FINE Legal

FINE Legal


Berlin, BE 613 Follower:innen


FINE Legal ist ein Legal Tech Startup im Bereich der Verbraucherrechte. Unser Ziel ist es, Kunden einfach und ohne Kosten zu ihrem Recht zu helfen. Hierfür entwickeln wir eine digitale Verbraucherrechtsplattform.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von FINE Legal


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    As the asparagus season in Germany comes to an end, we fondly remember our recent team lunch at our office in Berlin. 🍽️🌿 We gathered together and cooked a delightful meal featuring white asparagus with sauce hollandaise, new potatoes, and Katenschinken. It was a wonderful experience to roll up our sleeves and prepare this seasonal feast as a team. 🥔🧈 This lunch was more than just a meal – it was an opportunity to strengthen our teamwork, share laughter, and enjoy each other's company. These moments of collaboration and camaraderie remind us of the importance of working together and the joy of being part of such an amazing team. Here's to more shared meals, memorable experiences, and the incredible journey we are on together! 🥂🚀 #TeamLunch #Spargel #SeasonalCooking #TeamBuilding #StartupLife #Germany #Collaboration

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  • Unternehmensseite von FINE Legal  anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀💼👩⚖️ Bavarian justice is setting a groundbreaking precedent for the future of the legal system! 📈🌐 Since July 2023, legal trainees in Bavaria have had the opportunity to specialize in the exciting fields of Legal Tech and IT Law. This pioneering measure is part of a comprehensive digital offensive, demonstrating that the future of law relies on technological innovation. 💼👩⚖️ In this specialization, trainee lawyers learn the basics of IT law and current legal tech trends, including software and IT contract law and the regulation of digital platforms, comprehensively covered in the curriculum for modern legal practice. 📚💻 The initiative of the Bavarian judiciary deserves recognition and imitation! The demands placed on lawyers have changed significantly in recent years, particularly with regard to digitalization. Modern legal practice requires not only legal expertise, but also in-depth knowledge of technological developments and their impact on the legal system. 💡🔍 The integration of Legal Tech into legal education is an important step towards ensuring the future viability of the legal system and meeting the challenges of an increasingly digitized world. We hope that other federal states will follow this example and take the necessary steps to adapt their legal education to the requirements of the digital era. 📈🌐 As a company that is committed to innovation and progress in the legal sector, we expressly welcome this development and are excited about the new opportunities that will arise from the integration of Legal Tech. 💬👥 #LegalTech #ITLaw #Digitalization #Innovation #Future #LegalSystem

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    🚀💼 The world of law is going digital! But what does this mean for your legal department? 🤔💻 In our modern era, no sector is safe from the effects of digital transformation - not even the legal sector. This is where legal tech comes in. 🌐💡 Legal tech, short for "legal technology", comprises software and technologies that support in-house counsel and lawyers in providing legal services more efficiently. 🤖💼 There are different types of legal tech, from analytics to document automation to online dispute resolution. These tools help to optimize work processes and improve the quality of work. 💼🔧 What advantages does legal tech offer the legal department? 🎉 Increased efficiency: Legal tech automates and accelerates work processes in legal departments. From contract review to document creation, time-consuming tasks are completed more quickly. ⏱️💼 Quality improvement: By using legal tech, legal departments reduce their error rate and minimize associated risks. AI-supported systems enable high-quality risk assessments and support the judgment of lawyers. 📊🔍 Easier access to legal knowledge: Legal tech facilitates access to legal expertise for the entire company and also for consumers. Self-service solutions enable other departments to create legally compliant contracts independently, which relieves the legal department and distributes responsibilities more efficiently. 📚🔒 As a legal tech company, we have also been ready for years to help consumers in a modern way in legal areas such as employment law, tenancy law, gambling law, flight law, data protection law, health insurance law and more. 🌟🔮 #LegalTech #LegalDepartment #Digitalization #Innovation #Future #ArtificialIntelligence #Efficiency #Transformation

