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Questions tagged [time-complexity]

The amount of time resources (number of atomic operations or machine steps) required to solve a problem expressed in terms of input size. If your question concerns algorithm analysis, use the [runtime-analysis] tag instead. If your question concerns whether or not a computation will *ever* finish, use the [computability] tag instead. Time-complexity is perhaps the most important sub-topic of complexity theory.

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Sliding Window Subarray Question - TLE

Question: Given an integer array arr[] of size n. Your task is to count the number of good subarrays of the given array arr. Here any subarray arr[l ... r] is considered to be good if it satisfies the ...
Rithik Gundeti's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Accelerating semidecision of halting problem

There is a naive semidecision algorithm for the halting problem: simply simulate the program and see if it halts. Is there an algorithm that is asymptotically faster? More precisely, suppose the naive ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Polynomial time algorithms for graphs and cycles

For a given undirected graph $G$ , let $ c(G) $ denote the length of the longest cycle in $ G $ (by cycle, we mean a closed path without repetitions). Prove that if there exists a polynomial-time ...
Abel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to prove a problem is EXP hard

Summary of the problem: Given an alternating time turing machine ($M$), a polynomial $p(.)$ and a string ($w$), is it EXPhard to find if $M$ accepts $w$ using not more than $p(|M|+|w|)$ space? My ...
Nehul Jain's user avatar
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1 answer

Relaxed form of the graph isomorphism problem?

Let $G_1=(L_1,R_1,E_1)$ and $G_2=(L_2,R_2,E_2)$ be bipartite directed graphs and let $\lambda:L_1\to L_2$ be a bijection between the $L$ vertex sets of the graphs. If I wanted to determine whether $...
Cromack's user avatar
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Help required for an example of a restricted 3,3-SAT problem instance?

"Let r,s-SAT denote the class of instances with exactly r variables per clause and at most s occurrences per variable. We prove the 3,4-SAT result to be the strongest possible and show that 3,3-...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Proving that $T(n)=16T\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)+n! \in \Theta(n!)$

I am trying to prove that $T(n)\in\Theta(n!)$ for the following recurrence using the master theorem: $\qquad T(n) = 16T\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)+ n!$ My attempt We have that $f(n) = n! \in \Omega(n^{\...
z..'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Prove that $n$ is a time-constructible function

I am reading Arora and Barak's book: "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach". On page 16, the authors wrote: A function $T: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is time constructible if ...
Wei-Cheng Liu's user avatar
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1 answer

Given that A linear-time reduces to B, what is the solvable relation?

What can you infer from the fact the problem A linear-time reduces to problem B? If there exists an O(n^3) algorithm for problem B, then there exists an O(n^3) algorithm for problem A If there exists ...
Jaka C's user avatar
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Why would the existence of a sufficiently strong PRNG prove P=BPP?

The $P$ vs $BPP$ question is often explained as such: if there exists a "strong enough" PRNG, we can use it to derandomize any randomized algorithm. However, I don't get how this, let's call ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is $\text{BPP}$ the largest polynomial-time "tractable" complexity class?

An algorithm is in $\text{BPP}$ if it is a) guaranteed to halt in polynomial time, and b) gives the right answer with some probability $p > 0.5$ independent of the input. $\text{BPP}$ is ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
2 votes
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Deducing upper bound for Boolean Circuit size from well-known algorithms

Given an algorithm A for computing binary function $f$. Assuming that A runs in time $t(n)$, what could we say about the size of the minimal Boolean circuit C that calculates f? I think that it ...
Dudi Frid's user avatar
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Do I need to display constants in the step count method

I tried looking this up before coming here but I couldn't find any resources. If there is a post that already exists that can explain this please let me know so I can close this one. I am creating ...
Cade Bray's user avatar
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Relative running times of equivalent Turing machines with arbitrary and binary alphabets

The book "Computational Complexity: A modern approach" by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak contains the following claim: Claim 1.5 For every $f : \{0, 1\}^∗ \to \{0, 1\}$ and time-constructible ...
Gaurav Chandan's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is the time complexity of bidirectional breadth first search still considered O(V + E)?

I understand that if the branching factor of the graph is b and distance of goal vertex from source is d, then the time complexity is O(b^d). I also understand why that would be O(b^d/2) using ...
Shisui's user avatar
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