Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Transport, Logistik, Lieferkette und Lagerhaltung

Osnabrueck, Niedersachsen 287.004 Follower:innen

Thinking Ahead - Moving Forward

Our Hellmann Promise

We are a family business for over 150 years. All these years we have relied on our exceptional people in the global Hellmann FAMILY and their unmatched passion and energy to serve our customers.​ Our company culture, the Hellmann Promise, is the essence of who we are, driving us to achieve greatness and fostering a sense of belonging that empowers you to thrive! Our Promise does not only include a mission, our values and leadership principles, but also our vision "For the better. Together."


Our Vision

For the better. Together. In our vision, we yearn and strive for a better world: A world where humankind takes care of the environment, quality of life is improved and social equity is reality. We can only realize this world together! Fostered by sustainable economic development and driven by creative minds and innovation. As the global Hellmann Family it is our greatest responsibility to create this future jointly – in worldwide logistics.

Our Mision

We care passionately for people and economies everywhere. Delivering reliable integrated logistics solutions powered by technology, expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. Connecting the world every day. Sustainably.

Das sagen unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

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