Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle

Produktion und Verbreitung von Rundfunkmedien

Made for minds.


Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany's international broadcaster and a trusted source for reliable, unbiased news and information. DW delivers the latest insights and analysis of the issues that are moving the world with regional television lineups in English, German, Spanish and Arabic, and radio and online content available in 30 different languages. With news, features and documentaries covering everything from business, science and politics to arts, culture and sports, we bring people closer to what matters most. Our 289 million listeners and viewers worldwide have content tailored to their usage. We rely on a global satellite network, partner stations and online services to make tuning in as easy as possible, as well as utilizing other means of distribution like apps, podcasting, live-streaming, newsletters, mobile and RSS services. DW Akademie has been training radio professionals from developing and transition countries for more than 50 years. A master’s program was launched in fall of 2009 entitled “International Media Studies” – a joint project with the University of Bonn, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Deutsche Welle. DW also offers variety of award-winning German language courses for every type of learner.

Produktion und Verbreitung von Rundfunkmedien
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Television Programming, Online Content, Radio Programming, German Language Courses und Training for Media Professionals


Beschäftigte von Deutsche Welle


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    "Guardians of Truth" – A DW Documentary on Julian Assange and the Dark Secrets of War. Discover the story behind one of the most significant whistleblowing cases of our time with DW's latest documentary: "Guardians of Truth: Julian Assange and the Dark Secrets of War"   🎥 Led by renowned Turkish journalist Can Dündar, this documentary offers an in-depth look at the Wikileaks publications that revealed alleged war crimes committed by the US military in Iraq. Over six months, the DW team accompanied Stella Assange's fight to free her husband, #JulianAssange, culminating in his release on June 25, 2024. Dündar, alongside co-director Sarah Mabrouk, researched the "Collateral Murder" video released by Wikileaks in 2010, which shows US soldiers firing at journalists and civilians from Apache helicopters in Baghdad. The DW team tracked down an Iraqi survivor and a US soldier involved in the incident, reuniting them for the first time in 17 years. While Julian Assange is now free, Dündar raises crucial questions about the ruling's implications for journalism. If espionage laws can silence those exposing war crimes and corruption, what does this mean for the future of truth? Don't miss this documentary that illuminates the lasting impacts of the Assange case. Can Dündar, Sarah Mabrouk, Manja Wolff, Julien Barrau Boulois, Cem Bahadir Mete, Robert Fiedler, Tim Tabellion, Humam Jandali, Rekawt Khalid, Julia Zimmermann, Lars Jandel, Christiane Radeke, Hanna Suhr, Sarah Stolle, Frauke Sandig, Rolf Rische, Tim Klimeš

    • DW
Guardians of truth
Copyright: Wikileaks/AAP/IMAGO
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    🚀 Introducing 'Frau, vui kuda?' - a new vodcast highlighting women's stories and rights       DW's new Russian-language vodcast Frau, vui kuda? (Frau, what now?) presents compelling stories of women from Russia and Germany challenging gender norms.     Designed for Russian-speaking women aged 25 to 40, the show addresses central questions on women's rights in Russia. It features insightful discussions with female leaders and experts, including German politician of Russian origin Dr. Anastasia Vishnevskaya-Mann and Russian political scientist Ekaterina Schulmann, among others.     Reflecting on their decision to start the vodcast, co-hosts Natalia Smolentceva and Kseniya Safronova recount: "We both moved from Russia to Germany nearly ten years ago. Comparing the ways women live and behave here made us reflect on gender roles and equality. Our aim with this vodcast is to both entertain and empower - especially our audience in Russia, where women's rights are under pressure nowadays."      🎙️ Episodes are released monthly, starting July 15. Available via DW Russian YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts and Spotify and Instagram (DW Новости).  #journalism #WomensRights

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      What do we mean by AI at DW? How is AI transforming journalism? What role will AI play in our work in the future?   🎤 Managing Director Programming Dr. Nadja Scholz, Senior Technology Manager Ruth Kuehn, Chief AI Officer Marie Kilg and Head of Corporate Strategy Sebastian Jannasch discussed these questions at a Panel at DW and delved into the transformative role of AI and its future impact on journalism. Nadja Scholz highlighted DW's commitment to quality journalism and factual accuracy, emphasizing that human oversight remains crucial.   Marie Kilg illustrated how AI can be used even more efficiently at DW, citing translation and adaptations as examples. Sebastian Jannasch underscored the importance of clearly identifying AI’s strengths and weaknesses and applying it in areas that benefit from automation and large-scale data-processing. The consensus? We use artificial intelligence where it can support our teams. And we minimize the risks where it could harm us. #AI #journalism Copyright pictures: Stephanie Englert

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    Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Patrick! 👏 ℹ Mehr Infos zu #ENTR: ℹ Und hier geht es zur Meldung von medium magazin:

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    Head of Content ENTR // The AI Journalist

