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Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia 7.472 Follower:innen

Intelligent grids for a sustainable future worldwide


envelio – the smart grid solutions provider for distribution grid operators 🚀 Our smart grid software the Intelligent Grid Platform (IGP) allows grid operators to create a comprehensive digital twin of their LV and MV grids by integrating data from GIS, NIS, EDM, SCADA, and smart meters. This allows greater visibility into the entire power system and enables holistic optimization of processes from grid operations to grid connections and strategic planning. With our solutions, grid operators can introduce higher levels of process digitalization and automation, effectively and timely address weaknesses and constraints in their distribution network, and control the generation and consumption of energy in a flexible manner. Implementing the IGP allows DSOs to: 🔹 Improve grid data quality and reliability, 🔹 Automate and streamline planning and operational processes, 🔹 Proactively manage grid congestion in real-time, 🔹 Accelerate integration and management of DERs As the energy landscape shifts towards decentralized sources and the push to reduce CO2 emissions grows, our Intelligent Grid Platform empowers distribution grid operators to navigate the new challenges with confidence. Trusted by a diverse range of grid operators from various countries and of different sizes, such as Westnetz (DE), Rheinenergie (DE), E.ON Sweden (SE), Glitre Nett (NO), Elektrilevi (EE) and Helen (FI) envelio's IGP is setting new standards in grid management and planning, facilitating a smoother transition to renewable energies. 👉 For more details on our three main application areas – Grid Data Quality, Grid Planning, and Grid Operations – visit our product pages or get in touch with us right away! Or if you'd like to join us on our journey, we're looking forward to your application. We're proud to boast a 95% recommendation rate on Kununu and incredibly grateful for all the great feedback. ⭐ Click here for more: https://www.kununu.com/de/envelio

IT und Services
51–200 Beschäftigte
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia
Smart Grids, Software, Digitization, Grid Planning, Optimization, Data Analytics, Asset management, Grid operation, Grid connection, Grid integration, Flexibility management, Grid transformation und Grid digital twin



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    Hildegard-von-Bingen-Allee 2

    Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia 50933, DE


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    📣 Digital transformation is crucial in modernizing energy grids. But do larger DSOs have an advantage here just because they have more resources? A recent report shows a correlation, but it's not as straightforward as one might think. The report "Wired for Tomorrow" from Eurelectric and Accenture addresses the digital maturity and transformation strategies of DSOs in the context of evolving energy grids. ⚡ Interestingly, DSOs exhibit diverse digital maturity levels 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗶𝘇𝗲. Sure, larger DSOs often have more resources for advanced technologies, yet smaller DSOs can adopt digital solutions quickly due to their agility. 💡 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 the digital maturity is the penetration level of renewables in the energy mix. The higher this level is, the more this necessitates: 1. Digital planning tools to perform strategic grid planning and real-time assessments of grid capacity, and 2. Smart grid technologies to have advanced capabilities such as real-time monitoring, automated control, and data-driven decision-making Essentially, the report demonstrates that while resources play a role, the true driver of digital maturity for DSOs lies in their ability to integrate and manage renewable energy sources. And this in turn means that as the energy landscape continues to evolve, the emphasis on smart technologies and strategic planning will become increasingly vital for all DSOs, regardless of their size. A side note: We are excited about the mention on Page 44 😉 Find the report here: https://lnkd.in/eFeQ94bb #energytransition #gridmodernization #griddigitalization #gridtransformation

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    Though summer tends to bring a lull, it doesn't look like it's slowing down the release of new tools for grid operators. Case in point – a new online tool helps reduce the impact of "Dunkelflaute" periods. 🧮 The German-Norwegian company ECO STOR GmbH has developed an online calculator that aids in determining which storage capacities and how many reserve power plants are needed during the so-called "Dunkelflaute" periods – times when renewable energy generation is minimal. 🔋 By simulating future expansion scenarios with real load and generation data from 2020 to 2023, this tool provides some valuable insights for grid operators, such as: - What are the optimal storage capacities for different energy transition scenarios? - How do storage requirements vary with changes in renewable energy generation patterns? - What is the cost-effectiveness of different storage solutions? 🔧 These insights can guide strategic decisions for grid management and help grid operators plan and optimize grid development effectively. Similar to the DLR's solar atlas, which assesses rooftop PV potential (here's our post on that: https://lnkd.in/gWexcbED), Eco Stor’s calculator has a potential to become useful for strategic grid planning by helping operators understand storage needs and better strategize for future grid reinforcement and expansion measures. 🚀 Want to learn more about the how-tos of future grid scenarios? Then read about the insights from Helen Sähköverkko Oy here: https://lnkd.in/e7fPEnQS And here's the link to Eco Stor's online calculator: https://lnkd.in/eGJHKecJ #gridofthefuture #energytransition #gridplanning #futuregridscenarios

