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Questions tagged [debugging]

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Importing mysql file fails printing last line and I find ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^ on that line

I am trying to import some relatively large databases, over 100 GB dump file. When I try to import the dump files with a command like: mysql -h localhost -u username -p dbname < backup.sql after ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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SSIS project window turns white right at the beginning of debugging, status "Running", tricky to get the project back. How do I avoid this crash?

This takes up SSIS package with status running is not running - Stack Overflow. SSIS project window turns white right at the beginning of debugging, status "Running": Right click closing ...
questionto42's user avatar
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The debugger only stops at the breakpoints of the first Script Component. How do I debug more than one Script Component in an SSIS Data Flow Task?

This takes up How to debug a script component in SSIS - Stack Overflow which was asked for the 2008 version and is now outdated. That is why this question needs to be revived for the versions of ...
questionto42's user avatar
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MySQL gives Unknown column error when forward engineering database from diagram

I have a MySQL EER diagram the I forward engineer into a database. I also use the forward engineer feature to generate insert statements for data automatically. After entering about 120 rows of data I ...
SlowlySwift's user avatar
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Postgres - how to 'print' a variable within a function (similar to python)?

How to print(var) in postgres like python? Given the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION custom_sum(c1 integer, c2 integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT c1 + c2; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE ...
baxx's user avatar
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Does Azure Data Studio have a debug Menu or option to debug a stored procedure?

I installed SSMS 19 Preview 4 and it doesn't have a Debug Menu or Debugging option. I also learnt that SSMS V17 was the last version with that capability. Then I decided to try Azure Data Studio, but ...
TmzGOAT's user avatar
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Problem with case statement and dynamic table name

I have the following case statement case %1$s::text when ''lookup_relation_job'' then case %1$s.relation when ''followers'' then ''get-followers'' when ''following'' then ''get-...
Sumit Ghosh's user avatar
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How to determine the backup source

We are trying to identify what is taking a SQL backup. The physical device name is just a guid which I have seen before when using a VSS type backup but I don't see any backup agent software installed ...
cspell's user avatar
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Debug application performing transaction

I have an application to debug which performs a few dozen operations against a MySQL database. These operations are performed in a single transaction. I need to know the state of the database while ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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Second Subquery Inside INSERT Into saves int 0

Read it carefully, we have this query which is inserting values in the table called users. For the value member_id we are running a subquery to select from the table admin_users the id of the member. ...
Meto ballaes's user avatar
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Identifying processes that open MySQL connections

I need to identify which application process issues a large number of MySQL connections on a Linux system. The show processlist sql command or tools like innotop do not really help, as they only show ...
mvw's user avatar
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Query all of a sudden stopped working - Simple left join but cannot see what is wrong

I had a query that was a simple left join between two tables with IS NULL included in the where clause because I needed all of the rows of the left table shown, even if it gave null values in the ...
bb25's user avatar
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Display line number where error occurred in DB2 stored procedure

I have added an EXIT handler in my procedure that captures the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE, and even found a way to get the procedure name, but I also need to know where the error occurred. Suggestions ...
Jake v1's user avatar
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How to get syntax and logical ORA in a trace file?

there is an application with tons of queries and one of them cause ORA-1722 To check: I turn trace on session like: alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12' and say to ...
Mikhail Aksenov's user avatar
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Is it ok for MySQL to always use 18-25% of Memory (I have 2 GB Ram)?

I have MySQL 8 in my Server with Ram of 2GB. And MySQL is always using 18-25% of Ram even when everything is off. Is it normal? If not then plz let me know how to debug it.
Xinecraft's user avatar

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