    Zusammen mit 29 weiteren großartigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen gehöre ich in diesem Jahr zu den "Top 30 bis 30"-Journalist:innen des medium magazin. Was für eine Ehre! Ein riesiges Dankeschön an alle, die mich nominiert haben. Das vergangene Jahr war für mich eines der spannendsten meiner bisherigen jungen Karriere. Als Head of Content im ENTR-Projekt der Deutschen Welle darf ich jeden Tag mit tollen Menschen in ganz Europa zusammenarbeiten. ENTR zeigt mir im Kleinen, welches Glück wir durch ein friedliches und zusammengewachsenes Europa haben. Umso schwerer ist es zu sehen, dass dieses Glück nicht selbstverständlich ist und verteidigt werden muss. Bei ENTR leisten wir dazu einen Beitrag und regen Debatten unter jungen Menschen in Europa an. In den letzten zwölf Monaten hat mich darüber hinaus mein Herzensprojekt "The AI Journalist" begeistert. Es war eine aufregende Reise, mit „KI im Journalismus“ ein völlig neues Thema von Grund auf zu erforschen, zu lernen und mein Wissen weiterzugeben. Dabei durfte ich viele inspirierende Menschen aus verschiedenen Medienhäusern kennenlernen, sei es in Workshops oder im Austausch über den Einsatz von KI. Künstliche Intelligenz wird die Zukunft des Journalismus und der Medienlandschaft entscheidend prägen. Je besser wir vorbereitet sind, desto positiver können wir diesen Wandel gestalten. Daher bleibt es mein Ziel, das Bewusstsein für KI im Journalismus und in den Medien zu schärfen. Diese großartige Auszeichnung bestätigt mir, dass sich die zusätzliche Arbeit gelohnt hat und motiviert mich, meinen Weg weiterzugehen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch an die 29 weiteren Ausgezeichneten, die den Journalismus und die Medien in Deutschland in eine moderne, diverse und erfolgreiche Zukunft führen - vor allem meine Kommilitonen Julian Hilgers und Oskar Vitlif. Mehr Infos zu ENTR: Mehr Infos zu „The AI Journalist“: Das Editorial zum neuen „medium magazin“: Die Ankündigung der „Top 30 bis 30“: Das neue „medium magazin“ als Printausgabe oder e-Paper bestellen: #top30mm

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    🌍 Reporting from exile: "Despite the work ban in Russia, the voice of DW's Russia correspondents remains audible." About two years ago, our DW studio in Moscow was forced to close, and our journalists had their press accreditation revoked. DW was labeled as a foreign agent by Russia. Since then, the team of about 10 journalists, led by Bureau Chief Juri Rescheto, has been reporting from exile in Riga. Our DW Ambassador Fanny Facsar recently spoke with Juri about the challenges of continuing their crucial work under these circumstances. #journalism #pressfreedom

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    🆕 Clean, fresh and intuitive: That's DW's corporate website in a new design! The change follows the redesign of DW's websites across all program languages. Finding the right interview partner or the latest DW press release is now easier than ever. Moreover, the content is now optimized for mobile use, such as on smartphones or tablets. 📱 "The new design renders the corporate website more modern and user-friendly, making our information about DW even more accessible and easier to find for all interested parties. It's great that DW can now offer its visitors an improved online experience," says Guido Baumhauer, DW Managing Director Distribution, Marketing and Technology. ➡ Explore DW's new corporate website for yourself: ℹ Find out more about the new DW design here:

    • A triptych of smartphone screens displaying a business website interface. 

The left screen has a yellow ‘Brand New’ sticker and shows an article titled "DW relaunching 'Flippin’ the script' for European elections" with an image of people in a busy hall. 

The middle screen displays a section titled "Business & Sales" with an icon of two hands exchanging a box. 

The right screen features a section called "Our Experts" with an image of a news anchor sitting at a table in the broadcasting studio.
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    How can newsrooms effectively leverage social media to engage audiences, especially Gen-Z? With over 400,000 followers on TikTok and Instagram, DW's Johanna Rüdiger shares her journey from launching DW's first-ever TikTok account to building a substantial online community through innovative storytelling and engagement. In an interview with The Fix Media, Johanna discusses strategies for newsrooms to connect with their audiences effectively. Here are some of Johanna's insights: Engagement over traffic: Prioritize delivering journalism directly on social media and measure success by engagement. Multi-platform strategy: Adapt content across various social media channels like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Constructive and dialogue-driven journalism: Create content that provides value and fosters meaningful dialogue. Educational content: Use short-form videos to communicate complex topics and engage younger audiences effectively. Listening to the audience: Understand audience preferences through constant interaction and tailor content accordingly. Community building: Enhance connection and trust by responding to comments and creating content with the audience. Journalistic skills adaptation: Adapt traditional journalistic skills for social media formats and preferences. “Good old journalism” works really well on these platforms, it just needs to tweak storytelling a little bit. People still want well-researched facts, a well-told story. Diversification and adaptability: Diversify presence across multiple platforms to avoid over-reliance on any single one and adapt to new platforms. Check out the full interview to learn more about Johanna’s approach to social media and audience engagement. Find the link in the comments. ⬇️