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    🚀 BMJ treibt Digitalisierung der Justiz voran: Neuer Gesetzesentwurf in Vorbereitung Das Bundesministerium der Justiz (BMJ) treibt die Digitalisierung der Justiz weiter voran. Ein Ende des Jahres 2023 veröffentlichter Referentenentwurf für ein "Gesetz zur weiteren Digitalisierung der Justiz" liegt in der Ressortabstimmung. Im Fokus stehen die Stellung von Strafanträgen per E-Mail ebenso wie Anwaltsrechnungen ohne Unterschrift. 📁💻 Elektronische Aktenführung  Ab 2026 müssen neu angelegte Justizakten elektronisch geführt werden. Allerdings gibt es eine Ausnahme für bereits existierende analoge Akten, die weiterhin in Papierform neben den elektronischen Akten aufbewahrt werden dürfen. 📧💻 Elektronische Kommunikation im Fokus: Videokonferenzen in Strafsachen Weiterhin plant das BMJ eine Ausweitung der Möglichkeit zur Führung von Revisionsverhandlungen in Strafsachen per Videokonferenz. Die Erleichterung der elektronischen Kommunikation in der Justiz soll auch Strafanzeigen und -anträge erfassen, die künftig per E-Mail eingereicht werden können, ohne dass eine Unterschrift oder elektronische Signatur erforderlich ist. 💻📄 Reduzierung der Schriftformerfordernisse Anwältinnen und Anwälte können künftig gemäß einer geplanten Änderung von § 10 RVG ihre Rechnungen digital und ohne Schriftform, beispielsweise per E-Mail, stellen. Gleichzeitig sieht der Gesetzesentwurf vor, die Schriftformerfordernisse in der Justiz zu reduzieren, sodass Anwältinnen und Anwälte Dokumente für die Schriftform in gescannter Form statt analoger Form bei Gericht einreichen dürfen. 🔍 Ausblick und Zustimmung Die Reformpläne stoßen überwiegend auf Zustimmung, auch wenn einige Anwälte Bedenken bezüglich der Revisionsverhandlungen in Strafsachen per Videokonferenz äußern. Während der COVID-19-Pandemie fanden in Deutschland bereits ca. 50.000 Gerichtsverhandlungen per Videokonferenz statt. Bundesjustizminister Marco Buschmann hält eine Ausweitung auf die Revisionsverhandlung im Strafprozess für unbedenklich. Nach der Ressortabstimmung wird der Entwurf voraussichtlich Anfang des Jahres 2024 von der Bundesregierung beschlossen und dem Bundestag zugeleitet. Damit könnte die Justizdigitalisierung in Deutschland einen bedeutenden Schritt vorwärts machen. 💼🔗 #Digitalisierung #Justiz #Recht #BMJ #Innovation

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    🛫 Fluggastrechtsentwicklungen in Deutschland 🛬 Unsere aktuelle Studie wurde vom Tagesspiegel und der Hamburger Morgenpost aufgegriffen und zeigt besorgniserregende Zahlen zu Fluggastklagen in Deutschland. Die Studie widmete sich eingehend den Klagen von Flugpassagieren an den bedeutendsten deutschen Flughäfen. 🔍 Tagesspiegel: Berlin und Brandenburg auf Platz 1 Am Flughafen BER wurden 6,8 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere (insgesamt 23 Millionen Fluggäste) verzeichnet, während Frankfurt am Main nur 2,6 Klagen pro 10.000 Flugpassagiere (insgesamt 60 Millionen Reisende) aufwies. Die Zahl der Fluggastklagen stieg von 63.379 (2022) auf 82.500 (September 2023), wobei Dortmund mit 10,8 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere besonders betroffen war. 🔗 Artikel: Tagesspiegel Plus ↓ 🗞 Hamburger Morgenpost: Amtsgericht Hamburg verzeichnet über 9.000 Klagen Im Jahr 2023 verzeichneten die Fluggastklagen in Deutschland einen Anstieg von fast 90%, wobei mehr als 9.000 Klagen am Amtsgericht Hamburg eingereicht wurden. Im Verhältnis zur Flughafengröße übertrifft Hamburg als zweitklagereichster Großflughafen Frankfurt um das Dreifache, mit durchschnittlich 6,7 Klagen pro 10.000 Fluggäste. Die Zunahme an Fluggastklagen ist maßgeblich auf Billig-Airlines wie Ryanair, Wizz Air und Easyjet zurückzuführen. 🏆 Rangfolge der Klagezahlen der größten 5 Flughäfen in Deutschland: 1) Berlin (Flughafen BER) - 6,8 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere 2) Hamburg - 6,7 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere 3) Düsseldorf - 5,7 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere 4) München - 2,6 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere 5) Frankfurt am Main - 2,6 Klagen pro 10.000 Passagiere 👉 Unsere Rolle: fine. setzt sich für Fluggastrechte ein Bei Verspätungen oder Ausfällen sichern euch die EU-Fluggastrechte Entschädigungen von bis zu 600 € zu. fine. steht Flugpassagieren zur Seite, um diese Ansprüche schnell und unkompliziert bei der Airline durchzusetzen. Ob Flugverspätung, verpasster Anschluss, Flugumbuchung oder Flugausfall – wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass eure Fluggastrechte geschützt sind. 🔗 Hier geht's zu unserer Studie ↓ Herzlichen Dank an Tagesspiegel und Hamburger Morgenpost für die Berichterstattung. Wir setzen uns weiterhin für Fluggastrechte ein! 🔗 Weitere Informationen findest Du im Artikel der Hamburger Morgenpost ↓ #fine. #Fluggastrechte #Tagesspiegel #HamburgerMorgenpost #Luftverkehr #Reisen #Flugentschädigung