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    🤗 We are so happy, that the #envelio team continues to grow! 🩵 Our warmest welcome goes out to our new colleagues: ✨ Alba Sornosa (Senior Software Engineer) ✨ Martin Moraga (Software Engineer) ✨ Fiona Friedrichs (Working Student Customer Engagement) ✨ Patrick Hill (Working Student Customer Implementation) ✨ Pauline Krasniqi (Working Student People & Organization) ✨ Georgi Nastev (Team Lead IT Operations) Together we’re building a sustainable future worldwide 🍃⚡💪 #newjoiners #hiring #talentaquisition #newhires #wearehiring #energytransition

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    🚀 We're excited to announce that as part of the edna project group, we'll be contributing to establishing the requirements for 𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 and 𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗦𝗖𝗔𝗗𝗔 systems. envelio is now a member of the German Federal Association for Energy Market & Communication (“edna”). And as part of this membership, our Product Manager for Innovation, Alonso Ortega Salinas, will actively participate in the new project group that aims to develop standard interfaces for LV SCADA systems, thus ensuring seamless integration of measurement data into future processes and systems. 💡 The outcomes of this project group will serve not only as guidelines for the entire industry but also help further define the remaining underlying processes for implementing flexibility management (aka §14a EnWG) in Germany. 🤝 We're looking forward to bringing our expertise and knowledge to the edna Bundesverband Energiemarkt & Kommunikation e.V. project group! Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/eDwTSv_t #14aenwg #gridflexibility #netzflexibilität #envelio #niederspannungsleitsysteme

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    📣 Wissenswertes aus dem regulatorischen Bereich. 📣 Damit das Solarpaket I umgesetzt werden kann, arbeitet VDE FNN an neuen Technischen Anschlussregeln (TAR). Was soll sich also konkret ändern? 🤔👇 1️⃣ Künftig sollen Photovoltaikanlagen auch dann angeschlossen werden können, wenn sie aufgrund fehlender Kapazitäten nur einen Teil ihrer Erzeugungsleistung ins Netz einspeisen können. Überschüssige Leistung wird für den Eigenbedarf genutzt oder gedimmt. 2️⃣ Für Erzeugungsanlagen und Speicher zwischen 135 und 500 Kilowatt gilt ein vereinfachtes Nachweisverfahren, das durch die neue Anwendungsregel „Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz“ konkretisiert wird. 3️⃣ Um die bundesweite Vereinheitlichung und Digitalisierung der Prozesse für Anschlussbegehren zu unterstützen, die ab 1. Januar 2025 gelten sollen, stellt VDE FNN ein standardisiertes Datenset bereit. Dieses soll als Grundlage für alle VNB-Webportale dienen. Die überarbeiteten TAR sollen demnächst zur Konsultation vorliegen und 2025 in Kraft treten. ❓ Was sind eure Gedanken zu den bevorstehenden Aktualisierungen der TAR, insbesondere Punkt 1 und 3? Mehr dazu hier: https://lnkd.in/eRs8CAr5 #netzanschluss #energiewende #netzederzukunft #solarpaketeins #digitalisierungdernetze  

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    🚀 Last week, we joined the TwinEU project’s first General Assembly at the E.ON Energy Research Center. The event gathered all 75 members to review the progress of the first six months. 🚀 🔍 The eight project demonstrators, spread across 11 countries, showcased significant development milestones, highlighting advancements in grid observability and controllability. The use cases for digital twins have been identified, paving the way for a federated model that will integrate regional solutions into a cohesive Pan-European framework. Led by Felix Dorsemagen from E.ON One, the German demonstrator is focusing on grid monitoring, grid planning, and end-to-end flexibility management, with our Intelligent Grid Platform serving as the foundation to develop the digital twin. 🤝 ⚡ We’re excited to be part of this innovative project and are looking forward to the future advancements that will arise through the synergy of our collective expertise! Learn more: https://lnkd.in/eMASCvpY #twineu #griddigitaltwin #smartgrids #gridtransformation #envelio

