Personenbeförderung am Boden

MOIA creates new mobility solutions that make our cities more livable – for everyone.Imprint:


We are a young and innovative mobility company aspiring to change people’s lives by re-imagining urban mobility. MOIA is developing a radically new shuttle-on-demand service that will bring affordable, clean and convenient mobility to everybody and make cities a better place to live. Running as an independent company under the umbrella of the Volkswagen Group, we are able to utilize the resources and know-how of a global corporation – while being an agile, experimental and team-spirited start-up. Our fast growing team in Berlin and Hamburg has a human-centered perspective on mobility and is focusing on one goal: Be one of the leading global mobility-service-providers by 2025. Sounds exciting? We are looking for bright minds who want to join us on this exciting and challenging journey. Become the next member of our diverse, inspired and highly skilled team!

Personenbeförderung am Boden
201–500 Beschäftigte
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Automotive, Mobility, Ridesharing, Carpooling, Mobility on demand, Shared Mobility, E-Mobility, Autonomous Driving, Volkswagen, Ridehailing und Ridepooling


Beschäftigte von MOIA


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    Aktuell erproben wir im Hamburger Testgebiet autonomes #Ridepooling. Während der Tests werden die Fahrzeuge von extra geschulten Sicherheitsfahrer*innen begleitet. Doch welche Aufgaben haben diese bei MOIA?    Das haben wir Sicherheitsfahrer Nicholas im Interview gefragt. Er ist einer der ersten Sicherheitsfahrer*innen, die die Tests mit unseren autonomen Fahrzeugen durchführen.    Wie der Schulungs- und Ausbildungsprozess als Sicherheitsfahrer*in abläuft, erzählt Nicholas im Interview auf unserem MOIA Blog 👉   #AutonomesFahren ________ We are currently testing autonomous #ridepooling in the test area in Hamburg. During the tests, the vehicles are being accompanied by trained safety drivers. But what are their tasks at MOIA? We asked safety driver Nicholas in an interview. He is one of the first #safety drivers to go through the tests with our autonomous vehicles. Nicholas explains how the training and education of a safety driver process works in an interview on our MOIA blog 👉 #AutonomousDriving   

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    Shaping the future of mobility together 🤝 We want to actively be a part of shaping the mobility of the future and use autonomous shuttles to drive in Hamburg – to reduce traffic on the roads and for the common good. We are introducing autonomous ridepooling to the streets of Hamburg with the ALIKE project, in collaboration with Hamburger Hochbahn AG and HOLON, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) and the Hamburg Ministry of Transport and Mobility Transition. It is this interaction between public and private companies that makes the project unique. The goal is to work together to test an autonomous on-demand ridepooling system in public transport. In addition, the project aims to research the acceptance of autonomous transport services in everyday practice. 🚌 MOIA is taking on a dual role in the ALIKE project as a fleet operator and technology supplier. In addition, vehicles from different providers will be seamlessly integrated into a ridepooling service: "MOIA forms the framework of the project and combines the different providers' components into an attractive offer. In the future, people in Hamburg will be able to order autonomous mobility via both the MOIA and hvv switch apps. With this project, we are showing our strategic goal of an open mobility platform for shared autonomous transport in reality," says MOIA CEO Sascha Meyer. Find out more about this project here:

  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    With the recently passed Automated Vehicles Act, the UK is moving forward enabling autonomous mobility with the aim of maximizing flexibility in its application. At LCMS AV Mobility Summit in London, MOIA’s Rainer Becker participated in the panel ‘Getting Over the Line: How can public transport operators transition from trials to deployment?’. Here are 3 takeaways from the panel: ➡️  Vision and pragmatic approaches are necessary to encourage more people to transition from private cars to the public transport system. ➡️ Autonomous mobility in Public Transport needs to enable profitable business models for operators. ➡️ The combination of different public transport modes will be crucial, as no single mode can solve all problems. Thank you for the interesting exchange Nick Reed, Jessica Uguccioni, Freya Hofmann, Jeroen A. Beukers!

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    A day in the life: Product Marketing at MOIA  Are you curious about what a day in the life of our product marketing team looks like? 🤔 Follow one of our employees Daniel Romero and their fluffy friend Anouk for a look behind the scenes as we take you through a typical day at our MOIA-office in Hamburg! From a stand-up with the tech team, to marketing sessions, collaborating with different teams and afternoon coffee chats – our product marketing team is always on the go. 🌟  Interested in joining our journey on the future of mobility? Find our recent job offers here 👉 

