Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

Bremen, Bremen 49.675 Follower:innen

We utilize space to find answers to the complex questions of our time ✨


Die OHB SE ist ein deutscher Raumfahrt- und Technologiekonzern und eine der führenden unabhängigen Kräfte in der europäischen Raumfahrtindustrie. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Realisierung anspruchsvoller Projekte ist die OHB SE im internationalen Wettbewerb hervorragend aufgestellt und bietet ihren Kunden ein breites Portfolio an innovativen Produkten in den drei Geschäftssegmenten SPACE SYSTEMS, AEROSPACE und DIGITAL.

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Bremen, Bremen
Space Technology, Human Spaceflight & Robotics, Navigation Satellites, Earth Observation, Telecommunication Satellites, Exploration & Sciences, Reconnaissance Satellite Systems und Security & Defence


Beschäftigte von OHB SE


  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

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    Good to hear that preparatory work is starting on #ESAs next planetary defence mission – the Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety (Ramses). It is so thrilling. Imagine, there will be an exceptionally close flyby of #Earth in 2029. ☄️The asteroid Apophis will pass within 32000 km from Earth’s surface on 13 April 2029 and we can see him with our own eyes. So, save the date. With our deep heritage in the #Heramission we will do everything which is needed to support the outstandig Ramses mission. We have the experts, we know how to build a spacecraft which flys to an asteroid, and we at OHB SE are always very happy to be a strong partner for scientists around the world. We know, Ramses is challenging and has a very tight schedule. We are in this together and our joint goal is to achieve the greatest scientific outcome. Watch out or we could quote Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Dr. Brian May who once said in a video for ESAs upcoming Hera mission “Planetary defence warriors rock on”. And as always - #spacesafety first. European Space Agency - ESA #spaceindustry #future

    Unternehmensseite von ESA Space Safety anzeigen, Grafik

    1.019 Follower:innen

    ☄ This unique encounter between Earth and an asteroid calls for an emissary: Ramses In April 2029, the asteroid #Apophis will pass within 32 000 km from Earth’s surface. Visible to the naked eye, the flyby of this 375-meter giant is an incredibly rare opportunity to study an asteroid as its physical characteristics are altered by Earth’s gravity. The European Space Agency - ESA’s Space Safety programme has received permission to begin preparatory work for its Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety (#RamsesESA). The flyby is not only uniquely close, under the effect of Earth's gravity, Apophis will be stretched and squeezed by strong tidal forces that may trigger landslides and other disturbances and reveal new material from beneath the surface. To get a before-after view, Ramses needs to be launched in April 2028 to allow for an arrival at Apophis in February 2029, two months before the close approach. The mission will conduct surveys of the asteroid’s shape, surface, orbit, rotation and orientation. Moreover, scientists will learn a lot about an asteroid inner composition and structure, which is critical to improve our ability to defend our planet from an asteroid on a collision course. “This type of mission is a cornerstone of humankind’s response to a hazardous asteroid", explains Richard Moissl, heading ESA's #PlanetaryDefence Office. "A reconnaissance mission would be launched first to analyse the incoming asteroid’s orbit and structure. The results would be used to determine how best to redirect the asteroid or to rule out non-impacts before an expensive deflector mission is developed.” Learn more about this novel mission 👉 https://lnkd.in/eFtrs2G6

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  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

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    Thanks for the kind shout out European Space Agency - ESA . Happy and #proud that our newest #satellite 🛰️, which we developed and built on behalf of #ESA, passed its environmental test campaign with flying colours. The next Meteosat Third Generation weather satellite is now one step closer to launch 🚀 Thanks to all our partners. Special thanks to our amazing MTG-Teams in Oberpfaffenhofen and #Bremen - you are fantastic! We highly recommend this great news story. #spaceindustry

  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

    49.675 Follower:innen

    😎 Unser OHB-Team ist startklar - und gut gelaunt, wie unser Foto unten beweist. 😎 Mission QUBE soll hochsichere Kommunikation durch Quantenverschlüsselung ermöglichen Die Quantenkommunikationstechnologie aus dem #All gilt als der sicherste Kommunikationsweg für die #Zukunft. Mittels des etwa Schuhkarton großen Satelliten Namens #QUBE (Foto) sollen bald neu entwickelte Module zur Erzeugung quantenverschlüsselter Daten im All getestet werden. #OHB ist dabei in beratender Rolle ein Teil eines Projektkonsortiums bestehend aus dem Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V., dem Zentrum für Telematik e.V. und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Unser OHB-Projektteam steht schon für die Nachfolgemission QUBE-II in den Startlöchern, bei der OHB die Projektkoordination übernommen hat. QUBE II wird im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger seine Größe mehr als verdoppeln und durch eine bessere Optik und Hardware sichere Schlüssel mit den Bodenstationen effizient erzeugen und austauschen können. Die Wissenschaftsmission wird durch Mittel des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert. Mehr dazu bald auf unserem Kanal! 🛰 🚀

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    Unternehmensseite von EUMETSAT anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 MTG-S1 is one step closer to launch! Despite its massive size, the Meteosat Third Generation – Sounder 1 satellite travelled extensively to successfully complete rigourous testing, and is now ready for its journey to the launch site and final prep. The tests confirmed that the satellite can withstand the harsh conditions of launch and space, and that its communication systems are fully functional. “The entire test process ran smoothly and we are now very confident that we can successfully go through these very sensitive few weeks after the launch of MTG-S1” say Julia Hunter-Anderson and Maria Alonso, leading the LEOP tests. Read more at: https://bit.ly/3LpH9vs and stay tuned for more updates! 🛰️ European Space Agency - ESA OHB System AG IABG