    Verspätungen und Ausfälle am Flughafen Hamburg: Passagiere ziehen vor Gericht

    Verspätungen und Ausfälle am Flughafen Hamburg: Passagiere ziehen vor Gericht

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    613 Follower:innen

    🎄🌟 Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from FINE Legal! Dear colleagues, partners and friends, The FINE Legal team would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you during this reflective Christmas season. Your support and joint efforts over the past year have been very rewarding for us. 🤝 We look back on a year full of interesting encounters and joint successes and are grateful for the many positive moments and experiences. 🌟 2023 was a year full of progress and success for us, and we are proud to inform you that we have once again come a significant step closer to our goal of helping consumers get their rights and their money. ⚖️ Our efforts to promote transparency, fairness and legal certainty for consumers have yielded positive results and we are determined to continue on this path in the coming year. 🙌🏼 This festive period offers us the opportunity to pause, reflect on our joint successes and look forward to a new year full of exciting projects and opportunities. 🚀 We wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas season, relaxing holidays and an energetic start to 2024 🎄🌟🎆 Warmest Christmas greetings 🎅🤶, Your FINE Legal Team #FINELegal #HappyChristmas #NewYear2024 #JointSuccess #Collaboration

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    613 Follower:innen

    Dear LinkedIn Community, We're happy to share some impressions of our three-day Christmas celebration in Brandenburg (Petershagen) with you! 🎄🎉 Right at the beginning we had a cozy lunch in the office in Berlin, followed by our arrival at a charming villa in Brandenburg. The evening brought not only an entertaining round of bowling but also culinary highlights with an exquisite dinner at an excellent restaurant. 🍽️🎳 The second day started with a morning work session and a delicious pizza break, which gave us the necessary power for the retro session in the afternoon. During this session, we set goals and strategies for the upcoming quarter. The evening was marked by a festive catering experience and a celebration of the year-end in the warm atmosphere of the villa. 🍕📈🎊 On the final day, we concluded the festivities with a relaxed brunch near the office and bid each other a sincere and heartfelt farewell. 🥐👋 Our Christmas celebration was filled with good food, productive discussions, and heartwarming moments. We not only reflected on the past year but also looked forward to the new year with great anticipation. May the festive mood accompany and inspire you all! 🌟 Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas 🎄 and a successful start to the New Year🎉! #ChristmasCelebration #TeamSpirit #Unity #Reflection #NewGoals #fine.

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    Hey you there! 👋 It's time for a new round: "We are fine". First of all: It's a lot of fun to introduce you to our team bit by bit, so you can see which faces are actually behind FINE and who is committed to our vision. Today let me introduce you to our team member Saliha! Saliha has already successfully completed her training as a paralegal and assists FINE with her knowledge and skills. She works in the area of Client and Legal Operations, and supports us as a working student while studying law at the University of Leipzig. In addition, her heart beats for the ELSA Leipzig e.V. There she volunteers as president of the association and leads it. We are grateful for your spirit in our team and happy that you share our vision and realize it with us piece by piece. Would you like to become part of our motivated and young team? Just have a look if there is a vacancy for you. ➡️ #wearefine #workingstudent #legaloperations #lawstudent #elsaleipzig

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    613 Follower:innen

    🌱 Federal cabinet adopts National Strategy for Social Innovation and Public Benefit Oriented Enterprises 🌱 On September 13, the German Cabinet took a significant step toward social and environmental sustainability by adopting the National Strategy for Social Innovation and Public Benefit Oriented Enterprises. This groundbreaking initiative was developed under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 🌐 Why is it important? In a world where social and environmental challenges are becoming increasingly urgent, public benefit-oriented companies play a crucial role. Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics, explained that these companies are not only drivers of social innovation, but they also use entrepreneurial means to solve social problems. This strategy aims to increase their impact by creating better access to financial support, investing in ecosystem development and improving the regulatory framework. 🌿🌎 Background: In its coalition agreement, the German federal government stipulated the development of a national strategy to strengthen community-oriented enterprises and social innovations. In seven guidelines and eleven fields of action, the strategy now presented formulates the key objectives and measures to mobilize all social and economic forces through improved framework conditions and appropriate support and to develop solutions to the major challenges facing society.  📊🔍 This initiative marks a significant step toward a sustainable and future-oriented society. We are excited about the positive changes it will bring about in Germany and beyond. 🌿👏 #SocialInnovation #CommunityWelfareCompanies #Sustainability

    Bundeskabinett beschließt Nationale Strategie für Soziale Innovationen und Gemeinwohlorientierte Unternehmen

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    613 Follower:innen

    Hey there from all of us! 👋 It has become a tradition that we meet at the beginning of the month as part of our "Allhands". Colleagues who are in Berlin can of course join the others in our local office. In a relaxed atmosphere and with a tasty drink, we discuss news about our company, evaluate our KPIs and set goals for the next month. The Allhands also gives us the opportunity to share private topics and chat a bit, away from our daily work. Of course, any questions that arise are answered and new ideas are welcome. Regular exchanges within the team are extremely important to us, as they strengthen the team spirit and make working much more enjoyable! We are incredibly proud to have builded such a great and interdisciplinary team within the last 3 years. We thank each and every one of you. 🙏 Are you curious and want to participate in our next “Allhands”? Feel free to check out our open positions. If there's something for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We look forward to you 😊 ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ #teammeeting #allhands #finelegal #hiring 

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