


P2GreeN aims to develop and demonstrate viable and sustainable approaches to nutrient recovery from sanitary waste.


Turning human sanitary waste into fertilizer A consortium of 32 partner organisations from 12 European countries and Switzerland aiming to “close the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows” short P2GreeN, signed the Grant Agreement for a four-year Horizon Europe Project, started on the first of December 2022. The project is coordinated by agrathaer GmbH and Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) e.V. P2GreeN’s overall objective is to foster a circular material flow system between urban and rural areas thereby restoring the coupling of the water-agri-food system following the 3R principle “Reduce, Reuse, Recover”. To achieve this, P2GreeN will develop new solutions for the circular economy to halt and eliminate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution by connecting blue urban with green rural infrastructure, focussing on circular nutrient flows of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), two important plant nutrients and at the same time water polluters. This objective will be achieved through the implementation and exploration of innovative N and P recovery solutions for the utilization of human sanitary waste from urban settlements and its conversion into safe bio-based fertilizers for agricultural production in three pilot regions. Nitrogen and P are important plant nutrients and pollutants of surface and groundwater at the same time. The intensive use of fertilizers in agricultural production is a major factor for N and P pollution. Apart from that, mainstream fertilizer production methods are not sustainable. Additionally, high nutrient concentrations are also found in human sanitary waste streams from where they are ultimately released to rivers and coastal zones. Nutrient removal from wastewater is very energy intensive and hardly manageable. The use of sewage sludge for fertilization, however, is connected to problems such as micro pollutants. In consequence, new solutions are required. The three P2GreeN pilot regions are based in

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    We are happy to announce that our partners from Institute for Bio-economy and Agri-technology iBO/CERTH had the opportunity to present P2GreeN at the AgEng2024 conference, held from July 1-4 at the Agricultural University of Athens! 🎉 Organized by the Greek Agricultural Engineering Association, this event brought together experts and innovators in agricultural engineering. It was an excellent platform for us to showcase our innovative solutions and connect with industry leaders passionate about sustainable agriculture. A big thank you to everyone who visited our presentation and engaged with us. Your support and enthusiasm drive us to keep pushing the boundaries of sustainable agricultural practices. 🌍💚 #P2GreeN #HorizonEurope #AgEng2024 #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #AgriculturalEngineering #GreenFuture #AgriculturalUniversityOfAthens #iBOCERTH

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    🤩 We're excited to share the success of our first follower region workshop in Athens, coordinated by Institute for Bio-economy and Agri-technology iBO/CERTH! The event brought together industry experts, researchers, and public sector representatives. Attendees got a hands-on introduction to P2GreeN's pilot technologies and explored how these innovations align with Greek feasibility studies. Thank you to everyone who participated! ✨ #P2GreeN #Sustainability #Innovation #Workshop #Athens #HorizonEurope #FollowerRegion #pilottechnologies

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    🚜🌾 P2GreeN at German Farmers' Day 2024! 🌾🚜 On the 26th and 27th of June, we proudly presented P2GreeN at the German Farmers' Day! The event was packed with insightful speeches, engaging forums and networking opportunities. It was an honor to be part of this event alongside the German Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir. A big thank you for everyone who stopped by our booth and engaged with us, your support is invaluable to P2GreeN! 😊 #P2GreeN #GermanFarmersDay2024 #SustainableFarming #AgriculturalInnovation

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    Profil von Antonio Moreno Fortes anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO en Agrismart data

