


Berlin, Berlin 10.927 Follower:innen

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eduki is an easy-to-use online platform where teachers can create, share and find self-made, class-tested teaching resources. We offer printable as well as digital materials for all types of schools, subjects and grade levels. Our mission is to empower teachers to deliver the best school education, and to build the largest international online community of teachers.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
marketplaces, sharing economy, publishing, education technology, edtech und education


Beschäftigte von eduki


  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    🎉📚 Big news for schools: Introducing eduki's School Accounts! We're beyond excited to share the launch of eduki’s School Accounts in our German-speaking regions. Our mission with School Accounts is to offer teachers a sustainable solution: the use of school budgets to cover material costs. This strategic step is designed to reduce individual financial burdens on them and enable schools to use their resources more efficiently. Exploring School Accounts: 🤝 Collaborative access to educational materials: Schools registering an account can collectively purchase and use materials from eduki's extensive library of over 500,000 teacher-created lessons. This not only enriches individual teaching practices but also encourages new ways of learning. 💰 Financial relief for teachers: By using school budgets for material costs, eduki School Accounts reduce financial pressure on individual teachers, fostering a more supportive and sustainable learning environment. 🔍 Tested and optimised with schools: The School Accounts have been thoroughly tested and optimised in collaboration with 425 schools, ensuring they comprehensively meet the needs of educators and schools. This marks another pivotal step in realising our mission to empower teachers to deliver the best school education, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what’s next ✨🚀 Do you want to create an account for your school? Check out the landing page for more information and join us in this exciting new chapter ➡️ #edtech #education #teachers #schoolresources #innovationineducation #learningmaterials #teacherempowerment #schooleducation #eduki #schoolaccounts #financialrelief #collaborativelearning #teachingresources #empoweringteachers

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  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    🥳 1 Million student sessions with eduki Interactive! We are celebrating another exciting milestone in our mission to empower teachers ⭐️ It’s great to see schools and educators embracing digitalisation, using available devices to support and enhance the learning experience for their students. "Can we use Interactive every day now, please?" This is how much Felix, a 9-year-old student, is enthusiastic about introducing Interactive to their classroom. With real-time feedback, students are more motivated than ever and we cannot wait to reach the next million students even faster 🚀 Unlocking students’ potential is our motivation to keep improving our product, and we couldn’t do that without the efforts of our authors and the continuous support of our community of teachers. Stay tuned for more exciting Interactive updates! ✨ #edtech #teachers #digitallearning #eduki

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  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    Big news 🎉 eduki Greece is one of the winners of the Education Leaders Award 2024! 🏆 With over 250 professionals in the education industry attending the ceremony, it was an honour to be recognised for our impact on the Greek education community after just one year in the market. 🥳 In this short but meaningful time, we have brought our mission to empower teachers to more than 25,000 educators in Greece, and we look forward to bring even more impact to teachers across this and all of our markets. 🌏 Congratulations to our team and a big shoutout to Theodora Kalliopi K. and George for driving our inspiring community of greek teachers everyday! ⭐️ Some numbers about the event: ✨ This is the 9th year the Education Leaders Awards is running ✨ In attendance there were over 250 professionals in the education sector, schools and teachers ✨ We had the honour to meet the former Greek Minister of Education Anna Diamantopoulou BOUSSIAS #empoweringteachers #edtech #education

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    Profil von Maria Fernández Bosch anzeigen, Grafik

    Author Acquisition & Growth Manager/ Educación para tod@s

    ¡Buenos días! Hoy no he podido resistirme porque quiero compartir una noticia que me llena de alegría y emoción: el Grupo edebé se ha unido a la comunidad docente de eduki. Es un placer darles una cálida bienvenida a nuestros nuevos colegas de edebé y compartir nuestra emoción por esta nueva etapa juntos, especial mención a (Esteban Lorenzo y Raquel Mayordomo) ¡Gracias por la confianza! En eduki, mejorar la educación a nivel internacional no es solo nuestra misión, sino también mi pasión personal. Desde que me uní a esta maravillosa organización, he visto de primera mano cómo la calidad de los materiales educativos puede transformar vidas. Por eso, la llegada del Grupo edebé, una organización que comparte nuestro compromiso y visión, es un hito que celebro con gran entusiasmo. 🎉 Unir nuestras fuerzas significa que podremos ofrecer recursos educativos aún más valiosos y de alta calidad a educadores y estudiantes de todo el mundo. Este es un paso importante para seguir creando materiales que inspiren y enriquezcan el aprendizaje de miles de estudiantes, fortaleciendo la educación en todos los rincones del planeta. Estoy segura de que esta colaboración nos brindará muchas oportunidades para crecer y aprender juntos. Personalmente, estoy muy emocionada por lo que nos depara el futuro y por todas las metas que alcanzaremos en conjunto. ¡Bienvenidos, Grupo edebé! Estoy encantada de emprender este viaje con ustedes.