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    Nell-Breuning-Berufskolleg Students Explore Career Opportunities at Deutsche Welle Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming 26 students from Nell-Breuning-Berufskolleg in Bad Honnef, a vocational college for physical and motor development. The visit was part of our ongoing commitment to offer training and career opportunities to students from this college with the aim of promoting a more inclusive workplace and enabling unrestricted participation. Our colleagues, including Barbara Massing (Director of Business Administration), Matthias Klaus (Representative of People with Special Needs), Helena Schneider (Representative of People with Special Needs), Wenke Janosch (People), as well as former trainees Alessia Zuzzé and Tim Schneider, provided the students with valuable insights into their work areas. Catherine Beckmann and Philipp Schneider from the Bonn Visitor Service rounded off the program. A special thank you to Selina Heidrich from Case Management, Haus Rheinfrieden Rhöndorf, who accompanied our guests from NBBK. We look forward to further collaboration and hope to see many of these talented young people at DW in the near future! 

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    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock highlights Press Freedom and Democracy at DW's GMF 2024    "Where press freedom is under pressure, freedom itself is in danger – for all citizens," declared Baerbock in her keynote speech at #GMF24.      The two-day international media conference, held at the World Conference Center Bonn, focused on "Sharing solutions" to contemporary media challenges. Baerbock emphasized the critical role of independent journalism: "The power of journalism lies in its ability to tell stories that would otherwise go unnoticed, to ask questions that would otherwise go unanswered, to hold accountable those whose power be unchecked."    Prior to the forum, Baerbock visited DW’s headquarter in Bonn and engaged in discussions with exiled DW journalists from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, highlighting her commitment to press freedom and support for journalists facing adversity. #DW #GMF24 #PressFreedom 

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    Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!!!

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    Planning and Recruiting | People at Deutsche Welle #joinDW #DWAmbassador |

    #Senior #Administrator (w/m/d) #Middleware und #Media #Asset #Management Wir suchen für die Distribution, Marketing and Technology am Standort #Bonn zum 1. August 2024 bzw. zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n Senior Administrator (w/m/d) Middleware und Media Asset Management auf der Basis eines auf drei Jahre befristeten Beschäftigungsverhältnisses. Aufgabe der Abteilung #Engineering and #Operations im Rahmen der technischen Programmverantwortung ist die Betriebsführung vieler Anwendungen, die der Erstellung redaktionellen Contents dienen. Diese Betriebsführung schließt alle erforderlichen Workflows und Materialtransfers ein. #Editorial #Systems sichert die Bereitstellung und die Pflege verschiedenster redaktioneller Produktionsplattformen an allen Standorten der Deutschen Welle. Wir stellen mit unserer #Technik und unseren #Workflows die IT-Grundlagen zur erfolgreichen Erfüllung des Programmauftrags bereit und treiben durch unseren Einsatz die Innovationsfähigkeit der Deutschen Welle voran. In den kommenden Jahren werden wir verstärkt neue Technologien und Architekturen zum Einsatz bringen. Klassische On-Prem Lösungen werden zunehmend durch SaaS und Cloud Plattformen abgelöst. Dazu brauchen wir Dich! UNSER ANGEBOT - Administration, Support und Fortschreibung verschiedener Kernanwendungen und deren Schnittstellen im redaktionellen Arbeiten wie z. b. NVPS (Sony Hive), Mayam Workflow Engine und MediaLoopster - Mittelfristig Übernahme der Verantwortung eines technischen Dokumentators eigenverantwortliche Aufgabenklärung und Koordination - aktive interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Anforderern und Betriebsbereichen - Erstellen von technischen Dokumentationen, Workflowbeschreibungen und Produktionsabläufen - Projektmitarbeit bei der Durchführung von technischen Projekten sowie Programmprojekten in Zusammenarbeit mit Redaktionen - Übernahme von Ruferreichbarkeit - Modellierung von Workflows DAS BRINGST DU MIT - abgeschlossenes Studium oder eine adäquate fachtechnische-/prozessorientierte Qualifikation oder eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung mit dem Schwerpunkt Informatik und eine durch mehrjährige Berufserfahrung erworbene adäquate Qualifikation - mehrjährigen Berufserfahrung im Bereich komplexer Anwendungssysteme - langjährige Berufserfahrung in der Entwicklung und Administration verschiedener Videoproduktionssysteme wie Sony Hive - überdurchschnittliches fachliches Know-how - Abstraktionsfähigkeit - Denken in Prozessen - Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit - hohe interkulturelle Kompetenz - selbstständige, zielorientierte Arbeitsweise, hohe Problemlösungskompetenz - ausgeprägter Servicegedanke - Fähigkeiten und Wissen aktiv pflegen und im Team weitergeben - sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Link zur Position:

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