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Questions tagged [notation]

Use this tag whenever you have a question about what some particular symbol/notation means.

2 votes
1 answer

Definition feels contradictory (Computational Complexity Theory)

I studied a definition for time complexity: Let $M$ be a deterministic Turing Machine. The running time of $M$ is said to be: for a function $t: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ ($\mathbb{N}$ is natural ...
lonewolfx86's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

graph theory single bar vs double bar size notation

A follow-up on What is the difference between single bar $|G|$ and double bar $||G||$ notation (both ...
J. Schmidt's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What does $o_n(1)$ mean?

I'm trying to read the following article, and in the abstract they write: Let $\xi$ be a non-constant real-valued random variable with finite support, and let $M_n(\xi)$ denote a $n\times n$ random ...
L. breitman's user avatar
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0 answers

SCoP, Iteration Domain in Polyhedral Optimization and use of Presburger arithmetic

Context: While exploring the fundamentals of polyhedral optimization and attempting to explore a connection from the input Static Control Part (SCoP) to the iteration domain from birds eye view, I am ...
F.C. Akhi's user avatar
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Is there a symbol in FA/FSM for everything else

I remember in a Computability Theory class building a state machine for an assignment that required many 'go-back' transitions on $\Sigma - symbols$ for all symbols not already handled. This was very ...
davolfman's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

An elementary question about grammar

Recently, I am studying grammar in automata. And, I have few information about this subject. I have a grammar with rules $\{S\to ASA, A\to aA, A\to \epsilon\}$. Is it true if I say that $S\to aASA$ ...
user163802's user avatar
-1 votes
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Understanding reductions and notation

I am currently working through Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation. In chapter 5, he defines that a Language $A$ is mapping reducible to language $B$, written $A\leq_m B$ if there is a ...
talon23's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a common notation for describing this operation $coNP\; ? \; NP = DP$?

While working with complexity classes, I've come along the definition of $DP$ (or $D^p$): $$DP = \{L_1 \cap L_2 \mid L_1 \in NP \text{ and } L_2 \in coNP\}$$ I am interested in a different (and much ...
Algebruh's user avatar
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Function types in Computer Science Metanotation

See Guy Steele's slides for what I refer to by "Computer Science Metanotation", specifically the bits about BNF. I often make use of the BNF syntax observed there, as a substitute for ...
Sebastian Graf's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

When to use subscript and when to make it a function?

Let's say, I have a set of cats $C = \{ a, b, c, ... \}$. Each cat has a tail. I can say, that the lengths of the tails of cats are denoted as $t_a$, $t_b$, etc. Otherwise, I can say that they are ...
yegor256's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is Big-Theta a more accurate description of worst case run time than Big-O?

Question I was asked: Does it make a difference if I say "The worst case run time is $O(n^2)$ vs the worst case run time is $\Theta(n^2)$?" To me, the only difference is that when we say $O(...
Carter Falkenberg's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does $L = \{a^n \ | \ n \geq 1, \ n \ \text{ is even or a square number}\}$ have infinite equivalence classes?

I am unsure if it has infinite equivalence classes or not, respectively how to interpret the textbook solution. My approach was that it has infinite because, lets say we have $x = a^5$ and $y = a^7$. ...
tomato's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Is there a notation for types?

Is there a notation for statements like the following: If both operands are of type int, then the result is of type int. If ...
user51462's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Dot symbol in set-builder expressions in CRDT literature?

In Conflict-free Replicated Data Types: An Overview and other CRDT-related publications by Preguiça's group, a dot symbol often appears without definition. What does it indicate, how standard is it as ...
aas's user avatar
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1 answer

What does :: indicate in all-quantifier predicates?

Can somebody explain to me the meaning of $::$ in the following predicate? $$(\forall i : P(i) : Q(i)) \equiv (\forall i :: P(i) \implies Q(i))$$
Rubus's user avatar
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