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Questions tagged [git]

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git hooks in Azure Data Studio

Is it possible to use git hooks in Azure Data Studio, for example to run a linter against my SQL code? I can't find any description of it in the documentation. And I can't translate my Visual Studio ...
philipnye's user avatar
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Attempt to build Cassandra Lucene index failed, cannot checkout version 4.0.7

Lucene Index is managed by Instaclustr ( in Cassandra 4.x instead of Stratio who supported till V3.x. I have tried to test the Index creation but ...
Cassandra Thrift's user avatar
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Gitlab's praefect enormous wal generation on postgresql

We have praefect's database about 500 Mb in size, but wal generation per week is relly huge - about 1Tb. Most frequent query is being executed ~8 times/minute: WITH lock AS ( SELECT id ...
Daniil Aksenov's user avatar
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Reading from .sql file located in Visual Studio repository

A user.sql file which contains USE [database] GO -- Legacy users cleanup DROP USER IF EXISTS [dw]; etc... is located at the repository: ...
TheNixon's user avatar
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pg_dump hangs in Git Bash but works in Windows command line

I tried to make a backup of a database from Git Bash environment, but the executable does not output anything. If I specify the filename using the -f flag, a blank file gets created, so the executable ...
JohnEye's user avatar
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Git corrupts SQLite database

I use SQLite for websites I create and manage for my clients (I am a web developer). They are very small and straightforward databases. This is now happened twice, so it is pretty clear that it ...
Katie's user avatar
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push using git integration in DBeaver

I am using the git plugin for DBeaver. While I can commit, I am not seeing an option to push the commit over to master. Am I missing something?
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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Integrating Flyway and Github [closed]

I was wondering if any of you can share some experience regarding integrating Flyway and Git. We're currently developing a project, each sprint we need to make database changes for new features of ...
browsingThrough91's user avatar
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Sync'ing MySQL stored procedures to Git [closed]

Is there a decent way to sync MySQL database source code (ie: functions and stored procedures) to git? I'd like to be able to develop stored procedures within my IDE and version control them in git ...
blindsnowmobile's user avatar
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Git as distributed and decentralized storrage with regard to ACID and CAP

When using Git to store documents distributed and decentralized it can be considered as a database. How would the ACID properties and the CAP theorem correspond to git in this case? I think one has ...
white_gecko's user avatar
5 votes
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Visual Studio, GIT, and SQL Scripts [closed]

I am trying to figure out a way to have all of our random SQL scripts that we write under source control. I am already using SSDT for the database project. This is not for these sort of scripts. It is ...
Anthony Genovese's user avatar