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Questions tagged [macos]

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Cannot reset password for the root user in MySQL

I’m trying to install and setup MySQL on my Machine (MacBook Pro M3 Max with Sonoma 14.5 OS) but it is not being possible to login anymore. The root password keep being changed after I shut down the ...
Victor Cordeiro Costa's user avatar
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Removing mongoDB from MacOS

I need to delete all mongoDB thing in my mac. i followed the uninstall guide on mongoDB uninstall official guide but on step 2 which is `launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-...
antisuri's user avatar
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MAMP PRO 6.9, PHP 8.2.0, Mac 14.21 and Mongo DB - Apache Fails

Have been trying to get MongoDB installed on MAMP PRO 6.9, PHP 8.2.0, Mac 14.21 via PECL but after a successful install and enabling the extension, when restarting MAMP Pro, Apache fails and none of ...
Nigel McLaughlin's user avatar
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Migrating MySQL databases to a new server with phpMyAdmin

Looking for the best way to migrate a dozen or so MySQL databases from an old Mac mini to a new one. I've tried the source machine's phpMyAdmin (v. 4) EXPORT command, using what looked like reasonable ...
Rob Lewis's user avatar
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Unable to Install PostGIS Extension for PostgreSQL 15 on Mac Book with M1 Chip and macOS Ventura 13.3.1

Issue: Unable to install PostGIS extension for PostgreSQL 15 on Mac Book with M1 chip and macOS Ventura 13.3.1. Steps I have taken: Installed PostgreSQL 15 using the terminal. Installed PostGIS using ...
Ravers UA's user avatar
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Error mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I'm completely new to MySQL and phpmyadmin. I was trying to add a password to my database/phpmyadmin but then I got this error: mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'...
Rori Putu's user avatar
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Error 13117 while setting up master-slave replication with both DB servers being on the same Mac M1 machine

I am trying to create a master-slave replication with both the Mysql Servers being on the same machine. The first mysql server, which I intend to keep as the master was installed using the Mysql ...
karan kapoor's user avatar
4 votes
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Brew Upgrade Mysql: sdi_delete failed: Record Doesn't exist: tablespace_id: 1 Key: 1 4049

I ran the following commands from the cli in MacOS Monterey V 12.4: brew update brew upgrade Upon doing so, MySQL was upgraded from 8.0.30 to 8.0.31. MySQL was running in the background during the ...
Derrick's user avatar
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Postgres reopens closed processes on Mac. How to solve?

I tried to terminate Postgres on Mac in various ways. I used commands in the terminal: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop , brew services stop postgresql , systemctl stop postgres . Did not work. ...
Senhor Filipe's user avatar
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MySQL Plugin "mysql_old_password" not loaded

In an attempt to fix another issue I had, I ran the commands below (as per mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_old_password' mysql&...
The Royal Guardian's user avatar
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mysql on Mac Monterey not working regardless what I do

I am running a Mac on Monterey v 12.4 with an M1 Max. I tried to install mysql on my Mac but I never get it to work regardless what I do. The first thing I tried to do is: $ brew install mysql Then I ...
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Postgres CREATE DATABASE Not Working

I'm on a Mac using Monterey. It's a Mac M1 which had a bit of an issue using homebrew to install postgres when I first started working on this machine. I moved to the GUI which just ...
Rich_F's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a way to use standard CLR functions on Azure SQL Edge for Ubuntu Docker on an M1 Mac?

I have a MacBook with an M1 chip, so (about) the only option for me to run SQL Server is to run it as a Docker container. This works fine for standard SQL, but our application uses some CLR features ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How can I install SQLServer in MAC M1?

I want to run SQL on my MAC M1, I used guidelines according to this website: and I used this instruction: docker pull
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MongoDB in M1 Mac: 'mongod' command doesn't work

I'm totally new to mongodb and has no knowledge about it at all. So I just followed installation guides in the internet, but after installation 'mongod' command doesn't work and shows these lines... {&...
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