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Questions tagged [siv]

SIV (Synthetic Initialization Vector) is a two-pass AEAD block cipher mode of operation described in RFC 5297. It can be used either for key-wrap (nonce-less deterministic authenticated encryption) or, with a nonce, for conventional authenticated encryption with maximal tolerance of nonce reuse.

5 votes
1 answer

What best to put in unused nonce bytes when using AES-GCM-SIV

I want to use AES-GCM-SIV for authenticated encryption of messages in my protocol. Since it is a wireless protocol I want to transmit as few bytes as possible. For successful decryption I need to ...
Karsten's user avatar
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ChaCha20-Poly1305 and AES-GCM-SIV output size

Background information: I need to encrypt 168bit messages, the ciphertext should, preferably, match the plaintext size. Message Authentication and Integrity is not a must, but a really important ...
Florebol's user avatar
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Deterministic salt for KDF

What would be recommended way to make deterministic password based file encryption? I can use SIV mode, but KDF (like Argon) takes salt for which I could use SIV tag, but I cannot make it because I ...
LightBit's user avatar
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Signal's Key Wrap: is it safe and is it custom?

The iOS version of Signal application (not the protocol) includes a form of key wrap that I've never seen elsewhere: SHA256-HMAC-SIV. It's used to encrypt your master key with your ...
Tim Shadel's user avatar
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Beyond birthday bound security in AES-GCM-SIV

AES-GCM-SIV takes a 96 bit nonce, like the original GCM. The RFC states that "it is RECOMMENDED to use this scheme with randomly chosen nonces". It uses the random nonce to generate per-...
Neil Madden's user avatar
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Trying to understand SIV mode

I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of SIV in the context of encryption. I understand the aspect of nonce misuse, etc. And I understand that the key feature for SIV is that they ensure that ...
Ayende Rahien's user avatar
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Is using CFB in SIV secure?

Is SIV mode variant equally secure, if you replace CTR mode encryption with full-block CFB mode encryption? CFB seems to be safe with predictable IV: Is using a predictable IV with CFB mode safe or ...
LightBit's user avatar
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Ignoring the TAG of the AEAD-SIV encryption

I am working with personal data that contain Identifying attributes such as a player ID and i need to prepare the data for analysis purposes, therefore i need to pseudoanonymize the data beforehand. ...
user3160046's user avatar
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Where is the SIV in AES-GCM-SIV?

This is my understanding of Synthentic IVs You have 2 keys $K_1$ & $K_2$. $F$ is a PRF Instead of choosing a separate IV, you instead generate the IV from the PlainText. $IV = F(K_1, m)$ $c = E(...
user93353's user avatar
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Is AES-GCM-SIV with fixed IV deterministic authenticated encryption?

Is there any functional or strong security difference beyond speed between AES-GCM-SIV with implicit fixed public IV and no additional data AES-CTR (or AES-OFB) with 128-bit IV computed per HMAC-SHA-...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Are there any weak nonce-misuse resistant encryption scheme?

Nonce-misuse resistance seems to have two standard notions: The stronger notion: this reveals nothing unless the exact same nonce is used to encrypt the exact same message twice. In this case, the ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Why does a "never-repeating" nonce limit a key to safely encrypt only a single block?

This questions comes from a section outlined in RFC 5297 on SIV-AES. The paragraph in particular outlines the idea of a never repeating nonce vs an "almost always" non-repeating nonce. If ...
Dave's user avatar
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Can I Achieve Deterministic Encryption Using AES-GCM with Nonce = HMAC [ message ]

I would like to implement a deterministic encryption scheme within .NET. From the following post it is established using AES-SIV mode is appropriate. As AES-SIV mode is not implemented within the ...
user67152's user avatar
5 votes
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How to Implement Deterministic Encryption Safely in .NET

I am trying to implement a deterministic encryption scheme in .NET. This link suggests I use AES-SIV mode encryption. An alternative is to use AES-CTR [ k1, nonce, message] mode with HMAC[ k2, ...
user67091's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AES-PMAC-SIV AE algorithm

AES-SIV is a very robust and safe algorithm but performance isn't great. AES-PMAC-SIV, should provide a great parallelization, increasing performance and ensuring the same robustness. Indications of ...
Leonardo's user avatar

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