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Questions tagged [sql-server]

All versions of Microsoft SQL Server (not MySQL). Please also add a version-specific tag, like sql-server-2016, since it is often relevant to the question.

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Version incompatibility error between the SQL-Server database backup and the SQL Server running in the Docker container on my Ubuntu 20.04 VPS

I have installed Docker and run a container on my Ubuntu VPS for resolving the version incompatibility between SQL Server and the backup file but even docker has not solved. During restoring the ...
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4 votes
2 answers

MSSQL Ubuntu Unexpected call to legacy ABI

We recently had a Ubuntu 16.04 server loose power. After restarting the server I noticed that MSSQL Server was no longer running due to a an error Unexpected call to legacy ABI. After researching for ...
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1 answer

High memory usage on SQL Server running on Linux

I've had SQL Server running on a VM Linux box running lubuntu (20.04) without problems for over 2 years. For some reason my VM reset to only run on 1 Core. I fixed it (run 4 cores), my memory usage ...
3 votes
1 answer

SSMS cannot connect to SQL Server 2022 - Internal Error

I'm trying to connect (on the same host) from SSMS 19.0.2 to a newly installed SQL Server 2022 developer edition instance. I am getting a weird internal error: =================================== ...
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1 answer

Validating SQL Server Change Tracking Synchronization

I have some tables that I need to synchronize from one SQL Server database to another. I'm using SQL Server's "Change Tracking" feature. My program uses Change Tracking to synchronize the ...
2 votes
1 answer

What kinds of operations could cause a "Temp table changed" recompilation?

Frequent recompilation happens in one SP with 'Temp table changed' cause. What kinds of operations on temp table would trigger this? There are no alter and create index operations on temp table, just ...
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Does enabling backup compression in a Back Up Database Task enable checksums, no matter what setting you pick for them?

Observations The documentation says To enable backup checksums in a BACKUP (Transact-SQL) statement, specify the WITH CHECKSUM option. To disable backup checksums, specify the WITH NO_CHECKSUM option....
2 votes
1 answer

SQL Server - allocation unit size in Windows 2019

I'm about to install a SQL Server 2019 instance on a Windows 2019 machine and found out that there are new NTFS allocation unit sizes available - up to 2M. I used to format partitions using 64k unit ...
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SQL server granular control over auto update statistics

I wanted to know if we get more granular control over auto update statistics at the index level in SQL server. One of my DBs with auto update stats enabled recently started to have some behavioral ...
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How can I get the list of tables in all the stored procedure

I am trying to get the information about all the tables belongs to the stored procedure. I was able to get this information from below query. But, this query only gives information about the tables ...
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Need to add user and assign roles automatically, using DDL Trigger, when database is created

I am trying to create an automated process that will add a user and assign them the roles of db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_ddladmin whenever a database starting with PA is created. I have ...
0 votes
2 answers

how to find backup history of SSAS database

Shockingly on Internet, I am unable to find backup history of SSAS database. Is there no way to do it? Also should we take multiple backups of SSAS database? I am not much aware of SSAS database. ...
4 votes
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MSG 14262: The specified @server_name ('<server_name>') does not exist

We have an SQL Server 2019 instance (let's call it 'sample_instance') with server collation of Turkish_CI_AS. When I try to create a job, SSMS creates the part of the script that adds the target ...
17 votes
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Get detailed output of SQL Agent job

We have an SQL Server Agent job that runs a maintenance plan to reindex all of the database on the server. Recently this has failed but the job history is not providing enough information to diagnose ...
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How do I consolidate the related mappings?

I have a table which has mappings coming from different sources (one row for each source) for three different identifier types (idtype1 to idtype3) with idtype1 having the highest priority and idtype3 ...

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