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xdavidliu's user avatar
xdavidliu's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • New York City
7 votes

Algorithm to find diameter of a tree using BFS/DFS. Why does it work?

6 votes

Show that the single-tape TMs that can not write on the portion of the tape containing the input string recognize only regular languages

5 votes

Undecidability of "is this CFG prefix-free?"

3 votes

how does Kleene-Post show two languages that are not Turing reducible to each other?

3 votes

how to bound the probability that quicksort takes greater than n lg n time?

2 votes

Decidability of halting problem for DPDAs with $\epsilon$-transitions?

2 votes

is it possible to determine using a single depth-first search, in O(V+E) time, whether a directed graph is singly connected?

2 votes

monotonically increasing codeword length in optimal (maybe Huffman) code for alphabet with monotonically decreasing frequencies

1 vote

Matrix rank only adding single row

1 vote

walk / traverse a disjoint set that has union rank and path compression

1 vote

Unsure why (or whether?) a certain algorithm correctly computes a Minimum spanning tree

1 vote

Finding all vertices on negative cycles

1 vote

why does relabel take O(VE) time total for unit capacity flow networks?

1 vote

Linear programming formulation for the single-source shortest path problem

1 vote

why does the poly-time reduction from dominating set to vertex cover require adding a vertex to every edge?

0 votes

NP completeness of deciding whether a set of examples, consisting of strings and states, has a corresponding DFA?

0 votes

EQtm is not mapping reducible to its complement

0 votes

Example of two undecidable languages that cannot be mapping reduced to each other

0 votes

Show a TM-recognizable language of TMs can be expressed by TM-description language of equivalent TMs