
Your EPR Compliance Partner!


Are you a manufacturer and want to sell your goods anywhere in the world? Then you should read on and find out more about us. ECOPV is a fast-growing company based in Frankfurt. We are specialized in the area of extended producer responsibility (EPR) according to BattG, ElektroG and VerpackG and already serve more than 6000 customers in this area. Our authorized representative service and our own guarantee system ensures that foreign companies fully comply with all legal requirements. We provide you with simple solutions, customized to your specific requirements, not only on a national but also on an international level. We understand the global requirements of your business and are proud to be your strategic partner. Interested? Then take a look at and contact us!

2–10 Beschäftigte
EPR Compliance, WEEE, BattG, Packaging und PV Compliance


Beschäftigte von ECOPV-EU GmbH


  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    News on the BattG As part of the new EU Battery Regulation, the new Battery Law Implementation Act (BattDG) will replace the existing Battery Act (BattG). All battery manufacturers must participate in a producer responsibility organisation, and producer responsibility will be introduced for all battery categories. Additionally, system operators must provide an insolvency-proof guarantee. On 10 May 2024, the Federal Ministry for the Environment published a draft bill to adapt to the new EU Battery Regulation. The EU Battery Regulation (EU-BattVO) replaces the EU Battery Directive and has been directly applicable in Germany since 18 February 2024. The core of the draft is the new Battery Law Implementation Act (BattDG), which is set to replace the existing Battery Act (BattG) on 18 August 2025. Here are some of the key impacts of the BattDG: The aim of the draft bill to adapt battery law to the Regulation (EU) is to create a unified legal framework. This includes requirements for the production and disposal of batteries, regulations on substance restrictions, design, labelling, conformity, and due diligence, as well as the collection and treatment of waste batteries. The new legislation adopts essential regulations from the previous BattG and primarily affects the producer responsibility for batteries. Thus, all battery manufacturers must participate in a producer responsibility organisation. The collective responsibility of producers will be introduced for all battery categories, including industrial batteries. The obligations of each manufacturer will be extended to waste batteries for various vehicles such as light means of transport, starter, industrial, and electric vehicle waste batteries. Furthermore, a significant increase in the approved take-back systems is expected, from the current 9 approved own take-back systems to approximately 75, or around 15 per category. A new obligation for system operators to provide insolvency-proof guarantees in the event of a system's withdrawal is introduced. This security serves to finance the later disposal of long-life waste batteries. Regular review and adjustment of the security is planned, especially with increasing quantities placed on the market by the battery manufacturers connected to the respective system. In case of non-compliance with legal requirements, such as failing to meet legal collection targets or not following orders to increase the security, there is the possibility of revocation of the approval. The collection targets for various battery categories will be adjusted to EU requirements. For portable batteries, 63 percent by the end of 2027 and 73 percent by the end of 2030; for light means of transport (e.g. electric bicycles or e-scooters), 51 percent by the end of 2028 and 61 percent by the end of 2031. The BattDG sets a higher collection rate for portable batteries in Germany at 50 percent (EU 45 percent).

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Own Take-back System for Industrial Batteries? Do you have your own take-back system in Germany but lack knowledge on how to get your own take-back system approved or how to join a local take-back company? Regarding compliance with the take-back obligations under the German Battery Act (BattG), the following specific steps must be followed: Registration of the manufacturer and the corresponding categorized battery with the Foundation for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register - EAR); Participating in a take-back system or having your own take-back plan; Reporting the quantity of batteries sold to the cooperating take-back system; Fulfilling labeling and information obligations towards end users. The take-back system in Germany is becoming increasingly sophisticated and informative. Manufacturers of industrial batteries have a strong presence, and their products are more traceable compared to conventional batteries. They easily meet the requirements for establishing their own independent take-back system. The importance of taking initiative is undeniable in the market. For manufacturers of industrial batteries, wouldn't it be more convenient and cost-effective to have their own take-back system certified by EAR? We offer a solution to this problem. We have already successfully helped manufacturers of industrial batteries obtain BattG certificates with their own take-back systems. This has paved the way for compliance with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) directive for industrial batteries. As we explore new business avenues, we will continue to provide our customers with high-quality services to assist them in compliance by joining an officially approved take-back system and obtaining BattG certificates. We are very pleased to collaborate with further German industrial battery sellers and dealers who need to comply with EPR regulations. We will support you in developing the best compliance concept for your situation. We always aim to ensure that our customers receive compliance services more easily, quickly, and professionally.

