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Questions tagged [dependent-types]

An overlapping feature of type theory and type systems.

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Is there a fully combinatorial version of MLTT without lambda abstraction?

I have been learning MLTT and working on implementing its type checker referencing Coq's core language specification. Currently, I am at the stage of implementing its termination checker. I find it ...
12412316's user avatar
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Definition of semantics of coinductive type

It is relatively easy to construct an object in set/class theory which has properties of any of the following: dependent sum, dependent product, W-types. E.g. Dependent sum of a family F is just the ...
georgy_dunaev's user avatar
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In what sense do universes solve the problem of not having type $\Pi_{A:\text{Type}}B(A)$?

One motivation for introducing universes, as I see it, is that without universes, we cannot construct types like $\Pi_{A:\text{Type}}B(A)$ because they would require us to have $\Gamma.\text{Type}\...
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Dependent Types in $\lambda P$ vs MLTT

I am trying to understand the difference between $\lambda P$ and MLT, in particular the dependent type features. What is the difference between dependent types in $\lambda P$ and dependent types in ...
IllogicalUser's user avatar
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Adding type constructors to universes

Suppse we have a Tarski-style universe $U$, which means, in particular, that the following rules are declared: $$\frac{}{\Gamma \vdash U \text{ type}} \quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash a:U}{\Gamma \vdash \...
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Application of dependent product

On the proof assistants StackExchange site, someone gave this example of a dependent product: $$\prod_{i\in I}\sum_{j\in J_i}x_{ij}=\sum_{f\in\prod_iJ_i}\prod_{i\in I}x_{if(i)}$$ The dependent product ...
Theo H's user avatar
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How to find a term that proves a given proposition?

I'm reading this book, and there's something basic that I don't exactly get. The authors say that every common noun is declared to be a type. For example, $Human:Type$. Then, they give an example of ...
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Finding an inhabitant of $\Pi x: A.\Pi y:B(x). \ast$

Let $\ast$ stand for "type" and $\square$ stand for "kind" so that $\ast:\square$. Suppose I want to find an inhabitant of $\Pi x: A.\Pi y:B(x). \ast$. The derivation rules are ...
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What types can be written in Kind but not Lean?

The Kind programming language has a sufficiently powerful type system to support proving theorems like in Lean, Coq, Idris, or Agda. I've seen it said that Kind has an even more powerful type system ...
user32157's user avatar
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3 votes
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What are some examples of proofs that are also themselves "useful" programs?

With dependent types, types can be statements that are true or false and constructing a value with that type constitutes a proof of that statement. This proof/value construction is itself a program ...
ahelwer's user avatar
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What is an explanation of the replace operator in the Pie language?

This is the first concept in The Little Typer to give me quite a bit of trouble, and it appears I am not alone (1 2), so perhaps it would be beneficial to ask here. Hopefully this can be connected ...
ahelwer's user avatar
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What are strong examples of programming languages whose type systems don't embed into their native type theory?

Given a typical popular programming language, its native type theory is a dependent type theory which describes invariants, preconditions, predicates, and other generalizations of typical type-system ...
Corbin's user avatar
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Relationship between cartesian product and dependent product type

Introduction: Hi, I'm quite new to types so apologies in advance for the basic question and for any abuse of terminology. I believe I have a critical misunderstanding of dependent product types (and ...
NNNComplex's user avatar
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Proving transitivity in an intuitionistic type theory without the K rule

In Agda, if I disable axiom $\mathbb{K}$ I'm not able to prove $$ \forall\{A : \textbf{Set}\}\{a\ b : A\}\{p\ q : a \equiv b\} \to p \equiv q, $$ which I guess is normal since the system does not ...
A confused dove's user avatar
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How to specify a type for a SQL-like query?

What follows is a pretty complicated object (in an object-oriented, imperative, typed language), which I would like to create a type for with some sort of type annotations. I am open to how it is done,...
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