  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    Heute durften wir die Bürgermeister von Hamburg und Wien sowie Vertreter*innen der Stadt Zürich bei uns begrüßen. Seit fünf Jahren gibt es den Städte-Trilog zwischen Hamburger Senat, Stadt Wien und Stadt Zürich. Die Idee dahinter: Die Metropolen ähneln sich in vielen Punkten und stehen vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen, können so voneinander lernen. Ziel aller drei Städte ist es, dass noch mehr Menschen auf den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr umsteigen und so aktiv zur Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes beitragen. Autonome Ridepooling-Angebote wie MOIA in Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr können einen wichtigen Beitrag für diese angestrebten Verkehrsverlagerungen leisten. Während des Besuches konnten sich die Gäste über den aktuellen Stand bei MOIA in Hamburg informieren. Bei der anschließenden Probefahrt durch die Stadt testeten Bürgermeister Dr. Peter Tschentscher und sein Wiener Amtskollege, Dr. Michael Ludwig, sowie Vertreter*innen der Stadt Zürich unsere selbstfahrenden ID. Buzz AD. Vielen Dank für den Besuch und den interessanten Austausch! 📸: Hamburger Senat

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    📣 Agile Meet & Mingle in Hamburg! Let’s come together at our free learning and networking event for the agile community on 4th of July at the MOIA office in Hamburg! Here is what to expect: 🗣️ Speaker: MOIA Agile Coach Tino Berner will set the scene with his talk ”Agenda S*cks“. In his words: "From biggest pain to productivity boosters; meetings have a huge impact on the product and the culture of a company. In this talk I will bring some perspectives to the table that might help you to see meetings in a different light.” 🤝 Networking: Directly after, we will go into an open World Café format in which we can connect and learn from one another. Join us and register here: 

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    How can ridepooling transform your region? Just ask MIA. 💻   To extend and enhance an existing public transport system through ridepooling, our Mobility Consulting Team supports cities and transport companies in gaining a deeper understanding of both systems. The Mobility Impact Analyzer (MIA) analyses scenario-based simulations – for the integration and optimization of a ridepooling service. The detailed insights support the development of a suitable ridepooling concept for the local mobility system. 🚌   Find out more about MOIA Mobility Consulting: 

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    Hybrid working at MOIA 🖥️ We at MOIA embrace a culture of co-location and remote work, in Berlin and Hamburg. Our ridepooling business is all about bringing people together, and we believe our culture should reflect this. To be as inclusive as possible, we have a hybrid working model that accommodates all preferences. Some people thrive in the office environment, enjoying the change of scenery and the opportunity for face-to-face interactions. Others find working from home allows them greater flexibility with their time and needs. Our flexible model fosters a dynamic office atmosphere, filled with spontaneous events, casual encounters and opportunities to connect as a team. It creates a safe harbour for all people who cherish the (occasional) real-life interaction at work. We recognize that people have different preferences in their life and that teams evolve continuously. 🚀 Our goal is for everyone to find their individual hybrid-balance. Do you value a hybrid culture? Check out our recent job openings here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 Exciting News from the UITP: MOIA CEO Sascha Meyer has been appointed as the Vice-Chair of the Shared Mobility Division at the International Association of Public Transport.  The UITP aims at improving public transport all over the world and we are pleased to be a part of it. This new division consists of the On-Demand Mobility and the Shared Vehicles Committee that brings together professionals, working groups and committees to exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge around our common topic: shared mobility. We are honoured by this appointment and are looking forward to our collaboration! 🚗 

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  • Unternehmensseite von MOIA anzeigen, Grafik

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    Seid ihr bereit für die Fußball Europameisterschaft 2024? ⚽️  Wir sind es und haben für euch extra zusätzliche Haltestops in Hamburg eingerichtet. Als Teil des ÖPNV, haben wir über 12.500 virtuelle Haltepunkte in der Stadt verteilt. Davon auch diverse bei lokalen Partnern, wie Lidl in Deutschland, REWE, Kaufland Deutschland oder Netto Marken-Discount, den Asklepios-Krankenhäusern oder am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf.     📍 Zum Public Viewing gibt es vom 15. Juni bis 14. Juli einen extra errichteten Stop auf dem Parkplatz des Haupteingangs unseres Partners “Landhaus Walter” im Stadtpark. Kommt vorbei! 🎉 ➡️ Außerdem: Wer ein Ticket zu den Spielen im Volksparkstadion hat, kommt ebenso mit MOIA ans Ziel. Denn: Es gibt nun Haltestops nördlich des Stadions, welches ihr über einen kurzen Fußweg von dort aus erreicht. _________ Are you ready for the 2024 European Football Championship? ⚽️  We are and have set up additional stops in Hamburg for you. As part of the public transport system, we have over 12,500 virtual stops spread across the city. Including several at local partners such as Lidl in Deutschland, REWE, Kaufland Deutschland Germany and Netto Marken-Discount, the Asklepios hospitals and the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf. 📍 From 15th June to 14th July, there will be a special stop for public viewing in the car park of the main entrance of our partner ‘Landhaus Walter’ in the Stadtpark. Come and stop by! 🎉 ➡️ Furthermore, if you have a ticket for the games in the Volksparkstadion, you can also get there with MOIA. Because: There are now stops north of the stadium, which you can reach via a short walk from there. 

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