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Do you need a guarantee? - We provide it for you! We're growing stronger! Discover our brand new internal services! As of February 29, 2024, EAR Official is thrilled to announce: ECOPV has expanded its service scope, now serving as the operator of the most advanced manufacturer warranty system. This exciting innovation enables us to fulfill obligations under ElektroG Article 7 for all manufacturers. This is of tremendous significance for your compliance! ONE FOR EVERYTHING! We offer you a service that includes everything. From A to Z - you only have one contact person. That means for you: * Even faster processing, no waiting times  * Unbeatable prices * Professionalism and reliability * absolute trust Our new manufacturer's guarantee system is another milestone on our journey to offer you the best possible services. We are proud to expand our range of services and offer you even more retail value. Discover the advantages of our new manufacturer's guarantee system now, and benefit from fast, reliable and cost-efficient processing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time!

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    The new Fees Ordinance 2024 The fee regulation provides the basis for covering the costs arising from individually allocable public services under the ElektroG. Annually, the Ministry BMUV reviews and determines the fee rates for the following year due to fluctuating transaction numbers and overall costs. The key changes pertain to the ElektroG: The quarterly fee for registered manufacturers increases from 24.10 euros to 43.90 euros, resulting in an annual base fee of 175.60 euros per registration account. The previous fee for address or contact data changes is waived. The fee for examining the plausibility of new B2B devices is reduced from 113.00 euros to 31.00 euros. Other fees, such as the registration fee per registration and the annual insolvency-proof guarantee fee, undergo minor adjustments. Price increases are justified by the Stiftung ear primarily through the expansion of information campaigns on the proper return and disposal of used electrical devices. A detailed overview of the statutory fees for 2024 is available in the attached table. Note that all figures are net prices, and the statutory fees are annually set by the Federal Ministry for the Environment.

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    BattG 2024 The European Union has recently adopted the new EU Battery Regulation, which regulates the handling of batteries and accumulators throughout the EU. This legislative change has far-reaching implications for various companies and industries. The EU Battery Regulation imposes various requirements and obligations that manufacturers and importers of batteries and accumulators must comply with. The key ones include: Design and Labeling of Batteries and Accumulators: The regulation mandates a minimum of 30% recycled content in newly manufactured batteries. Additionally, they must be labeled with capacity, "hazardous substance content," and a "crossed-out wheeled bin symbol." Registration and Reporting Requirements: Manufacturers and importers must register with a national registration authority and annually report on the quantity of batteries and accumulators placed on the market, as well as their collection and recycling rates. Take-back, Collection, and Recycling of Used Batteries: Manufacturers and importers are obligated to take back used batteries and accumulators from consumers and ensure their proper collection, treatment, and recycling. Information Obligations: Manufacturers and importers must provide consumers and other actors in the value chain with information on the proper disposal of used batteries and the significance of battery labeling. Compliance with the EU Battery Regulation is crucial for affected companies, as non-compliance may lead to penalties and fines. Businesses should thoroughly review the regulation and seek support from competent legal advisors. The new EU Battery Regulation introduces numerous changes and requirements for companies in the battery industry and beyond. Here are the key changes: Two additional battery types are included in the new EU Battery Regulation, resulting in a total of five battery types: Conventional device batteries New: Batteries for light mobility (e.g., e-bikes) as a new battery type Vehicle batteries for starting, lighting, and ignition of vehicles New: Traction batteries for the propulsion of electric cars and other road vehicles Industrial batteries for energy storage and the propulsion of industrial vehicles Increased Collection Targets: For example, collection targets for batteries for light mobility are increased to 51% by 2028 and 63% by 2027, and collection targets for device batteries are also raised. To meet these targets, there are new regulations on minimum recycled content. New batteries must consist of the following proportions of recycled materials: 16% cobalt, 85% lead, 6% lithium, and/or 6% nickel.

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  • Unternehmensseite von ECOPV-EU GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Good News! ECOPV-EU GmbH is committed to delivering excellence in all areas and providing comprehensive support to WEEE manufacturers in Germany, throughout Europe, and beyond in fulfilling their EPR obligations. One of the key focuses is on improving our own qualifications and service quality. In mid-2023, due to the strong demand from our customers in Asia, the USA, France, Italy, and other regions, we successfully obtained approval for an increase in the number of registrations from the Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register (ear). To ensure our registration service for more WEEE manufacturers and address concerns of our existing customers regarding limited application opportunities, we submitted another application for an increase in the registration number to the Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register (ear) in October of this year and finally received approval for 17,000 possible registrations.

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