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Questions tagged [windows-server]

All versions of Windows Server. Please also add a version-specific tag like windows-server-2012 if that is relevant to the question.

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2 answers

SQL Server database size is 10GB but tables are only around 450MB, what is occupying the rest and how can I reduce it?

I have a SQL Server database that has reached the 10 GB limit. When I do use EXEC sp_spaceused, I get reserved data index_size unused 10483208 KB 10352336 KB 90264 KB 40608 KB However when I do ...
abro's user avatar
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which db consume more core from my computer

I have several db in my instance in SQL Server. I wonder which db consume more core from my computer. How to find this information?
Merve's user avatar
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What is taking backups of my servers?

I am working in virtualized environment. All my SQL instances are hosted on Windows Server machines. My infrastructure team is using Veeam tools for backups and replication to the secondary data ...
Radek Gąska's user avatar
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AG Listener goes offline during comms link failure

I wanted to try and get some clarity on some behavior we recently experienced with a number of our production clusters during an event where we lost both communication links. Ours clusters span two ...
bn25's user avatar
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Scheduled task in windows server does not appear in PostgreSQL log file

PostgreSQL 14 - Windows Server 2012 I have a scheduled task every day at 5 AM. It executes an sql file with an update query and some refresh materialized views. According to Windows Server, the task ...
Leehan's user avatar
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Shift Installation of PostgreSQL 15 from one hard drive to another in window server

I have a PostgreSQL database installed on one of my four hard drives in a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. I would like to move the database, along with all of its configurations, to another drive ...
deog's user avatar
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SQL Server 2014 extended stored procedure gets stuck after Windows Server 2012 R2 updates

After running Windows Server updates (including server restart), SQL Server experienced problems executing XP_ commands. These are stuck forever without any response. The only solution I have found so ...
Victor's user avatar
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Windows Power Plans for SQL Server

Is the High Performance power plan in Windows Server still relevant in SQL Server setups on modern hardware/virtualization? Searching for articles from my usual trusted sources brought up nothing more ...
Wayne Cochran's user avatar
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[ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] SSL Security Error - Windows 2003 App Server to Remote SQL Server 2022 Connection

We have migrated the application databases from an old SQL Server 2000 instance running on Windows 2003 to a new SQL Server 2022 instance running on Windows 2022. The application tier has a number of ...
Fza's user avatar
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Joining SQL 2016 to a one-node cluster that has SQL 2014 installed

I have currently 1-node (it's a lab) Windows 2012R2 cluster with SQL server 2014 installed (patched to the last patch based on The goal is to upgrade the cluster to something ...
Sranda's user avatar
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Adding a Windows Server 2016 computer to a Windows Server 2022 Failover cluster

Is it possible to join a Windows Server 2016 computer to an existing Windows Server 2022 2-node Failover cluster? The cluster is domain-independent. Hypothetical setup: Node 1 (windows server 2022 + ...
Marcus's user avatar
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MariaDB 11.0 to 11.1 GA fails with ERROR 1210 (HY000) at line 32: Incorrect arguments to DATA DIRECTORY

I upgraded to MariaDB 11 some time ago, and all has been working well for a long time. I saw there was a newer GA release, 11.1, so decided to update to that, but the upgrade fails. This is on Windows ...
user946207's user avatar
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Oracle instance won't load after system reboot on Windows 2012 R2 server

I know it's prehistoric software but I have some legacy apps that require it. When installing Oracle database on a Windows 2012 R2 server 64 bit system everything works perfectly until I ...
Vaiks's user avatar
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No connection possible after TrustServerCertificate=True => The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

I have a machine which could connect to an MS SQL Server in the past. I have SSMS installed and the connection was possible when I activated TrustServerCertificate checkbox in SSMS. I could connect ...
Sebastian Siemens's user avatar
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On which node must the failover manager for the AG be?

I have an availability group for Windows SQL Server. It is so that instances hosting replicas must be in a Windows failover cluster. However, if the node where the failover manager is on fails, what ...
Hector234's user avatar

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