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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

For questions about the process of making a conlang.
150 questions
The grammar of a language, or its "rules", covers its phonology, morphology, syntax, as well as the semantics of its affixes and function words
81 questions
For questions about the sound systems of languages
74 questions
For questions about developing the vocabulary of a conlang
71 questions
Questions concerning the study of the forms of words, their internal structure, and how they are formed from one another through processes like inflection, derivation, and compounding.
58 questions
Questions relating to the use of writing systems, both natural and invented, as relevant to conlangs.
55 questions
Naturalism is a design goal some conlangs have, that of being deliberately similar to natural languages in some or all aspects
49 questions
For questions about the real world history of individual conlangs as well as the conlanging community
38 questions
Diachronic conlanging refers to the simulation of language change in a conlang
36 questions
For questions about words, phrases, and acronyms specific to the study of constructed languages.
34 questions
For questions about phonetics, or the study of the production and perception of speech sounds.
33 questions
For questions about the structure and formation of sentences in languages.
31 questions
for requests of conlangs which fit a specified set of criteria
30 questions
For questions dealing with verbs (a part of speach)
24 questions
For questions about the handling of tense, aspect, and mood in constructed languages.
22 questions
For questions about language features with no parallels in natural languages
21 questions
Questions comparing languages or classifying them into categories based on their linguistic features
21 questions
For questions concerning Toki Pona, the minimalistic oligomorphemic conlang published by Sonja Lang.
20 questions
For questions about how to translate words or phrases into or out of a conlang
19 questions
For requests of conlanging resources (like generators, training data, guides, and other websites).
19 questions
For questions about tools for creating or maintaining a conlang, or about tools to do Constructed Language Processing.
16 questions
For questions about constructed languages that are intended for international or interethnical communication.
15 questions
A constructed, syntactically unambiguous human language, successor to Loglan by the Logical Language Group.
15 questions
For questions concerning the Elvish languages devised by J.R.R. Tolkien.
15 questions
Whether a language should be classified as a natlang/conlang, a particular type of conlang, or even as a language at all.
15 questions
For questions about what natural languages a particular conlang was based on or inspired by
14 questions
13 questions
Ambiguity refers to words, phrases, or sentences which can be validly understood to mean multiple different things
11 questions
Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language.
11 questions
For all questions about the Klingon Language. The Klingon language is the constructed language spoken by the fictional Klingons in the Star Trek universe.
11 questions
10 questions
For questions about speech communities of constructed languages.
8 questions
Language change refers to the natural changes in a language over time as it is used by its speakers
8 questions