    🌿Imaginando el futuro del #AguaRegenerada en la agricultura de La Axarquía🌿 El 20 de junio de 2024, el piloto español de P2GreeN organizó un taller participativo centrado en el futuro del agua regenerada para uso agrícola y la aplicación de nuestras herramientas de fertirriego inteligente desarrolladas en AgriSmart data. 🚜 Aspectos Destacados del Taller: Cerca de 30 participantes realizaron una visita guiada por la parcela demostrativa, ofreciendo una visión de primera mano sobre: 🏬 El proceso de tratamiento en la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales de Algarrobo. 💧 La estación regeneradora de aguas residuales que produce agua regenerada para riego. 🥑 Cultivos de aguacate y mango utilizados para probar varios tratamientos de fertirrigación. 💡 El desarrollo de una innovadora herramienta de fertirrigación inteligente. 🧠 Metodologías Interactivas: El taller empleó metodologías de “planificación inversa” (back-casting) y “pensamiento de diseño” (design thinking), involucrando a las personas invitadas y actuando como agentes clave de la región. Este esfuerzo colaborativo marca un paso significativo hacia la gestión sostenible del agua y las prácticas agrícolas en La Axarquía y más allá. Síguenos en AgriSmart data 🔊 Visita estos sitios web: 👩💻 http://agrismartdata.com/ 👨💻 https://p2green.eu/ -- 🌿 Envisioning the Future of #ReclaimedWater for Agriculture in La Axarquia 🌿 On June 20, 2024, the Spanish P2GreeN pilot region hosted an insightful participatory workshop focused on the future of reclaimed water for agricultural use and the use of our smart fertigation tools developed in AgriSmart data. 🚜 Workshop Highlights: Almost 30 participants embarked on a guided tour across our test site, offering a first-hand look at: 🏬 The treatment process at the Algarrobo municipal wastewater treatment plant. 💧 The water reclamation facility which produces reclaimed water for irrigation. 🥑 Avocado and mango crops utilized to test various fertigation treatments. 💡 The development of an innovative smart fertigation tool. 🧠 Interactive Methodologies: The workshop employed back-casting and design thinking methodologies, engaging the invited key regional stakeholders. This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards sustainable water management and agricultural practices in La Axarquía and beyond. Follow us on AgriSmart data 🔊 For more insight, visit our websites: 👩💻 http://agrismartdata.com/ 👨💻 https://p2green.eu/

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    Profil von Gerardo González Martín anzeigen, Grafik

    Project Manager at BIOAZUL S.L.

    🇬🇧 🌿 Envisioning the Future of #ReclaimedWater for Agriculture in La Axarquía 🌿 On June 20, 2024, the Spanish pilot region of P2GreeN hosted an insightful participatory workshop focused on the future of reclaimed water for agricultural use and the use of smart fertigation tools. 🚜 Workshop Highlights: Almost 30 participants embarked on a guided tour across our test site, offering a first-hand look at: - The treatment process at the Algarrobo municipal wastewater treatment plant. - The water reclamation facility producing reclaimed water for irrigation. - Avocado and mango crops utilized to test various fertigation treatments. - The development of an innovative smart fertigation tool. 🧠 Interactive Methodologies: The workshop employed back-casting and design thinking methodologies, engaging the invited key regional stakeholders. Together, we crafted tailor-made trajectories to advance our innovative solutions from technological, societal, and governance perspectives. This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards sustainable water management and agricultural practices in La Axarquía and beyond. 🇪🇸 🌿 Imaginando el Futuro del #AguaRegenerada para la Agricultura en La Axarquía 🌿 El 20 de junio de 2024, el piloto español de P2GreeN organizó un taller participativo centrado en el futuro del agua regenerada para uso agrícola y la aplicación de herramientas de fertirriego inteligente. 🚜 Aspectos Destacados del Taller: Cerca de 30 participantes realizaron una visita guiada por la parcela demostrativa, ofreciendo una visión de primera mano sobre: - El proceso de tratamiento en la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales de Algarrobo. - La estación regeneradora de aguas residuales que produce agua regenerada para riego. - Cultivos de aguacate y mango utilizados para probar varios tratamientos de fertirrigación. - El desarrollo de una innovadora herramienta de fertirrigación inteligente. 🧠 Metodologías Interactivas: El taller empleó metodologías de “planificación inversa” (back-casting) y “pensamiento de diseño” (design thinking), involucrando a las personas invitadas y actuando como agentes clave de la región. Juntos, creamos trayectorias a medida para avanzar nuestras soluciones innovadoras desde perspectivas tecnológicas, sociales y de gobernanza. Este esfuerzo colaborativo marca un paso significativo hacia la gestión sostenible del agua y las prácticas agrícolas en La Axarquía y más allá.

