French Tech Berlin

French Tech Berlin

Technologie, Information und Internet

The network of French entrepreneurs, investors and corporate, major actors of the growing Berlin Tech Ecosystem.


Since 2016, our berlin-based French Tech community brings entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, public organisations and other talents together and enables those actors to benefit from the dynamics of the French and German Tech ecosystems.

Technologie, Information und Internet
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
startup, venture capital, technology, founder, ecosystem, germany, france, VC und entrepreneur


Beschäftigte von French Tech Berlin


  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are proud to announce that French Tech Berlin is a winner of the French Tech Community Fund 2024-2025! Thanks to this support from the Mission French Tech, we will strengthen our impact on the influence of the #FrenchTech ecosystem internationally. The French Tech Community Fund takes the form of financial support and enables us to deploy strategic initiatives in line with the Mission French Tech's international priorities. In November 2024, we will organise an event to integrate discussions on Tech, AI, and culture within the French tech community, engaging key stakeholders from various sectors. Through this large-scale international event, we are looking forward to keeping on: 👉 Shedding light on France's attractiveness abroad and promoting French start-ups abroad with initiatives to attract international talents, investors and partners to the French Tech ecosystem while highlighting French success stories and innovations. 👉 Promoting and supporting the ecosystem of the French Deeptech startup ecosystems, especially in AI. We will highlight French advances in these crucial sectors and foster international collaborations between Germany and France. We express our gratitude to the Mission French Tech for their trust and support.

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  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

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    +15% Startup creations in Germany, Berlin is leader!!

    Unternehmensseite von Startup-Verband anzeigen, Grafik

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    😍🚨🆕 Anzeichen für Trendwende bei Startup-Gründungen ++++ Die Startup-Landschaft entwickelt sich wieder positiv – das zeigt unser heute veröffentlichter Next Generation Report mit startupdetector! 🚀 Im ersten Halbjahr 2024 stieg die Zahl der Neugründungen gegenüber dem zweiten Halbjahr 2023 um 15% – 1.384 neu gegründete Startups. Keep going! 🏙️ Die Länder Berlin, Bayern und Nordrhein-Westfalen liegen vorne, vor allem in NRW (+25 %) und Berlin (+28 %) zeigt sich ein klarer #Aufwärtstrend. 💪 München liefert sich ein knappes Kopf-an-Kopf mit Berlin. Beide Städte bleiben die zentralen Hotspots. Auch wenn Berlin absolut die meisten Gründungen aufweist, schiebt sich #München bei Gründungen-pro-Kopf im Zeitraum der letzten 12 Monate knapp an #Berlin vorbei. 👩💻 Der #Software Sektor wächst weiterhin stark: +35%, jedes fünfte Startup wurde im Software-Bereich gegründet. Und in anderen Bereichen? #ECommerce erholt sich, aber #Blockchain / #Krypto verliert erneut. 🤝 ”Der deutliche Anstieg der Neugründungen zeigt, dass der #Unternehmergeist in Deutschland stark ist [...]” – sagt unser stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzender Helmut Schoenenberger (Co-Founder & CEO von UnternehmerTUM). “Das Wachstum der Neugründungen […] ist ein ermutigendes Signal.” – sagt Felix Engelmann, PhD (Co-Founder startupdetector). Auch die “zunehmende Bedeutung der Regionen zeigt das Potential, das in Deutschlands Breite schlummert.” Dieser Dynamik sollte die #Bundesregierung weiter Rückenwind geben! 🚀 ▶️ Den Report findet ihr direkt im ersten Kommentar.

  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    This is a great opportunity for Berliner impact startups to get support, broaden their network and receive equity-free funding... what more can you ask? 😋 Contact Viktoria Trosien for more information and apply by July 15 to get a chance to be in!

    Unternehmensseite von avant now // innovation for impact anzeigen, Grafik

    1.015 Follower:innen

    🚨 Final Call: One Week Left to Apply! 🚨 👉🏼 Ready to elevate your impact? This is your last chance to join the 5th Cohort of the Avant Now Accelerator! Apply by July 15, 2024, and transform your venture before time runs out. 🚀 Program starts on September 1, 2024. Become part of a community of forward-thinking founders committed to tackling societal and ecological challenges. 🎁 What you get: equity-free funding, a skill-based training program, coaching, office space, access to a vibrant community, and funding opportunities. Special support for women and other underrepresented founders is included. This opportunity is for you if: 💡 You are an ambitious entrepreneur with a strong societal or ecological impact mission. 💡 Your solution is scalable, tech-based, and built on a for-profit business model. 💡 You reside in Berlin or are able to relocate before the program starts. 💡 You have not yet generated revenue nor received startup funding or a grant from any public or private entity. Act now to secure your spot and propel your venture to new heights! For more information and to submit your application, visit our link in the comments. Let’s create impactful futures together. 💚 #avantnow #accelerator #unleashyourimpact #BerlinStartupGrant #StartupBerlin

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  • French Tech Berlin hat dies direkt geteilt

