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Questions tagged [related-keys]

Keys with an exploitable mathematical relationship, and the attacks they enable

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Is the CFB mode of Encryption related-key secure

I am going through the paper where the related key security of CBC mode of encryption is well analyzed. I am concerned about whether the CFB ...
Crypto_Lover's user avatar
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Derrive a new key from Trusted Third Party (e.g. Kerberos) session key

Kerberos (and I assume other Trusted Third Party protocols) use (hash) an existing shared secret key to create a session key used for authentication. I read that this authentication secret key can ...
Elliot's user avatar
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RC4 Klein (or other) attack susceptibility question

What issues do yall see with the following in terms of key recovery and related key attacks: RC4 used to "sign" a nonce: 3 byte nonce concatenated with 16 byte long term key > RC4 ...
HANGOBA's user avatar
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Using TEA to build a hash function

Background: TEA uses a 128 bit master key $K_{0\ldots3}$. All odd rounds use $K_0$, $K_1$ as the round subkey, and all even rounds use $K_2$, $K_3$. One cycle of TEA applied to the block $A_i$,$B_i$ ...
Confused about Curves's user avatar
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Encrypting with one key and decrypting with a related key

Given $n$-bit block cipher $E$ (and its inverse $E^{-1}$), define block cipher $E^\prime_k(m) = E_k(E_{f(k)}^{-1}(m))$ where $k,f(k) \in \{0,1\}^n$ and $\forall k:f(k) \ne k$. Under the ideal block ...
forest's user avatar
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Proof of score in a public game with a public contract leaderboard

Game: Users stack blocks to form an unstable tower. Each time a new block is successfully laid, the game creates a score_string which is meant as proof of the user's current score. Assume each user ...
James Moffet's user avatar
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Does Wikipedia's WEP - RC4 example really demonstrate a related key attack or just an IV reuse attack?

On Wikipedia's Related Key attacks page, there is a section about WEP as an example to related key attacks. Encryption uses the RC4 algorithm, a stream cipher. It is essential that the same key never ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Related Key Attack on Schnorr Signature - Why does the challenge include $\psi = g^x$, not $y$?

The original Schnorr signature scheme suffers from a Related Key Attack (RKA) as described by Morita et al. The authors of this paper then suggest a modification to the signature algorithm to prevent ...
YGrade's user avatar
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How exactly to concatenate two differential trails to form a boomerang disguisher in practice?

I've been reading many papers on boomerang/rectangle attacks. The general strategy is to find two trails for a small number of rounds and then concatenate them to form a longer distinguisher. ...
tcapwasraw's user avatar
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How modern messengers encryption keys can't be hacked [closed]

I dont know is this question more like reverse-engineering or cryptographic. Why governments are hunting for encryptions keys? Aren't they delievering by the network the same as the encypted messages? ...
chill its hvh's user avatar
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Is there any practical use of reduced rounds of AES

There are lots of attacks which are on reduced block ciphers. There are practical attack on five rounds of AES-128five rounds aes broken in six minutes. I was just wondering if there is any practical ...
Radium's user avatar
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Related-key attacks against Salsa20 and ChaCha

From the Salsa20 security document, DJB states that he doesn't care about related key attacks: The standard solutions to all the standard cryptographic problems—encryption, authentication, etc.—are ...
forest's user avatar
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Are two keys derived from the same password vulnerable to a related key attack?

Background I am currently writing a password manager application. As usual, the passwords are put in a file encrypted using a user-entered password. I'm using the NaCl library but actually it's not ...
Zaphod's user avatar
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secure "related-key" stream cipher

Consider a stream cipher $E(k)$ which takes a key $k$ to produce a pseudo random keystream. It should have the property that you can easily generate a set of at least 3 different keys $\{k_m, k_0, ...
Aemyl's user avatar
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Is AES resilient to chosen plaintext with access to related keys (key expansion primitives)?

I'm interested in knowing whether a cryptosystem is broken given access to a few primitives. $\DeclareMathOperator{\KEYEXP}{KEY\_EXP}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{E}$ Suppose that you have access to an ...
SciresM's user avatar
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