Find Jobs in Germany

Find Jobs in Germany


Finding jobs in Germany has never been easier.


Explore the easiest ways to find jobs in Germany! 🇩🇪

2–10 Beschäftigte
Stadt Hamburg
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)


Beschäftigte von Find Jobs in Germany


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    German work culture. As the largest economy of Europe, Germany has a very precisely designed work culture. The world is no stranger to the German efficiency, it can be seen everywhere. Starting with the process-oriented methodical work structure to the art of meticulous presentations, here’s what you can expect as an employee in Germany: Punctuality goes a long way in Germany, a popular saying goes “punctuality is the politeness of kings” and that can be seen thoroughly in the work culture as well. Germans take their appointments very seriously. Same is the case with being direct and to the point. No one likes to beat around the bush here, agreement/disagreements and negotiations are bluntly expressed. German culture does not allow more than 5 minutes of chitchat. Job security is actually a visible thing in Germany, the labor law ensures that the workers have their rights realized. No one can be dismissed from a job willfully or at a sudden notice, a rigorous process has to be followed to terminate any employee. Lastly, German workers enjoy a very good work-life balance too. You get 25 to 30 days of vacation time every year and literally no one interferes during your vacation time. #FindJobsinGermany #Jobs

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