    🏆 Bewerben Sie sich für den Startup Award, der im Rahmen der Deutsch-Französischen Preise 2025 in Paris vergeben wird! Sie sind ein französisches oder deutsches Startup und bereits auf dem Nachbarmarkt erfolgreich? Ihre innovative Geschäftsidee ist skalierbar und leistet einen Beitrag zur europäischen Souveränität? ➡️ Dann bewerben Sie sich unter folgendem Link: Der Startup Award ist eine renommierte Auszeichnung vergeben durch die Deutsch-Französische Industrie- und Handelskammer und möchte innovative und im deutsch-französischen Wirkungsfeld engagierte Startups würdigen (Erleben Sie die Edition aus 2023 hier: #PartnerFürFrankreich, #startup, #innovation, #PartnerForStartups, #EuropeanSovereignty, #PFA © Frédérique Madi /Foto der Preisverleihung 2023

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  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    The next community Frühstück will be in partnership with... Alstom! 😎 Join us for the last breakfast before September and network before our summer pause! 📅 July 23, 2024 📍Ernst-Reuter-Platz 6, 8th Floor, 10587 Berlin Germany 🎟️ Tickets here ➡ We're looking forward to seeing you there! 🎉

    French Tech Community Frühstück #21 with Alstom

    French Tech Community Frühstück #21 with Alstom

  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    🌍 France-Germany Call for Projects – Webinar on June 25! Bpifrance, BMWK, and AiF are launching a new call for projects. Harness the combined strengths of France and Germany for your project! Get support and funding. 👉 Eligible applicants include companies, startups, and research facilities from Germany and France, focusing on innovation in strategic fields such as hydrogen, Industry 4.0, and quantum technologies. 📅 Applications are open from June 5th to November 5th, 2024. Don't miss our joint webinar with AiF, tomorrow, on June 25 at 10 AM. Click here to register 👉 #FranceGermany #Innovation #TechPartnerships #Webinar #Hydrogen #Industry4 #QuantumTechnology

    France - Germany Call for proposals : Information session | Bpifrance

    France - Germany Call for proposals : Information session | Bpifrance

  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    New Call for Projects – Join BPI France, BMWK and AiF on a Webinar on June 25! Bpifrance, in partnership with BMWK and AiF, opens a new call for projects and helps you harness the best of the German and French Innovation ecosystems. Get support and funding for your cutting-edge project! We invite companies, startups, and research facilities from Germany and France to apply for their project in strategic fields like hydrogen, Industry 4.0, quantum technologies.... 📅 Applications are open from June 5th to November 5th, 2024. Want to know more? 👉 Don't miss our joint webinar with AiF on June 25 at 10 AM. Join us to learn more 👉 #Innovation #Collaboration #FranceGermany #Technology #Webinar

    Appel à Projets France-Allemagne

    Appel à Projets France-Allemagne

  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    Thank you Leapsome for welcoming the French Tech Berlin community yesterday morning in your beautiful office space in Mitte! About 70 members of the community came together for a great piece of networking, coffee and croissant! Thank you Irene Ploix, Kajetan von Armansperg and the Leapsome team! We can't wait for the next community breakfast of July, this time in partnership with Alstom... stay tuned 👀

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  • French Tech Berlin hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Emilie Vallauri anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Program at Techstars | French Tech Berlin Board Member

    🌱 When French Tech Berlin teams up with N26 to talk corporate sustainability and impact investing, you get: 8 amazing speakers; 25+ (+/- sarcastic) jokes from me on stage; 100+ attendees from the tech, impact and sustainability industries in Berlin; And a countless number of insights and anecdotes about how to make the tech industry just a bit more impactful for tomorrow. A few of those nuggets in a nutshell: 1️⃣ There are plenty of ways to generate revenue and growth without inducing more waste. By relying on innovation and exploring new out of the box business models, we have seen an upsurge of new, impact driven companies focusing on making the world a better place as much as being profitable. 2️⃣ Focusing on KPIs and the measurement of impact is key to avoid greenwashing... it's also one of the greatest challenges faced by companies and investors: striking a balance and finding the "right" measurement for impact is not easy, but definitely possible. 3️⃣ Impact investing is no charity work: it just encompasses another dimension, impact, in the investment decision. Think of it this way: potential revenue, growth and returns are measured on the x axis, while impact (social and environmental) on the y axis. Everything in the second quadrant (high potential revenue, growth and returns + high impact) is where impact VCs see their sweet spot. Thank you to my partners at N26, Caroline J. and Foster Glenn for working with me the past 3 months to bring this initiative to life. Thank you Jessica Fernsler, Marine Ruiz, Lucie Dufour and Nicole Flamarique for taking time out of your busy schedule to volunteer and make this event a great success. Thank you Lubomila Jordanova, Wolfgang Hennen, Marcus W. Mauermann, Mascha Bonk, Maciej Gałkiewicz, Manal Belaouane and Isabelle Canu for your amazing insights - we couldn't have dreamt of a better line up for this event! And obviously, thank you to all that came and networked, made this evening not only informative but fun and full of nice encounters. Until next time!

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  • Unternehmensseite von French Tech Berlin anzeigen, Grafik

    3.729 Follower:innen

    🎉 Ready for a bit of early networking? Join us at the Leapsome office for some coffee and croissants! 📅 June 18, 2024 at 9AM 📍 Leapsome office, Brunnenstr. 153, 10115, Berlin Mitte Get your tickets here: Thank you Irene Ploix and the rest of the Leapsome team for co-hosting this breakfast with Emilie Vallauri! We can't wait to have the community again together!

    French Tech Community Frühstück #20 with Leapsome

    French Tech Community Frühstück #20 with Leapsome

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