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Questions tagged [data-tier-application]

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Does DACPAC creation is doing any blocking on database / server level?

I have to create DACPAC from production database. I would like to do this via Visual Studio 2022 (SQL Server Object Explorer and "Extract - Data-tier application"). Is it possibility to ...
adam.g's user avatar
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Changing data type of an existing column of SQL database

One of the field in an existing SQL table is Decimal (5,5) with no foreign key relationships. Developers wants to change it to Decimal (7,5). What will be the downside of making such changes wich has ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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DACPAC drops existing users and permissions from database when upgrading through SSMS

I'm developing my database through a database project in visual studio, and whenever I need to upgrade the schema of my database I like to use SSMS to do this using a DACPAC. But whenever I use my ...
Emil Skovmand's user avatar
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Data-tier .bacpac import keeps failing

Within a container, I have SqlServer running in a docker container. It was created like so: docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=$1" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -v sql1-sqlvolume:/var/opt/...
Eric's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify which schema the database task "Export Data-tier Application" exports for the other entities besides the tables?

I noticed in the Export Data-tier Application database task, you can specify which schema to export data from in regards to tables, but I also want to exclude certain schemas for the other object ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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DB design to avoid versioning inconsistencies between the application layer and the database layer

Usually there is a 1-1 mapping between an object in the application layer and a table in the database layer. This coupling leads to complexities whenever there is a database schema change and the ...
Jim's user avatar
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Can independent applications cause roll back to each other's transactions?

I have a database built on SQL Server Application-1 [Legacy App]: Written in C#, and runs transactions on the above database. Application-2 [New application being developed]: Written in Python, ...
Amit Tomar's user avatar
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SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader for DBAs

Speaking to developers about the use of SqlDataAdapter vs SqlDataReader and reading this: Yields little in the way of ...
Peter's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically get the version of a .bacpac file without unzipping and inspecting the xml?

The situation is that we get a copy of the latest production bacpac, then restore it locally when setting up our dev environment. During the setup, we do an explicit check for the DacFX dll but target ...
Doc Rinehart's user avatar
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Data Tier Applications (DAC) on replicated databases

We are exploring options to accomplish 3 things: 1) source control the database, 2) centralize and coordinate all database changes and tie them to application changes, and 3) automate database ...
Victor P's user avatar
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Application slows down during Back up

The Application is 24/7 up Full back up time is 4 am and back up size is 92 gb. It takes one hour to complete the back up. During those time users complain that the application freezes. Just wanted ...
SqlNovice's user avatar
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Connecting to SQL Server database from a .net application

I need to add a new form to an application which requires access to SQL Server to retrieve data from a single view and display it to the user. This application is an enterprise level application with ~...
Harvey A.'s user avatar
9 votes
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DACPAC and database drift: db users are always detected as drift even when nothing has changed

When I include a login and user in my SSDT DB project and try to deploy a DACPAC using the "Block publish when database has drifted from registered version" option, it always detects drift for the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Can we use the multiple databases system concept in a single web application?

Am building a simple web based expert application.I have created two databases in the back-end,One database holds user data and the other holds user activity data.Hence it is accessed by a single web ...
quintumnia's user avatar
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SQL Server - can't import data-tier application from bacpac file (trying to move db + data from Server 2016 to 2014 SP1)

I'm trying to get a workable method to transfer a database schema and data from a SQL Server 2016 install to a SQL Server 2014 install on a different network. It looks like Import/Export Data-Tier ...
xthetenth's user avatar

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