, and more can quickly become overwhelming. That's when they realized that embracing the digital world was key. 🚀 By designing a new, user-friendly website and integrating an effective online booking platform, they could finally reach customers who plan their own trips and cater to spontaneous or well-prepared booking decisions. “Before Regiondo, our brand and our company were not scalable to the digital world,” they noted. Since implementing Regiondo's solution, 15% of their ticket sales now come directly from their website! And they anticipate that online bookings will soon make up 25% of their sales. The booking solution has complemented their local sales strategy, ensuring a portion of tickets are reserved exclusively for online bookings. Curious to see how Regiondo helped Companhia Turística do Douro? Discover more in our detailed case study: ➡️ #regiondo #bookingsolution #bookingsoftware #casestudy #Technology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    Finding the right tour guides can make or break your business, but attracting top talent in a competitive market can be challenging. 🎯 Our latest blog post reveals the secrets to recruiting the best tour guides. From crafting compelling job descriptions and leveraging social media to conducting effective interviews and offering competitive benefits, we cover everything you need to know. This guide will help you build a team of exceptional tour guides who can deliver unforgettable experiences for your clients and boost your business's reputation. 🌟 Ready to elevate your team? ➡️ #regiondo #bookingsolution #bookingsoftware

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  • Unternehmensseite von Regiondo anzeigen, Grafik

    5.964 Follower:innen

    If you've hired seasonal staff to help manage your business during peak seasons, you might be concerned about them accessing sensitive configuration settings. Allowing temporary employees to alter these settings could potentially disrupt your operations. ⚙️ Regiondo's multi-user access feature provides an effective solution. With this functionality, you can assign different levels of access to your staff. This ensures that seasonal employees can perform their necessary tasks without accessing or modifying critical configuration settings. By doing so, you maintain control over your system's integrity while still benefiting from the additional workforce during busy times. 🚀 Want to learn more? ➡️ #regiondo #bookingsolution #bookingsoftware

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