Plan A

Plan A


Plan A enables thousands of businesses to decarbonise and reach their net-zero and ESG goals. BCorp. TUV certified.


Plan A ist ein führender Entwickler von Softwarelösungen für die Dekarbonisierung und ESG-Optimierung von Unternehmen. Das Berliner Greentech hat eine SaaS-Plattform entwickelt, die modernste Technologie und neueste wissenschaftliche Standards und Methoden vereint (zertifiziert vom TÜV Rheinland). Die End-to-End-Softwarelösung automatisiert die Emissionsberechnung, CO2-Reduktionsplanung und ESG-Berichterstattung von Unternehmen. Plan A zählt unter anderem N26, Flixbus, BMW, JOKR, Société Générale und die Europäische Union zu seinen Kunden. Das 2017 gegründete Unternehmen wurde bereits mehrfach ausgezeichnet, zuletzt mit dem SME EnterPRIZE Award 2021 der Generali und dem prestigeträchtigen The Europas Award 2021. Plan A schloss im November 2021 eine Serie-A-Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 10 Millionen US-Dollar ab (HV Capital und Keen Venture Partners, die sich somit Demeter, coparion und Softbank als Investoren anschlossen). Plan A ist ein „B Corp”-zertifiziertes Unternehmen und hält sich somit nachweislich an strenge soziale und ökologische Standards. Weitere Informationen unter

51–200 Beschäftigte
ClimateTech, ESG, Decarbonisation, Carbon Accounting, Carbon Management, Reporting, Net Zero, Sustainable Transformation, Emission Accounting, ESG compliant, Net Zero Target Setting, SBTi, Decarbonisation Planning, ESG reporting, Corporate Sustainability, Business Sustainability und Net Zero



Beschäftigte von Plan A


  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

    51.454 Follower:innen

    Empowering your decarbonisation journey with Plan A. We're excited to unveil our latest features designed to support your sustainability initiatives and help you achieve your decarbonisation targets. These enhancements provide comprehensive insights and actionable pathways to navigate your company's journey toward a greener future. What does our new product update entail? ⦿ Emissions forecast- Understand future emissions based on past data and planned actions. ⦿ Target pathway- Choose an emissions reduction target and get a clear, year-by-year pathway to achieve it. ⦿ Target alignment- Check if your forecast aligns with your target pathway and identify any excess emissions. ⦿ Costs of compensation- Evaluate the cost of reducing or compensating for excess emissions with a predefined or individual CO₂e price. With these new features, Plan A provides the tools to strategically plan, track, and achieve your sustainability goals. Ready to take your decarbonisation efforts to the next level? Schedule a call with our experts to learn more: #Sustainability #Decarbonisation #CorporateSustainability #PlanA #EmissionsReduction #ClimateAction

  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    Is your fashion business ready for the upcoming wave of ESG regulations? With the fashion industry at a tipping point, the demand for sustainable and ethical practices is more urgent than ever. As climate change accelerates and consumer awareness grows, the sector faces mounting pressure to adopt sustainable and socially responsible standards. Notable regulations include: 1. EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles: This strategy addresses the entire lifecycle of textile products, aiming to make them more durable, repairable, reusable, and recyclable. 2. Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD): This directive ensures that environmental and human rights due diligence are enacted across businesses' supply chains. 3. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD): Mandates that businesses of all sizes report their environmental and social activities, which are then subject to audits. 4. Eco-Design for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): Maximises sustainability through resource use, repairs, and circularity, including a 'Product Passport' for informed consumer decisions. 5. The Garment Worker Protection Act ensures fair pay and working conditions within the fashion industry, eliminating exploitative practices like by-the-piece payment. Staying informed about these regulations is crucial for any fashion business committed to responsible practices and long-term success. The comments below provide more information about ESG regulations in fashion. Book a demo with Plan A today to kickstart your sustainability journey:

    • ESG regulations in the fashion industry.
  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our head of carbon accounting and research, Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev, will speak on a panel at the "Navigating the EU's sustainability transitions in a poly-crisis world" event today at 2 PM. This insightful discussion will be live-streamed, and you won't want to miss it! Tune in to gain valuable perspectives on sustainability and the European Union's future. 🔗 Watch the live stream here:

    Navigating the EU’s sustainability transitions in a polycrisis world - Friends of Europe

    Navigating the EU’s sustainability transitions in a polycrisis world - Friends of Europe

  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

    51.454 Follower:innen

    With automation and digitisation, collecting, processing, and analysing emissions data has never been easier. This technology helps companies identify emissions hotspots, create data-driven decarbonisation pathways, and automate sustainability reporting. This real-time monitoring provides valuable insights into how operations impact the environment, highlighting where emissions can be reduced. It also streamlines carbon reporting, reducing time and resources and ensuring regulatory compliance. The advantages are clear: Companies using tech-driven carbon accounting are better positioned to manage their carbon footprint and achieve sustainability goals. As the CSRD raises the stakes, embracing technology will help companies comply and thrive. Imagine navigating without a watch to measure time. The same applies to carbon management; technology guides you on your net-zero journey and handles the complex data work. You can start this carbon accounting journey of yours with Plan A today. Schedule a call with our experts here: #CorporateSustainability #CarbonManagement #SustainableTechnology #PlanA

