MarkLogic Data Platform Hero Hex

Enterprise Search & Discovery

One integrated data platform for knowledge management and information delivery — to get more value from your complex data, faster.

effective governance illustration

Get Better Answers to Harder Questions — Faster

When your customers or your employees can’t get the information they need, you’ve got problems – from missed opportunities or lost revenue, to project delays, mission failure, and regulatory fines. But getting actionable information is difficult when data is stored in multiple systems inside and outside your organization.

Increased Agility

10x faster data integration and improved developer productivity.

Reduced Expenses

Millions saved with simpler data architecture and faster delivery.

Secure Sharing

MarkLogic not only scales big, it also does it securely.

Built-In Search

Discover how you can search all of your data with an “ask anything” built-in universal search index.

Reducing discoverability time – and speeding time-to-knowledge

AIRBUS runs MarkLogic on AWS to reduce costs and time of flight testing, without compromising safety.

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Data Agility with MarkLogic

Don’t waste time stitching together components. MarkLogic combines the power of a multi-model database, search, and semantic AI technology in a single platform with mastering, metadata management, government-grade security, and more.