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  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    Danke an alle, die teilgenommen und den ersten eduki Autor*innen-Summit 2024 so besonders gemacht haben! 🌟 Das Jahr hat noch nicht ganz die Halbzeitmarke überschritten, aber der 8. Juni ist für uns schon jetzt das absolute Highlight von 2024! 🎉 Nach acht Jahren eduki war es fantastisch, unsere Autor*innen - das Herz unserer eduki-Community - endlich live in Berlin zu versammeln und gemeinsam zu feiern. 🥳 Wir sind absolut überwältigt von der unglaublichen Energie und den inspirierenden Gesprächen, die diese Veranstaltung zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis gemacht haben. ✨ Unser Programm hatte es in sich! Spannende Keynotes, Autor*innen-Panels und interaktive Workshops. Es war für jeden etwas dabei! Zudem gab es großartige Networking-Möglichkeiten, inspirierende Gespräche, fantastisches Essen und einige unvergessliche Dancemoves. 🕺💃 Ein großes Dankeschön an jeden Einzelnen von euch - der Summit wäre ohne euch nicht das gewesen, was er war. Wir schwelgen bereits jetzt nostalgisch in Erinnerungen und hoffen, dass ihr genauso begeistert seid wie wir! ❤️

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  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    Auch wenn wir eine Online-Plattform sind, schätzen wir menschliche Verbindungen und den Wert persönlicher Treffen. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr zu verkünden, dass am 8. Juni der erste eduki Autor*innen Summit in Berlin stattfinden wird. 🎉 Es ist ein bedeutendes Ereignis, das unser Team mit Stolz erfüllt und die Grenzen unserer Gemeinschaft neu definiert! 📚 Auf unserer Reise haben Autor*innen, die Schöpfer*innen und Vermittler*innen von Unterrichtsmaterialien, bei eduki stets eine herausragende Stellung eingenommen. Sie sind die treibende Kraft hinter der Entwicklung hochwertiger Bildungsinhalte und der Puls unserer lebendigen Gemeinschaft. Deshalb ist es an der Zeit, ihre Kreativität, Hingabe und Leidenschaft gebührend zu würdigen und zu feiern! 🗣️ Wie? Indem wir einen Tag voller inspirierender Reden, Workshops, Diskussionen und wertvoller Netzwerkmöglichkeiten gestalten! Doch das ist erst der Anfang. Am Vorabend laden wir unsere Autor*innen zu einem exklusiven Get-Together ein - eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, sich zu entspannen, Gleichgesinnte kennenzulernen und die Vorfreude auf das Hauptevent zu teilen. Wir können es kaum erwarten, diesen Tag mit unseren geschätzten Autor*innen zu verbringen und uns von ihrer Kreativität und Hingabe inspirieren zu lassen. ✨ #eduki #togetherweinspire #edukiSummit #LehrkräfteCommunity #Bildung #Networking #Workshops #Bildungsinhalte #Lehrkräfte #Inspiration #Zusammenhalt #AutorInnen

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  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    🌟 Launching a new market is cool, right? What about 22 at the same time? 🤯 That’s right – eduki has just expanded into 22 new languages across Europe and Asia! 🌏 This isn't just growth; it's a revolution in the way we support education globally. With our latest markets expansion, we observed rapid growth in places like Greece, where demand for high-quality teaching materials soared beyond expectations. So, we thought, why not shake things up? 🔄 Instead of following old paths, we’re making eduki available in more countries and listen to pick up demand signals. 🚀 We're thrilled about this journey, rolling out stages of our platform with a basic yet functional site, powered by AI to adapt and grow with the feedback from our global community of teachers. This is not about being perfect from the get-go but evolving through innovative, responsive interactions. 🌍 To all the teachers out there, get ready! We're here to support you with quality resources that will genuinely enhance your teaching experience. #edtech #education #announcement

  • Unternehmensseite von eduki anzeigen, Grafik

    10.927 Follower:innen

    🥳 Exciting news: we are thrilled to share that over 700,000 students have already used eduki Interactive! ⭐️ It’s amazing to see that so many students have benefited from our interactive learning tool, and we can't wait to reach even more 🚀 Thank you to everyone who is joining us on this exciting journey - whether you're creating interactive materials, tried our tool or provided feedback - your support means the world to us. If you haven’t already, check out eduki Interactive for yourself ➡️ #edtech #teachers #digitallearning

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