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The standard edition of Problem Set 4 will move beyond C programming language basics, testing your knowledge of pointers, memory management, file i/o and structs.
1823 questions
The problem set for Week 3 asks students to write code for a classic puzzle game in the C programming language.
1327 questions
The problem set for Week 2 continues with the C programming language used in problem set 1.
1312 questions
The problem set for Week 5 will challenge you to apply what you've learned about pointers, memory management, file i/o and structs, creating more complex data structures (such as Hash Tables or Tries)…
1282 questions
The problem set for Week 1 introduces the C programming language.
1190 questions
1115 questions
recover.c, one of the assignments for Problem Set 4, will challenge you to search through the raw bytes of a camera's digital memory to recover a bunch of "deleted" JPEG images.
953 questions
speller.c is one of the files that make up Problem Set 5, but it is already written by CS50 Staff and you may not alter it! Instead, you must implement your solution by altering three other component …
910 questions
The problem set for Week 7
854 questions
For problem set 7 (CS50 Finance)
744 questions
718 questions
Questions about using check50 to validate the output of your problem set solutions. When using this tag, please provide the command you used to run check50 and the full output of the program in the bo…
678 questions
resize.c, one of the assignments in Problem Set 4, will require you to scale a bitmap image by a certain factor (making it 2, 3, or n times as large).
640 questions
517 questions
Vigenere Cipher, one of the assignments in Problem Set 2. It's like Caesar Cipher, but with a twist.
495 questions
mario.c, one of the assignments for Problem Set 1, asks you to develop an algorithm to draw an ASCII art staircase similar to those seen in the classic Nintendo game.
488 questions
440 questions
Caesar Cipher, one of the assignments in Problem Set 2.
433 questions
Code using the python language.
430 questions
the first part of pset5, loading a dictionary into memory
418 questions
greedy.c, one of the assignments in Problem Set 1, asks you to develop a "greedy algorithm" to calculate the minimum number of coins needed to make change, while demonstrating an understanding of floa…
281 questions
278 questions
271 questions
Questions about server.c in pset6.
245 questions
224 questions
220 questions
Game of Fifteen, one of the assignments in Problem Set 3
205 questions
189 questions
189 questions
Tag for questions related to pset3, Breakout.
156 questions
152 questions
151 questions
147 questions
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