I am trying to make a cheese soufflé to surprise my girlfriend on her birthday (24 Jan). After several cooking trials, I still face a key problem: my soufflé collapsed after baking for 25-30 minutes.

What did I do wrong? Here are the steps to the recipe;

  • boil equipment
  • grease butter to the renakin, place into the freezer
  • separate egg whites (no yolk mixed)
  • add a little salt to egg whites
  • add a little sugar to egg whites
  • using a hand mixer, whip the egg whites adding more sugar during whip
  • melt 40g butter (100C)
  • Whisk 40g all purpose flour into melted butter
  • pour 250g milk slowly and whisk util it mixed
  • wait until it cools down
  • re-grease butter to the renakin, place into the freezer
  • beat the egg yolks to a creamy consistency, then pour into the milk mixture
  • add 1/3 of the mixture to the base, continue to add the whites folding very gently.
  • Preheat oven to 200C (5-10 minutes)
  • pour the mixture into the renakin
  • add the cheese on the top
  • bake at 170'C (with heat select="lower")

After about 25-30 minutes and a 2cm rise, the soufflé collapses prior to removing from oven.

updated 19 Jan Evening :

I do

  • buy better hand mixer
  • use more flour (50g)
  • move egg whites whipping process to last steps
  • reduce whipping time to 5 minutes
  • bake with heat select="lower" about 15min after that change to "upper and lower"
  • sit in front of oven and see the soufflé every moment.


  • at 20mins: the soufflé raise about 3.5 to 4cm (from 5cm height renakin)
  • around 25mins: it collapse about 0.5cm, so I immediately remove it from oven (T-T)
  • after than it collapse very fast. (I guess it is common)

Thank you very much @jefromi and @KatieK for your comments and links. I plan to buy oven thermometer this morning because I have no it yet.

updated 21 Jan Lunch :

Yesterday I found problem on the oven temperature. When I set temperature to 170 C, real temperature is 150C or below (because it keep going down). So today I try to keep in range of 160-200C and no collapses now.

Thanks you very much to everybody again for kindly help.

my souffle


1 Answer 1


There are two likely causes of soufflé problems.

1) Egg foam. Be sure that you're whipping them to peaks (soft peaks, as I recall) when you first whip them. Then, when adding the 2 mixtures together in 3rds, be sure that you're properly folding in the whites; this is a very specific technique, and easy to over-do.

2) Oven heat. Use an oven thermometer to check your oven's temp - it's probably wrong. Put some extra mass in that oven (like a baking stone or brick) to reduce wild temperature swings during baking.

But, as in the linked questions in the comments, all soufflés fall to some degree.

  • Thanks very much for comments and links. It is great video. I have no the thermometer yet so I will buy it today. Commented Jan 20, 2012 at 1:36

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