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  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    How do we separate actual environmental efforts from greenwashing in a world where sustainability claims are everywhere? Greenwashing involves making deceptive claims about ecological practices and misleading consumers and companies. This rising issue highlights the importance of understanding and identifying greenwashing. For consumers, it means making informed choices that support genuine sustainability. For companies, it’s about upholding integrity and promoting real progress. At Plan A, we champion transparency and authenticity in sustainability. Stay informed and ensure your practices align with true sustainability principles. Learn how to spot greenwashing and make impactful choices by clicking here: #Greenwashing #CorporateSustainability #EnvironmentalResponsibility #PlanA

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  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    When Plan A joined forces with Ganni A/S in 2021, we set ambitious reduction targets aligned with Science Based Targets initiative guidelines to achieve significant emissions cuts by 2030. Our partnership extended to advising on their insetting strategy, aimed at embedding sustainability throughout their supply chain, particularly in materials sourcing. At Plan A, our commitment revolves around supporting Ganni A/S's 2027 climate goals through three pivotal areas of impact: 1️⃣ Annual CCF support: We provide ongoing assistance with emissions calculations, reporting insights, and personalised carbon accounting. 2️⃣ Decarbonisation strategy: We offer strategic guidance to achieve a 50% emissions reduction by 2027, focusing on sustainable materials and supply chain optimisation. 3️⃣ Project impact assessment: We assess the effectiveness of innovative initiatives such as carbon insetting and sustainable material projects. Over the past three years, Ganni A/S has made significant strides in sustainability with Plan A, achieving a 7% absolute emission reduction in 2023 from their 2021 baseline. Do you also work in fashion and are looking to decarbonise your business? Click on this link to schedule a call with our sustainability experts to get started: #Sustainability #FashionIndustry #ClimateAction #Decarbonisation #PlanA

    • Plan A x GANNI success story
  • Plan A hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    Are you set to maximise the ROI from decarbonisation in your business? As the global financial landscape transforms, the decarbonisation market is poised for significant growth, with projections showing a CAGR of 12.7% from 2021 to 2026 and an even steeper 14.27% from 2022 to 2032. With climate change urgency growing and ESG considerations becoming central, businesses are increasingly embracing decarbonisation. Companies with comprehensive strategies not only ensure compliance and risk mitigation but also unlock new opportunities for value creation and financial growth. Click to download our whitepaper on the ROI of decarbonisation to learn more: #BusinessDecarbonisation #Decarbonisation #SustainableTransformation #PlanA

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  • Plan A hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

    51.454 Follower:innen

    Empowering your decarbonisation journey with Plan A. We're excited to unveil our latest features designed to support your sustainability initiatives and help you achieve your decarbonisation targets. These enhancements provide comprehensive insights and actionable pathways to navigate your company's journey toward a greener future. What does our new product update entail? ⦿ Emissions forecast- Understand future emissions based on past data and planned actions. ⦿ Target pathway- Choose an emissions reduction target and get a clear, year-by-year pathway to achieve it. ⦿ Target alignment- Check if your forecast aligns with your target pathway and identify any excess emissions. ⦿ Costs of compensation- Evaluate the cost of reducing or compensating for excess emissions with a predefined or individual CO₂e price. With these new features, Plan A provides the tools to strategically plan, track, and achieve your sustainability goals. Ready to take your decarbonisation efforts to the next level? Schedule a call with our experts to learn more: #Sustainability #Decarbonisation #CorporateSustainability #PlanA #EmissionsReduction #ClimateAction

  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

    51.454 Follower:innen

    Are you set to maximise the ROI from decarbonisation in your business? As the global financial landscape transforms, the decarbonisation market is poised for significant growth, with projections showing a CAGR of 12.7% from 2021 to 2026 and an even steeper 14.27% from 2022 to 2032. With climate change urgency growing and ESG considerations becoming central, businesses are increasingly embracing decarbonisation. Companies with comprehensive strategies not only ensure compliance and risk mitigation but also unlock new opportunities for value creation and financial growth. Click to download our whitepaper on the ROI of decarbonisation to learn more: #BusinessDecarbonisation #Decarbonisation #SustainableTransformation #PlanA

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  • Unternehmensseite von Plan A anzeigen, Grafik

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    Exciting news: we’ve been featured in the third edition of Sifted’s annual report, B2B SaaS Rising 100, sponsored by Sapphire Ventures! This report puts a spotlight on the most promising 100 B2B SaaS startups valued under $1bn in 2024 — and Plan A is one of them. Check it out here: #B2BSaaSRising100 #B2BSaaS #B2B #SaaS #StartUps #SiftedReports #TechReport #StartUpReport #PlanA

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