We have a DevOps pipeline for our DB Build/Release process and we're using VS SQL Database projects. We have one DB which makes extensive use of memory optimized table variables. Used for transfering data to/from a Calc Engine & DB. I know that LocalDB doesn't support FILESTREAM (needed for MO tables), but I'm not looking to nail up a LocalDB.

QUESTION: can LocalDB handle DB build/release process for validation purposes? If no, will I need a permanent Azure SQL DB for this purpose?

  • 1
    LocalDB is a non-starter for MO objects for the reason you mentioned. Have you considered a database container?
    – Dan Guzman
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 17:58
  • Thanks @DanGuzman! It was an answer I didn't want - but I think you're right. Thanks for the tip. I'll look into the database container idea. Have a great Thanksgiving! Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 23:07