  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

    49.675 Follower:innen

    The METASAT Project is coming along in great strides! 🛰 🏃♂️ Modern #satellites require modern development processes. METASAT aims to improve the design process for future satellites by integrating #software virtualisation layers such as #hypervisors to ensure compliance with stringent standards while taking full advantage of high-performance computing platforms. This promises to streamline development processes and reduce the high costs and long lead times that are currently the reality in the satellite industry. The tasks to be completed within the project include: •   Setting up and customising a hypervisor that runs applications strictly separated in so-called partitions to ensure that if one application fails, the others are not affected. (FENTISS) •   Development of hardware accelerators (GPU, vector processing) on a powerful RISC-V multi-core processor for high-performance on-board data processing and AI applications (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) •   Establishment of model-based simulation and code generation (Collins Aerospace, IKERLAN) OHB contributes to the project by defining one of the major use cases and setting up a suitable environment to test the results of the various work packages. So far, we have: ✔ Obtained real housekeeping data from the EnMAP environmental satellite (developed by OHB) that will be used as productive input for a use case where nominal/off-nominal scenarios will be demonstrated. (Data provided by courtesy of Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur im DLR) ✔ Inspected the EnMAP data regarding possible AI applications in collaboration with BSC which yielded promising results for on-board failure detection, isolation and recovery (FDIR). ✔ Adapted the latest generation of our portable model-based instrument application software (used in real satellite instruments) so that a full processing chain from the simulated instrument hardware down to the ground segment software is achieved. The next step will be the integration in actual FPGA hardware. METASAT has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement number 101082622.

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  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

    49.675 Follower:innen

    Flyeye is watching the sky 🕶 🌠 ☄ Next milestone for Flyeye telescope! We are happy to announce, that the #Flyeye telescope has successfully reached its next milestone: With the “Telescope Shipment Review” the system was totally verified and the telescope is now ready to be delivered. Developed and assembled by OHB Italia S.p.A. and funded by the European Space Agency - ESA, the first Flyeye Telescope is to support observations of celestial objects with a diameter of up to 100 meters from Sicily, Italy. About 1,000 new asteroids enter our planetary system every year. More than nine hundred potentially dangerous Near Earth Objects (NEOs), as they are known as, are being monitored. Flyeye is now ready for its transfer to its first destination #Matera observatory in #Italy. Its “first light” is planned to take place within 2024. Later on, the telescope will be transferred to its final destination in Sicily on the Mountain Mufara as soon as the new observatory infrastructure will be completed (end of 2025). In parallel, the telescope 2nd generation design is progressing. In 2022 OHB Italia signed a contract with the Italian Space Agency #ASI for delivering four further Flyeye telescopes dedicated to #Space Surveillance to create a Flyeye network throughout the world.  

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    We have liftoff! 🚀🧑🚀   Die #Ariane6 ist gestern erfolgreich gestartet! Glückwunsch an alle, die am Start und im Vorfeld an Entwicklung und Bau der #Rakete beteiligt waren!! 🎉   Eine enorme Leistung von unzähligen Akteuren! Insgesamt kommen allein knapp 600 deutsche Unternehmen direkt oder indirekt als Zulieferer zum Einsatz – davon 270 in Bayern sowie jeweils über 100 aus Bremen und Baden-Württemberg. Neben der ArianeGroup (verantwortlich für das BERTA-Triebwerk für ASTRIS, die Vulcain 2.1 und Vinci-Schubkammern sowie die Hilfstriebwerke), tragen MT Aerospace AG (u.A. Tanks für die Ober- und Hauptstufe, Außenverkleidungen) aber auch bspw. die Enrichment Technology Company (Helium-Hochdrucktank) große Teile der Rakete bei.    Vor dem Hintergrund der starken deutschen Beteiligung und hervorragenden europäischen Zusammenarbeit betont #BDLI-Vizepräsident Raumfahrt Marco Fuchs: „Die Ariane 6 bringt Europa zurück ins All und es ist ein großer Erfolg, dass gleich der erste Start erfolgreich war. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle, die ihren Beitrag dazu geleistet haben! Die deutsche Industrie ist mit insgesamt 20% an der Ariane 6 beteiligt und stellt dabei technologisch interessante und herausfordernde Teile der Rakete her. Diese Kompetenzen muss Europa langfristig sichern.“   European Space Agency - ESA Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. OHB SE

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    Unternehmensseite von MT Aerospace AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Europe is back in #space and the gateway to space in Augsburg remains open. With the successful launch of #Ariane6, one thing is certain: space transportation from and for Europe is secured for the coming years! MT Aerospace AG is proud to make a significant contribution with the production of tanks and structural components for the upper and core stages as well as parts for the boosters. Our manufacturing technologies stand for increased #performance and cost reduction of the European launcher . Innovative technologies in the area of manufacturing processes and materials have set standards for Ariane 6. Last night's launch is definitely a #milestone in our company's history and we are very proud of our entire team in Augsburg, Bremen and Kourou. #rocketscience #spaceEnablers #launch

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  • Unternehmensseite von OHB SE anzeigen, Grafik

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    We at #OHB cheer with you MT Aerospace AG. It is breathtaking - #Europe is back in space. Congrats #Ariane6. Congrats to all of you who have worked so hard to make this happen. Without further ado, let us just celebrate this historic moment. #spaceindustry #rocketscience #future

    Unternehmensseite von MT Aerospace AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Congratulations 🚀🚀!#Ariane6, the new European launcher, took off from Kourou this evening as planned. The mission is complete: Our tanks and structures have done their job and we are very proud to be part of this historic #milestone for #space transportation. Pure thrills: as the countdown began, Augsburg fell silent and all eyes were on the rocket. A collective breath and then.....see the cheers of our team at our launch party 🥳 at MT Aerospace AG. What a fantastic team 🚀👍🏻💪

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