Analytical Chemistry Core Lab

Analytical Chemistry Core Lab

Delivering advanced capabilities for custom and routine chemical analysis including multi-omics research in proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics

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The Analytical Chemistry Core Lab is a state-of-the-art 1600-square-meter user facility housing a diverse range of advanced instrumentation. We specialize in the comprehensive analysis of inorganic and organic constituents in a wide variety of solid and liquid materials. Beyond elemental and molecular composition, our capabilities extend to the characterization of thermal, mechanical, optical, and electrical properties of materials. At the core of our facility are leading-edge mass spectrometry instruments, which we leverage for high-impact proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and petroleomics studies, including isotope ratio analysis.

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The Analytical Chemistry Core Lab offers four functional areas

The inorganics analysis unit houses some of the most widely used pieces of equipment in analytical chemistry. Our scientists are experienced with a variety of techniques to determine the elemental composition of variable materials including petroleum products, environmental samples, biological tissues or artificial polymers. We also feature instruments to quantify nutrients and organic carbon in fresh and sea water. Most of the lab’s instruments for thermal and mechanical analysis of materials are also overseen by this group of scientists.


For a listing of capabilities available in this area please click here


  • The metabolomics analysis unit utilizes mass spectrometry based methods to identify small molecules, metabolites and lipids in a variety of biological matrices.
  • The facility houses a complete array of state-of-art instrumentation including ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) or gas chromatography (GC) instruments hyphenated to a diverse mass spectrometer detectors (Orbitrap, timsTOF, TOF, triple quadrupole, ion trap).  We offer the capabilities to perform targeted and untargeted analysis of various classes of small molecules, metabolites and lipids, as well as free fatty acid analysis.

  • Our experts focus on all the steps involved in the metabolomics research: ranging from experimental design, sample treatment, instrumental analysis, data treatment and statistics. They also provide training and technical/scientific support for our users. 

Comprehensive Proteomics Solutions with State-of-the-Art Mass Spectrometry

  • At our proteomics facility, we leverage the power of cutting-edge mass spectrometry technologies to deliver comprehensive, customized solutions for your research needs.
  • Global Protein Profiling
    Our high-resolution mass spectrometers enable in-depth identification and quantification of thousands of proteins across a wide range of biological samples. This global profiling approach provides invaluable insights into complex cellular mechanisms and disease processes.
  • In-Depth Characterization of Post-Translational Modifications
    Beyond simple protein identification, we excel at comprehensive characterization of post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as phosphorylation. Our advanced workflows allow for precise mapping and relative quantitation of PTMs, revealing critical regulatory mechanisms.
  • Tailored Experimental Design and Consulting
    We understand that every research project has unique requirements. Our team of proteomics experts works closely with you to design the optimal experimental strategies, from sample preparation to data analysis. This collaborative approach ensures you receive the most relevant and impactful results for your specific biological questions.

Unlock the Depth of Your Proteome

Discover the full potential of your samples with our state-of-the-art proteomics capabilities.

Contact us to discuss how we can empower your research and accelerate your discoveries.

This unit separates a wide range of chemical compounds for both qualitative and quantitative analysis; processes include the accurate mass determination of organic molecules, identification and quantitation of organic environmental contaminants and polymer molecular weight determination.


For a listing of capabilities available in this area please click here

The surface analysis section of the lab focuses on the characterization of powders and large solid particles. Our staff scientists specialize in measurements of particle size, surface area, pore size and volume, chemical adsorption, surface energy, water vapor sorption, activity and selectivity of catalysts, and many more. The molecular spectroscopy section characterizes materials based on interactions between their molecular bonds and electromagnetic radiation resulting in absorption, emission and scattering.


For a listing of capabilities available in this area please click here