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  • Unternehmensseite von P2GreeN anzeigen, Grafik

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    Well done IRIDRA ! 👏 Checkout our partner's highlights on last week's workshop discussing wastewater reuse! ♻ #CircularEconomy

    Unternehmensseite von IRIDRA anzeigen, Grafik

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    Il workshop "Dal letame nascono i fior" organizzato da IRIDRA come attività del progetto P2GreeN, e tenutosi online Martedì 25 Giugno 2024, si può dire sia andato decisamente bene! 37 partecipanti, 27 enti Italiani tra privati, pubblici e terzo settore hanno discusso di recupero dei nutrienti organici dalle acque reflue nelle filere così dette "end-of-pipe" (fanghi, acque reflue trattate) e "separazione alla fonte" (feci, urine). I primi semi per un approccio di #resourceorientedsanitation anche in Italia sono stati piantati, e restiamo fiduciosi che le prossime attività di gemellaggio del progetto P2GreeN tra i paesi pilota (Germania, Svezia, Spagna) e il paese follower Italia, coordinate da IRIDRA, possano portare presto buoni frutti. Per saperne di più sul progetto P2GreeN: https://p2green.eu/ Se sei un ente, ricercatore o privato interessato ai temi del progetto P2GreeN contattaci sul canale LinkedIN di Iridra per maggiori informazioni. Infine, un ringraziamento in particolare agli oratori del workshop ed ai partecipanti alla tavola rotonda, in ordine di intervento: Fabio Masi, IRIDRA Roberta De Carolis, ENEA e Piattaforma Italiana del Fosforo Veronica Santoro, ESPP European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform Alessandro Spagni, ENEA Elena Mauro, Utilitalia Laura Mira Bonomi, Evergreen Italia Srl Giovanni Toffoli, Assofertilizzanti Andrea Salimbeni, RE-CORD Bastian Etter, VunaNexus AG Vuna Laura Mancini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità Angelo Gentili, Legambiente Mariano Alessio Vernì, SILC Fertilizzanti Srl Andrea Zagnoni, Chef Express

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  • Unternehmensseite von P2GreeN anzeigen, Grafik

    752 Follower:innen

    If you missed our partner's participation BIOAZUL at #EUGreenWeek, make sure to check their website for the updates! 💧 🌍

    Unternehmensseite von BIOAZUL anzeigen, Grafik

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    📌 NEW POST! Learn about our participation in the #EUGreenWeek 2024! 💧 We presented our innovative projects BOOST-IN eu, P2GreeN and CARDIMED EU, showcasing our solutions for #water resilience. It was an incredible opportunity to engage with experts and stakeholders, addressing the crucial challenges of water management and promoting a sustainable future for Europe. Read more in our website! 👉 https://cutt.ly/tesh38el #EUGreenWeek #WaterResilience #Sustainability #Innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von P2GreeN anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our partners AgriSmart data in the Spanish pilot region have hosted workshops focused on the future of water reclamation in agriculture and the use of a smart fertigation tool developed by them! 🌿 The workshop employed back-casting and design thinking methodologies, engaging the invited key regional stakeholders 🤗 For more information, visit our websites: 💻 https://p2green.eu/ 💻 http://agrismartdata.com/

