Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH

Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Arnstadt, Thuringia 12.069 Follower:innen

CATL is a global leader in innovative new energy technologies.


Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) is a global supplier of innovative new energy technologies, founded 2011 in Ningde, China. CATL's batteries are used in a wide array of electric vehicles and electric storage system applications. Electrification is a key developments of the 21st century, one that we at CATL have set out to promote and advance through our innovative spirit and conviction. CATL maintains a high focus on research and development, from material, electrochemistry and structure systems to green extreme manufacturing. CATL Germany: Since 2019 the CATT (Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH) site in Thuringia coordinates CATLs operations in Europe, serving as the companies local hub. Since 2022 CATL's first European production facility here at Erfurter Kreuz supplies local customers with batteries made in Thuringia. Thuringia's central location and infrastructure enable us to produce close to our customers, building the foundation for a resilient German electric industry with shorter supply chains and local production. CATL promotes local research and development of battery technology through the joint venture "Battery Innovation and Technology Center (BITC)" at Erfurter Kreuz. As a member of the Thuringian community, CATT supports efforts to build a sustainable Europe. Imprint: Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 1 99310 Arnstadt, Germany Managing Director: Ms. Hongye Zhang Registered office: Arnstadt Commercial register: AG Jena No. 514938

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Arnstadt, Thuringia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH


  • What is it like to work in an intercultural environment in Germany? The answer is, people across the world have different outlooks on life, based on their cultures. And this is a valuable asset to modern day work.   ❓ Did you know that Germany, for example, ranks high in the factor of “uncertainty intolerance”, as coined by social scientist Geert #Hofstede?   ⚖ In his “cultural dimensions” Hofstede compares different #cultures based on a number of scaled factors such as power distance index, long-term orientation, individualism vs. collectivism and indulgence vs. restraint. When these factors differ between groups of co-workers, it is important to have an #understanding of what that means for everyone.   🌐 An #intercultural company may just have the best of both worlds. For the past years we’ve grown a lot as an international company in #Thuringia. And we have our great employees and their combined engagement for our industry to thank for that.   A second big thank you goes out to Eva Tarabichi who taught us about Hofstede and has been supporting us in strengthening our #perspective on culture cooperation with her amazing #workshops during the last years. It has been great working with you on helping employees in different management levels to find their own access for cultural topics in various different situations at the workplace and fostering a culture of sensible leadership!

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  • Electric cars only have limited #range and need to be charged more often? 💡 At the summer World Economic Forum annual meeting CATL chairman Robin Zeng shared insights on CATL’s advances in R&D, taking the chance to draw a #vision on the electric #mobility future. 🚗 With CATL's latest #battery generations, up to 1.000 kilometers of driving range are possible, allowing electric drivers to move just as freely as in a combustion engine powered #car. 🛫 As #innovation in battery technology progresses rapidly, CATL's batteries are about to take off even further – with our engineers working on even powering mid range #airplanes in the not so far future.

  • In June the annual German Table Tennis Finals took place in Erfurt – and we’re proud to be one of the main partners! 🏓   🏆 Over the course of three days over 500 participants duked it out at the Messe Erfurt GmbH local trade fair for the German #championship titles in a multitude of different categories: women and men, youth 15 and 19, as well as the performance classes with the best players at association, district and county level. 🎉 The #TTFinals2024 are the annual big gathering of the #tabletennis family, premiering this year in 2024. In addition to the sporting events, workshops and conferences take place during the finals as well – and even more: the finals also coincided with Erfurts renowned #Krämerbrückenfest summer city fair.   We’re super happy to have been a part of this amazing event – congratulations to all the winners and keep up the good spirit!

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  • Renewable energies are on the rise in Germany and all across the world – this year’s #ees2024 has left no doubt of that. 🔋 As part of this movement we are very happy to announce, that CATL will be bringing their recently announced #TENER energy storage systems product line to the EU markets together with Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG. This strategic #cooperation covers more than 10 GWh and will enable large-scale and complex projects through smart automation and diagnostics. 🌤 In order to advance the energy transition, converting the fluctuating cycles of solar and wind #energy into reliable power supply is a key issue. Energy #storage systems that store excess electricity and release it into the grid when needed play a key role here. 🙏 Thank you everyone for making this ees an unforgettable memory for us. Thank you for the many great exchanges, new ideas and cooperations – but most of all your unwavering pioneering spirit!