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    🇺🇸 Can "clean repowering" help overcome grid interconnection delays and fast-track renewable energy adoption? One of the leading energy think tanks says, it can. ⚡ Slow integration of new renewable energy sources into the grid, mainly due to delays in the interconnection, is a big challenge in the clean energy transition. 🕖 Currently, more than 2 TW of renewable energy projects are stalled. The solution that is proposed by RMI, a Colorado-based think tank, is to leverage the grid interconnection points of fossil fuel plants to integrate new clean energy sources quickly and cost-effectively. Some key benefits of this strategy named "clean repowering" are: 💡 Shortening of clean energy projects' timelines from 5 years to under 1 year 💡 Increased resilience of existing systems without the need for costly grid upgrades 💡 Simpler interconnection study process, reduced from multiple, extensive studies down to one or two This approach not only cuts carbon emissions but also saves utility customers $12.7 billion annually. 💰 It creates thousands of new job opportunities and enhances the reliability and flexibility of the grid. Additionally, it is broadly applicable across most regions of the United States, with just a few exceptions. 🌎 Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gX5pk2xb ❓ And what are your thoughts on clean repowering as a way to speed up clean energy integration into the power grid? #gridinterconnection #gridintegration #renewableenergy #energytransition #cleanrepowering

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    𝗲𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻 📰 🚀 Wisst ihr eigentlich, wie die Idee von unserer Intelligent Grid Platform überhaupt entstanden ist? Wenn nicht, dann nimmt euch BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. zusammen mit unserem VP Product Philipp Erlinghagen nun auf eine kurze Reise in die Vergangenheit, aber auch in Zukunft von envelio's IGP. Außerdem erklärt Philipp, warum Deutschland aus seiner Sicht Treiber der Energiewende ist. Eins möchten wir noch hinzufügen: Wir freuen uns, Philipp, dass du dich doch dafür entschieden hast, für envelio in die Selbstständigkeit zu gehen. 😉 Hier findet ihr die ganze Story: https://lnkd.in/eqsVX7cU #envelio #netzederzukunft #energiewende #IntelligentGridPlatform

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  • Unternehmensseite von envelio anzeigen, Grafik

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    The German Aerospace Center has created an online solar atlas. 🗺 Here is how distribution grid operators could use it for strategic grid planning. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has recently launched an open-access online platform that utilizes aerial photographs and geodata to help assess rooftop PV potential across Germany. The estimated electrical output is calculated based on sunshine hours, radiation intensity, roof orientation, and shading from surrounding structures. 🛰 While this solar atlas can be of direct use to homeowners and solar companies, indirectly, it also has the potential to help distribution grid operators better plan for future grid reinforcement and expansion measures. Here's the breakdown. The atlas can answer the questions like: - What buildings are suitable for solar installations? - What is the projected capacity of such installations? Based on this, grid operators can derive various solar capacity addition scenarios, which, in turn, can be used to build future grid scenarios. Of course, this is just one piece of the puzzle, as the potential future increase in loads also needs assessment. 🔌 Since the DLR's solar atlas uses digital surface models of terrain generated with the help of aircraft and satellites, it can potentially be extended to other countries as well. For instance, DLR scientists have already created a similar map for Austria. 🚀 Want to learn more about the how-tos of future grid scenarios? Then read about the insights from Helen Sähköverkko Oy here: https://lnkd.in/e7fPEnQS #gridofthefuture #energytransition #DLRsolaratlas #gridplanning #futuregridscenarios

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    Wir freuen uns, unsere Partnerschaft mit DIGIMONDO GmbH bekannt zu geben! Gemeinsam haben wir das Ziel, die Art und Weise zu optimieren, wie Verteilnetzbetreiber ihre Netze verwalten und überwachen. 🚀 Durch die Kombination von Messdaten aus Digimondos IoT-Plattform niotix mit den Netzmodellen unserer Intelligent Grid Platform entsteht eine leistungsstarke Lösung für Echtzeit-Transparenz und -Kontrolle der Netze. Diese Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht eine verbesserte Nutzung von IoT-Daten, eine sofortige Reaktion auf Netzprobleme und eine effizientere Umsetzung des §14a EnWG. 🤝 Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Partnerschaft und die niotix-Plattform von Digimondo hier: https://lnkd.in/eAHKjWsD #netzbetrieb #envelio #digimondo #netzdaten #netzederzukunft #14aEnWG

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