    Unternehmensseite von AgriSmart data anzeigen, Grafik

    299 Follower:innen

    🌿Imaginando el futuro del #AguaRegenerada en la agricultura de La Axarquía🌿 El 20 de junio de 2024, el piloto español de P2GreeN organizó un taller participativo centrado en el futuro del agua regenerada para uso agrícola y la aplicación de nuestras herramientas de fertirriego inteligente desarrolladas en AgriSmart data. 🚜 Aspectos Destacados del Taller: Cerca de 30 participantes realizaron una visita guiada por la parcela demostrativa, ofreciendo una visión de primera mano sobre: 🏬 El proceso de tratamiento en la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales de Algarrobo. 💧 La estación regeneradora de aguas residuales que produce agua regenerada para riego. 🥑 Cultivos de aguacate y mango utilizados para probar varios tratamientos de fertirrigación. 💡 El desarrollo de una innovadora herramienta de fertirrigación inteligente. 🧠 Metodologías Interactivas: El taller empleó metodologías de “planificación inversa” (back-casting) y “pensamiento de diseño” (design thinking), involucrando a las personas invitadas y actuando como agentes clave de la región. Este esfuerzo colaborativo marca un paso significativo hacia la gestión sostenible del agua y las prácticas agrícolas en La Axarquía y más allá. Síguenos en AgriSmart data 🔊 Visita estos sitios web: 👩💻 http://agrismartdata.com/ 👨💻 https://p2green.eu/ -- 🌿 Envisioning the Future of #ReclaimedWater for Agriculture in La Axarquia 🌿 On June 20, 2024, the Spanish P2GreeN pilot region hosted an insightful participatory workshop focused on the future of reclaimed water for agricultural use and the use of our smart fertigation tools developed in AgriSmart data. 🚜 Workshop Highlights: Almost 30 participants embarked on a guided tour across our test site, offering a first-hand look at: 🏬 The treatment process at the Algarrobo municipal wastewater treatment plant. 💧 The water reclamation facility which produces reclaimed water for irrigation. 🥑 Avocado and mango crops utilized to test various fertigation treatments. 💡 The development of an innovative smart fertigation tool. 🧠 Interactive Methodologies: The workshop employed back-casting and design thinking methodologies, engaging the invited key regional stakeholders. This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards sustainable water management and agricultural practices in La Axarquía and beyond. For more insight, visit our websites: 👩💻 http://agrismartdata.com/ 👨💻 https://p2green.eu/ --

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  • Unternehmensseite von P2GreeN anzeigen, Grafik

    752 Follower:innen

    🌱 Exciting Developments from the P2Green Online Workshop in Italy! 🌱 We are thrilled to share the highlights from our most recent P2GreeN online workshop by our Italian partners IRIDRA, where stakeholders gathered to explore innovative solutions for recycling nutrients from human excreta. The discussions were vibrant and insightful, focusing on key aspects of sustainability and the circular bioeconomy. 🔍 Discussion Highlights: Beyond CO2: We delved into anthropogenic alterations of biogeochemical cycles beyond carbon, emphasizing the importance of holistic environmental strategies. Phosphorus as a Critical Raw Material: We examined the European and Italian Platforms of Phosphorus, highlighting its crucial role in sustainable agriculture and industry. 💡 Round Table Insights: Nutrient Recovery from End-of-Pipe Supply Chain: Experts discussed the latest technologies and strategies for nutrient recovery at the end of the waste management process. Source Separation of Human Excreta: Innovative approaches to source-separating human excreta for nutrient recovery were explored, demonstrating promising potential for sustainable fertilizer production. This workshop marks a significant step towards promoting the European Bioeconomy Strategy in Italy. A big thank you to all participants for their valuable contributions and commitment to a greener future. 🌍✨ #P2Green #Sustainability #CircularBioeconomy #NutrientRecovery #Phosphorus #EnvironmentalInnovation #Nitrogen #3Rprinciple Check out the video here: https://lnkd.in/ezCSym9E

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    752 Follower:innen

    Heads up, Almedalen Week visitors! P2GreeN here, teaming up with Sanitation360 for a greener (and potentially tastier) twist! ♻️ 🔍Spotted that unusual grey urn near the action? It's not just some random container, it's our collaborative pee collector station💧– and it's all for a good cause (and potentially a a good brew)! 😉 This week, we're working with Sanitation360 AB to collect donations (of the liquid variety) and give them a new life as a dry, granulated fertilizer for farmers 💪🏻 But here's the coolest part: this fertilizer is being used to grow barley! 🌾And guess what barley gets turned into? You guessed it – beer!🍺 That's right, your contribution could literally become a delicious beverage in the future. ♻️ 🤝🏻So next time you're feeling the #AlmedalenWeek pressure, swing by our station and lend science a… well 👀, you get the idea. We can't wait to see you there! 🌱 #AlmedalenWeek #P2GreeN #Sanitation360 #Sweden #CircularEconomy #PeeForScience #DrinkTheFuture #Sustainability

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