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Questions tagged [constraint-satisfaction]

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Sequencing swaps with constraints

I have an array of N numbers, and M swaps. Each swap has an index i and amount it subtracts from the ith number, and an index j and amount it adds to the jth number. It can only be applied if the ...
sprw121's user avatar
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Applications of a SAT Solver Oracle for Determining the Uniqueness of Solutions

I am exploring two kinds of model $𝑝_{π‘š,𝑛,k}$ and $S_{m,n,k}$ within the realm of satisfiability problems (SAT). Formal construction of $𝑝_{π‘š,𝑛,k}$ To construct the $𝑝_{π‘š,𝑛,k}$ model in ...
Jxb's user avatar
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"package" compatibility solver with verion ranges

I am looking for how to solve the package compatibility problem. I have found some relevant research and libraries. But some of them are older. I am wondering if there is any more recent research and ...
wilx's user avatar
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Resolving distance constraints in 2D

I am currently writing a tool that will be used in an industrial process to place components with physical requirements. It boils down to the following: I have a set of points (typically, a few ...
Yoric's user avatar
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Convert ternary constraint into set of binary

I have the following ternary constraint that needs to be converted into a set of binary constraints in order to be used for a constraints solving problem: ...
Stackbot124's user avatar
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How fast can we make generalized k-SAT?

Suppose a generalized version of k-SAT where the usual clauses (disjunctions of literals) are generalized to arbitrary Boolean functions of k variables. (For example, $(x \oplus (y \land z)), ((x \...
A. H.'s user avatar
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How to find a satisfying assignment in polynomial time without the use of randomness?

Assume that we are given a formula in 3-CNF such that at least 1% of the complete assignments satisfy it. My question is how to find a satisfying assignment in polynomial time without the use of ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Understanding Arc Consistency 4 in the context of Wave Function Collapse

Following this blog post about the Arc Consistency algorithms. Namely, the explanation on AC4. Consider the following example: If I understand AC problems correctly. Then: We have two known ...
bli00's user avatar
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Collaborative Multi Agent Path planning on directional and non-planar graph

I am trying to implement a multi-agent path planning algorithm that works on non-planar graphs and large agents (that is, collisions may at the intersection of two edges and at points where the edges ...
CubeArrow's user avatar
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Is minimum interval hitting problem NP-HARD?

Consider this problem: We want to mark some integer numbers such that we mark the minimum number of the numbers and satisfy some constraints. Each constraint wants that at least $k$ numbers in ...
Soroush Vahidi's user avatar
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Bipartite matching with constraints on one part

We have a bipartite graph with parts $A$ and $B$, and it is edge weighted. We have some constraints for part $B$. Each constraint is in this format: Between vertices $b_1$ and $b_2$ both from part $B$,...
Soroush Vahidi's user avatar
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Minimal set of elements needed to satisfy property counts

I have a friend who works in education. Sometimes, they need to create customized "word lists" to help students practice reading. These lists are limited in length, and must contain ...
Aderyn Thomas's user avatar
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Efficient way to calculate many Dutch auctions?

I have 4,500 ($N$) unique items, and I want to auction each one off to the highest bidder (break ties arbitrarily). Each item has $T$ binary traits. Since it is too complex for the $B$ bidders to ...
Neel's user avatar
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what is the background theory that Z3 uses to prove constraints unsat

The method to get the sat result is kind of straightforward, you can use some search algorithms like heuristic search to get a solution. But how does z3 get the unsat result like x < 2 && x ...
qingyang's user avatar
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How to solve boolean SAT with equality constraints

Say I have boolean formula in form of a CNF(x1,x2,...) with $x_i$ being boolean variables. Testing the satisfiability of the CNF is the SAT problem, i.e. determine ...
Andreas H.'s user avatar

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