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  • Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von INTENT BRANDS anzeigen, Grafik

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    Wir freuen uns, das finale #Bühnenprogramm für das #TalentFestival 2024 bekannt geben zu dürfen! Besonders stolz sind wir auf die bunte Mischung aus spannenden Themen, die führende Firmen aus Mittelthüringen für euch zusammengestellt haben. Egal, ob ihr auf der Suche nach neuen #Karrierechancen seid oder euch einfach nur inspirieren lassen möchtet – beim Talent Festival am #Samstag ist wirklich für jeden etwas dabei! Diese Unternehmen werden exklusive Einblicke in die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen ihrer Branchen geben und wertvolle Tipps teilen: Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH, Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces), Stadtverwaltung Erfurt, Messe Erfurt GmbH,, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Mitteldeutschland, Sparkasse Mittelthüringen, Stadtwerke Erfurt Gruppe, Zalando Swipe jetzt durchs Programm und entdecke alle Highlights auf unserer Mainstage! Noch mehr Infos findet ihr hier: 👉

  • Satellite communication, hydrogen fuel stations, battery technology – Thuringia’s industry has a lot of #HiddenChampions.   ⚽ At the site of the DFB German national soccer team’s public training in preparation for the upcoming EU championship, the annual Thuringian #ChampionsMeet took place in the Ad Hoc Arena Jena. 🎤 Together with Thuringia's minister president Bodo Ramelow, Thuringian minister of economics Wolfgang Tiefensee, director of the German national soccer team Rudi Völler and the teams sports psychologist Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann, LEG Thüringen set the stage for upcoming technology and world market champions in Thuringia to present their companies in front of the assembled #industry leaders.   👏 As a member of the Thuringian Champions network we want to extend a warm welcome to the six newly inducted companies. Thank you LEG Thüringen for your unwavering commitment to the Thuringian industry, let’s keep growing together!

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  • We are very honored to announce, that our fast charging #battery Shenxing has received the TECHNOBEST award by the renowned AUTOBEST association. 🏆   For over 20 years, Autobest Global's independent jury comprised of specially selected experts has worked hard to enable end users in making their best choices with automobiles. A strong mindset, that we share and jointly want to build on – which is why receiving this #award bears a very special significance for us!   ⚡ Electrification is a key development of the 21st century, one that we at CATL have set out to promote and advance through our innovative spirit and conviction. It is in our key philosophy that we develop these eco-friendly #technologies through a multi perspective approach, combining innovation with a focus on both traditional and newly evolving #customer needs. The Shenxing battery embodies this mindset by likening both range and charging metrics of electric vehicles to established #standards in combustion engine vehicle usage, allowing for clean, smooth and fossil-free journeys. 🙌 We want to congratulate the other winners for their formidable contributions to the industry and their innovative solutions. Thank you AUTOBEST for honoring us with this award - and for a truly memorable evening full of exciting exchanges and new impulses amidst the beautiful landscapes of #Luxembourg!

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  • Unternehmensseite von Contemporary Amperex Technology Thuringia GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today is the global day of #biodiversity. 🌿 🐞 🐗 In #Thuringia and all around the world, a high variety of different plants, animals and organisms form an intricate ecosystem. This mutual coexistence enables the basics for all life on this planet – including human society – as we know them today. It’s a specific #balance that is very important to maintain.   Here in Thuringia, #wildlife and biodiversity heavily center around the local forest populations. However, Thuringian #woodlands increasingly suffer from the effects of climate change. To preserve this important foundation of biological sustenance, we are working hard with our partners BAUMPATEN THÜRINGEN® in our joint #reforestation efforts. 🌳 🌱 Today they are joining us for a quick Q&A on biodiversity in Thuringia, what we can do to increase biodiversity in our forests and how to bring the wilderness right on track!   ❔👋 Hello Martin and Curtis, thanks for joining us today. Do you want to tell us a bit about yourself?   Hello & thanks for having us! We are the founders of "Baumpaten Thüringen" and "Baumpaten Deutschland". Our mission is to reforest our local woodlands by arranging tree sponsorships with private individuals and companies like you. Thanks for supporting us, the Thuringian forests and their biodiversity since our very first planting initiative in 2022!   ❔🦗 So, how does reforestation help with boosting biodiversity in Thuringia?   By planting a variety of tree species, we create diverse habitats that support a wide range of plant and animal species - and are less susceptible to outbreaks of pests like the bark beetle. Healthy forests provide essential habitats for local animal populations, from birds like jays and tawny owls, or mammals like deer, wild boar, red foxes and badgers to insects and fungi.   ❔🌡 There is a lot of talk about the impact of climate change on local forests. How grave is the problem here in Thuringia? The impact of climate change on local forests in Thuringia is significant. We're seeing an increasing number of heatwaves, droughts, and extreme weather events, which are putting immense stress on forest ecosystems. According to recent data, over 110.000 hectares of Thuringia's forests are already heavily thinned or even completely bare. We as Baumpaten Thüringen work against this by engaging communities in reforestation projects and raising awareness about the importance of preserving our forests for future generations.   ❔🚵♀️ That certainly sounds like we got our work cut out for us! For newbies: What’s your recommendation on the best hike in Thuringia? There's really a lot to see in Thuringia. For Beginners we would recommend exploring the #Rennsteig trail first. It's one of the oldest and most famous hiking trails in Germany, with stunning views of the Thuringian Forest all around!

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